The History Of Prisons

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    Jail Systems Paper

    & Ruddell, 2006 , para1). What is it about prisons that would make an inmate take their life? The jail system traditionally is underfunded and understaffed. Today in prisons and jails the overcrowding is a big concern. For many the jail is a house of horror. The current problems with the jail system will be discussed in this paper. Solutions to the problems will be given as well. Describe the jails place in corrections and its role throughout history. The jails role in corrections is to hold

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    Rehabilitation Paper CJS/230 Introduction to Corrections September 14, 2014 In this paper, there will be thorough evaluations made about issues revolving around in prisons. It is a sticky topic being that reformers look to see if a prisoner can be rehabilitated in order to regain entrance into functioning society. Once this information is accessed, then can the prisoner be eligible for forms of release, including, parole, probation, community service, and other methods of early

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    Lecture Notes

    What is Punishment? Why Punish? PART II Note: * When people think about prison people think about the absolute worst thing there could be * If you think about it Santa to little kids, kind of plays a policing or surveillance role * Other Examples: * Pinocchio (Don’t Lie) * Hansel and Gretel * Snow White (Don’t take food from strangers) * Boy That Cried Wolf * Little Red Riding Hood (Don’t talk to strangers) * You can learn a lot about a

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    Sentencing in the U.S.

    should be substantially like that of a similarly situated person in another part of the country. The Guidelines are formulaic and they operate to calculate a prison term using several criteria. Broadly speaking, these can be broken down into several categories. 1. The nature of the crime 2. The accused person’s criminal history 3. Certain aggravating or mitigating factors that may or may not be present in a particular case. NATURE OF THE OFFENSE The place to begin the analysis

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    paper is about a known 17 year old black gang member with multiple previous juvenile adjudications that consist of crimes such as purse snatching, breaking and entering, and drug possession. This young man, who goes by Xander L, not only has a long history of law breaking and bad behavior starting at the age of 13, but also has already served a year in a juvenile corrections facility along with serving two probation terms. While it is believed he has a strong relationship with his mother, Xander reports

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    Rehabilitation Paper

    inmates in today’s prison system the drive to want to better them. This paper will break down rehabilitation in prison and the origin of where it came from. Also we will discuss how parole differs from mandatory release and how probation differs from other forms of sentencing. We will also discuss community corrections and what it means and furthermore, we will critique the current rehabilitation options and if there are better options or solutions that may be used in today’s prison system. Rehabilitation

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    Incarcerated People In Prison

    people incarcerated in the United States (Wagner). Within the prison system it is often an issue trying to figure out how to keep people who deviated from the rules on the outside to now follow the within prison. This problem increases when there is such a high population in the prison and not enough eyes control every movement that occurs . While there are correctional officers who are in charge of making sure that each rule in the prison system is followed, this does not stop some of the incarcerated

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    Guantanamo and Human Rights

    Guantánamo still appeared to many as a strange aberration, as an “animal,” with “no other like it,” as Justice Ginsburg stated. Descriptions of Guantánamo as a lawless zone enhanced this image of its exceptional status: a legal black hole, a legal limbo, a prison beyond the law, a “permanent United States penal colony floating in another world.”3 Yet since the revelations of prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib in Iraq and the leak of the Washington “torture memos,” it has become increasingly clear that, more than

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    1.03 U.S. Government: Citizens in Action

    for the past 7 years, you obviously know all this information and might women as to the point of this letter. Well, I write you to tell you that I strongly believe we need a new national holiday for Dorothea Dix. While she is featured in Woman’s History Month, I believe a national holiday should be invoked in honor of her true patriotism, bravery, and belief in human rights. In the 1800’s when she lived, women were treated as the obvious “seen and not heard” of the two genders. But even from a young

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    Employability of Ex-Prisoners

    record numbers of people transition from incarceration to the community. A great number of employers are reluctant to hire individuals with a criminal past citing lack of skills and work history, untrustworthiness, and fear of liability for negligent hiring, among other things. Employers use of criminal history background checks over the past decades and they are less willing to hire ex-offenders that any other advantaged group. Their willingness to hire ex-prisoners varies according to the industry

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