MKT2SMA Service Marketing Semester 3, 2011 Coogee Sand Hotel & Apartment Qian Yi STU ID: QIYIF113 You Liang STU ID: YOLIF111 16 January 2012 Table of Contents 1. Acknowledgements 3 2. Executive Summary 4 3. Coogee Sands Hotel & Apartment’s corporate and marketing objectives 5 4. Situation Analysis6-10 5. Customer Analysis11-12 6. Service Product Analysis13 7. Current Pricing Strategies 14 8. Current Promotional Strategies 15 9. Service
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absorbed the world and our minds. Can you just imagine our life without all those computers, automated machines, and especially cell phones? Mobile cell phones have become an essential element in our lives and have made their own single stand. Mobile cell phones play a significant roll in our daily lives. Mobile cell phone technology spreads more rapidly than any previous technology, for example, posting mail or sending mail using the Internet. It has become a powerful tool for development. The mobile
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Introduction ‘’X-News, everything you need as expat’’ Starting up a new life in a different country can be really tricky. Image being all by yourself in a country you know nothing about. Of course you will image that this is hard. As you know, there are already a lot of expat centre’s, websites and meetings. There is only one thing missing in the expat- market! A radio show aiming at expats, the first one on the Internet. Aiming at this particular target audience we will reach out to a new unattended
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characteristics and factors of online students. With online learning there are many factors and characteristics that potential students must be aware of. A potential student needs to have the capability and comfort of using modern computer software and internet technology, and also the ability to communicate effectively whether using a specific e-mail system or online threaded discussions. Those would be considered technical factors. Environmental factors that potential students need to be aware of is the
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Cultural Artifact Palwasha khan AIU Online Cultural Artifact A cultural artifact is a man-made object which gives information about the culture of its creator and users. The artifact may change over time in what it represents, how it appears and how and why it is used as the culture changes over time. This can also be seen in bio facts. A bio fact represents biotechnological changes in a living entity, according to cultural visions. It is the term which is used in the social sciences, particularly
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and law-enforcement officials who track Internet crime say scams have intensified in the past six months, as fraudsters take advantage of economic confusion and anxiety to target both consumers and businesses. Thieves are sending out phony emails and putting up fake Web sites pretending to be banks, mortgage-service providers or even government agencies like the Federal Bureau of Investigation or the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Cell phones and Internet-based phone services have also been used
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relation to the ordinary citizen. After reading Cybersecurity and Cyberwar, I feel like it comes at an interesting time in the history of security services world-wide, when the extent of inter-connectivity of every agency, corporation and individual makes cyber-surveillance easier to put into effect. The authors are experts in their field: Peter Singer is Senior Fellow and Director of the Center for 21st Century Security and Intelligence at the Brookings Institution, a former coordinator of Obama's
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What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains. In the summer of 2008, Carr’s piece, Is Google Making Us Stupid?, was published in The Atlantic Monthly. In this essay, Carr declares that the Internet is altering the way people think (500). Carr writes that the Internet lowers the ability for concentration and consideration (501). He believes the ability to read and understand a lengthy piece of writing has also been practically entirely lost (Carr 501). Carr additionally states that the Internet has severed
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One would question if technology plays a big role in our daily lives. There's a lot of talk going on about technology in schools. Does it make them more astute than others? Would a student use it the wrong way? Would technology affect their brains in a good or bad way? I do believe that the technology purchased will harm the students’ life. In fact, it might even sabotage their education, and they might learn less. Also, multitasking might cause interruptions of their schooling and bring them down
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Life Cycle of a Product It is a generally accepted statement that 90% of the products we use today did not exist in their current form five years ago. Similarly, 90% of the products we will be using five years from now do not currently exist. Whether this statement is entirely accurate or not, we can all identify products that have changed from their original form and/or content. And, with today's rapid changes in technology, almost every product will undergo some sort of modification during its
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