Initially the Italian Peninsula had three main groups on it, the Romans, the Greeks and the Etruscans. Rome itself was founded in 753 B.C.E. An Etruscan led monarchy was overthrown in 509 B.C.E. The Roman Republic consisted of two Consuls who were chosen annually and led the army into battle. The Roman praetor ruled in the consul’s absence but was responsible for civil justice. New praetors were put in place to rule over conquered provinces. During emergencies a temporary dictator was voted in who
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religious family which gradually developed structures to the identity of real society. 2. Achievements: In the 2nd & 3rd cen, Christianity succeeded in penetrating the dominant Roman-Hellenistic culture. Although, the Church is subjected to persecutions, she nevertheless became the greatest creative force in the culture of the Roman world. Important figures & events: 1. The blood of the Martyrs – Ignatius of Antioch, Polycarp of Smyrna & Justin Martyr. 2. The great teachers – Irenaeus, Tertullian, Clement
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The middle ages is a period that most certainly cannot be addressed as a period that no events occurred and all was so called "dark". Many Tragic events did happen, but during this period many events happened that weren't so dark. Such things as the rise of new Universities, the division of Christianity and the Renaissance. Let's begin to think of the middle ages as the birth of Western Civilization, instead of the images we have in our heads due to movies and high school history. During the High
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For the first time in over 600 years, the Pope has stepped down from his holy position and abandoned his role in the Roman Catholic Church. In history, only four other Popes have resigned. Every Pope for the past 600 years has lived through their issues, personal matters, and problems to serve the Roman Catholic community and has died in their position. The Pope of the Roman Catholic Church, which values tradition, should have kept with the tradition of dying in his seat of holy power. However
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lead to these reformations during the 16th century are quite lengthy. During the 14th century, salvation outside of the church was not possible. Thus, religion played a prominent role in the daily lives of people. However, many issues began to rise amongst all things religion. In 1309, internal conflict within the Catholic Church caused for its capital to be moved from Rome to Avignon. This shift of power started a war between France and England that lasted for nearly a century. To add to the
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Throughout the 11th, 12th, and beginning of 13th centuries, the Roman Catholic Church had a keen interest in the religious groups ruling the Holy Land, “ it must have been taken for granted in western Christendom that another major campaign to recover the Holy place would be attempted”. The Holy Land represented a critical historical point for the Christian Orthodox, and Islam on account of its religious monuments and the power that accompanied the control of the city. To both religions, the significance
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Tyler’s Rebellion - Forced landowners to offer better conditions (terms) for their workers. It allowed the smaller portion of the citizens, peasant property owners, to emerge because of the sudden drop in value of money. Babylonian Captivity - The papacy lost much of its authority, so the French tried to fix that by electing two popes, one of which lived in Rome, and the other in Avignon. The pope in Avignon was more respected, but neither would resign. Hundred Years’ War - War between England and
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power but political as well. The rise of the papacy, and doctrinal controversies severed as a backdrop for the need to answer these pressing matters. The recognition of these writings as authoritative was formalized in the Second Council of Trullan of 692, although it was nearly universally accepted in the mid 300's.1 The Biblical canon was the result of debate and research. One of the key events that influence the recognition of the canonical books was the rise of "Gnosticism” they taught and
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With the weight of executive and military power shifted east, the Roman West would become a shadow of its old self. The sack of Rome by Alaric in 410 was such a profound religious and psychological event that St. Augustine was compelled to elaborate his “City of God” concept. And yet Rome possessed two irrefutable advantages:
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riots and strikes during which Italian workers had occupied the factories where they worked. The Italian government of the time was unable to maintain order and control these upheavals. The state of affairs gave Benito Mussolini the opportunity to rise to power in Italy. Teacher, journalist and soldier, Mussolini advocated extreme right-wing policies. Promising order and upholding the ideal of patriotism, Mussolini had gathered around him his own private brigade and army. Mussolini's followers carried
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