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    this age group very few people work, it is reasonable to think of the remainder, that is, 408 million people, as the "dependent population". A nation's "dependency ratio" is the ratio of the dependent population to the working-age population. In the case of India this turns out to be 0.6. On this score India does not look too different from many other developing countries. Bangladesh's dependency ratio is 0.7, Pakistan's 0.8, Brazil's 0.5. | Your views on this article | What is different about

    Words: 1581 - Pages: 7

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    Golf Patric

    Golf Participation in America, 2010-2020 B Y J O S E P H F. B E D I T Z , P H . D . A N D J A M E S R . K A S S NATIONAL GOLF FOUNDATION Introduction RECENT DECLINES IN THE NUMBER of golfers and golf Figure 1: Golfer Participation - year by year 35 30 25 Golfers (mm) 20 15 10 5 0 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 courses, coupled with a reduction in golf consumer spending, have many in the industry asking: “Where is the game headed?” And when we

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    Aboriginal Environmental Change

    Generally but not always the men would hunt the animals via nets or spears, where the women in most cases would gather and capture plant foods, which would include, wild fruit, nuts, eatable leaves, snakes, goannas, tortoises, berries and plant roots. These items would vary depending on the time of the year, the season and the weather. The Aboriginal

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    Physics Analogy

    controversial issue all on its own. The director of Cato’s Project on Criminal Justice, Tim Lynch, writes that “The defensive use of guns happens much more often than people realize,” and, “Each year gun owners prevent a great deal of criminal mayhem—murders, rapes, robberies, and batteries.” In the Cato Institute’s study, a gun is never even fired in the vast majority of self-defense cases. From the information gathered in the Cato’s Project, many crimes are prevented from innocent citizens being armed

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    Term Paper on Appollo

    About The Hospital: Apollo Hospitals Dhaka is the only JCI Accredited 450-bed multi-disciplinary super-specialty tertiary care hospital in Bangladesh, confidently providing comprehensive health care with the latest medical, surgical and diagnostic facilities. These services are provided by expert medical professionals, skilled nurses and technologists using state-of-the-art technology. The hospital started its operation on April 16, 2005 with a mission to provide high quality international standard

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    Budget Deficit

    as the difference between the government revenue and the government expenditure calculated over some set period (one year). It occurs when the expenditure has exceeded the income for some set period of time. In most cases the result is an increase in government borrowing as was the case in the UK. When the government is operating at the deficit and still the economy is strong, it becomes the challenge to most of the citizens and the government dealings as well (Aaron, 2014, pp. 1). Short run deficit

    Words: 1957 - Pages: 8

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    Pickup Noodle

    working on a new start up project to start in 2013. The business plan Loca Group has made involves a fast food cup noodle station, adapted from a similar concept that has been widely successful in its country of origin, Japan. The station will be called PickCup Noodles, and it aims to fulfill the demand for noodles consumption within Malaysia. Because the concept of a fast food noodle station is relatively new to the Malaysian market, the main problem found within the project is brand recognition. However

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    Human Trafficking in the Us

    combat human trafficking in the United States.    Kidnapping, sex slaves, work servitude, sex trade, all of these words have something in common: human trafficking. Contrary to what was widely believed, this doesn’t just happen in other countries. Cases of human trafficking have been reported in all 50 states of the US. For a long while human trafficking was something that we in the US looked down upon other countries for, not paying attention to the fact that it was happening in our own back yards

    Words: 1916 - Pages: 8

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    Characteristics of Market

    Characteristics of the Market where Marks & Spencer Operate Their Business Marks & Spencer is a retail organization and their main business is to sell necessary commodities to customers through their super shops in home and abroad. Retail organizations are emerging with new product and facilities day by day. It becomes a competitive business sectors in UK. Retail business are seem to be profitable than other business as a result many people are found to be interested to invest in the retail

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    Cyclone Condition in Bangladesh

    is a newly independent country; this country is only 43 years old. But, within her little age she faces different problems. Still she is fighting and her only weapon is development. Bangladesh passed her four decades through different development projects. Among them environmental developments is one of her priorities. Environment is that section which controls other development process such in a way that if it is not ensured other developments will not going to fit. Moreover, it is environment which

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