Hape 心怀一个帮助天下孩子实现梦想的夙愿。这个美好的愿望,始于27年前。 上个世纪八十年代,一位年轻的铸器师迎来了他的第一个孩子。因为自己的童年和木头玩具 结下了不解之缘,为了让自己的宝宝也能和其他孩子一样拥有丰富的童年,他索性开始自己动手制作玩具。就这样,孩子有了不一样的童年,爸爸的木头玩具也越来 越有特色,制作工艺也越来越精湛。在当地一些幼儿园的强烈要求下,他从提供幼教道具开始,走上了研发玩具的道路,这便是Hape最早的公司 Handstein Peter Kindergarten Service(以下简称HaPe Kiga Service)(Hape幼儿园服务)。 这位父亲,就是Hape的创始人兼董事长彼得•汉斯丹(Peter Handstein)先生。时年,1986。 由一个普通幼儿园玩具供应商华丽转身成为享誉全球的优质玩具品牌,我们经历了漫长的蜕变。今天,Hape 注册商标,已经成为一个行销全世界50多个国家和地区的国际尖端竹、木制玩具品牌。它不仅致力于研制精美的玩具,而且还坚持关注地球母亲的未来,致力于担 当行业的“环保卫士”,从源头、过程、终端等各环节进行严格控制,力求最大限度地降低对环境的负面影响。
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the application of differential calculus, integral calculus and matrix algebra, measures of central tendencies, measures of averages, correlation and regression etc. It also includes the application of the techniques of management science such as Linear programming, Game theory, CPM and PERT analyses to business problems. The relevance and usefulness of Quantitative Techniques in seven functional areas of Management are discussed in this paper. Introduction: Truly, the importance of Quantitative proficiency
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Orange Instructional Unit Grades 3-6 By: Jennifer Palermiti This unit will look into the many different uses of an orange, combing science, history, language arts, and mathematics with a Florida based theme. This unit can be used to teach students of a wide variety of ages and abilities. Goal and Standard Goal 1 – To understand different information about the history of oranges, where they come from and how they can be used in today’s societies. Goal 2 – To find out where the largest orange
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Computer science From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Computer science or computing science (abbreviated CS) is the study of the theoretical foundations of information and computation and of practical techniques for their implementation and application in computer systems.[1][2] Computer scientists invent algorithmic processes that create, describe, and transform information and formulate suitable abstractions to model complex systems. Computer science has many sub-fields;
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many more challenges than ever before. Accommodating for sustainability and creating economical designs must be ensured. This is the challenges professional engineer’s face on a daily basis, an engineer is a person who applies their knowledge in the sciences and mathematics to design and provide services required for the publics need. Engineers are abided by the code of ethics and section 77 of regulation 941 states that all licensed engineers act with the following statement “knowledge of developments
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NAME: ARNEJO, MURIELLE ANNE C. BEED-ECEIII 1.Reflected diary-A reflective journal is a means of recording ideas, personal thoughts and experiences, as well as reflections and insights a student have in the learning process of a course. In addition to the demands of a typical written assignment (e.g. able to give definition on concepts, demonstrate basic understanding of course materials), reflective journal requires the students to think more deeply, to challenge their old ideas with new
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executed; later these languages acquired advanced features such as logical branching and object orientation. The computer languages of the last fifty years have come in two stages, the first major languages and the second major languages, which are in use today. In the beginning, Charles Babbage’s difference engine could only be made to execute tasks by changing the gears which executed the calculations. Thus, the earliest form of a computer language was physical motion. Eventually, physical motion
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Describe On March 20, 2017, I returned to Rogers Middle School to observe Mrs.Christensen’s sixth grade advanced science class from 12:45 to 2:45. When I arrived to Mrs.Christensen’s classroom, her students were sitting quietly at their desk completing their homework from the previous week. As I walked into the classroom, I was greeted with a warm welcome from Mrs. Christensen and her students, who told me they were happy that I was back. Mrs.Christensen’s class contains 26 heterogeneously grouped
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Darwin’s Influence on Discrimination Many regard Charles Darwin as the Father of Evolution, a scientific breakthrough that is considered one of the greatest accomplishments in science. Little does the general public consider the social effects that his contributions made on racism, as well as sexism, not only in his lifetime, but also for the generations following his research. His recognition in one area of study automatically made him a voice that echoed for centuries against women’s suffrage
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to know what your child is watching on television. The media is a powerful tool that doesn’t always teach a positive lesson. Media have provided the means and opportunity for children to distort reality into fallacies through television and video games. While media programs have a negative effect on children, there are some positive programs. The largest amounts of violence are found in children shows. Children between the age of 2 and 18 spends 6 hours and 32 minutes on an average a day using
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