Theo 201 Short Essay 1

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    Theo 201 Short Essay 1

    Name: Warren Brooks Writing Style Used: MLA Course and Section Number: THEO 201 D27 Short Essay on Inspiration and Inerrancy It was a routine morning; I woke up to the buzz of my alarm, had breakfast, and was on my way to the park where I have my daily Bible study. However, on this day, my time at the park did not go according to routine as normal. A jogger that regularly runs through the park suddenly approached me. He told me his name, but the next words that came out of his mouth were: “How

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    Anthropology: Marriage and Divorce --

    Rodney Varner; THEO 201-B11_201240 September 15, 2012 Short Essay # 2 Short Essay on Christology As I was going home from work, two well-dressed gentlemen accost me, handing me some literature explaining what they believe. As I glanced over it, one sentence stood out stating that Jesus was a man and could not be God. I then told them that Christology in its most basic definition means the study of Christ. Christology focuses on Jesus’ nature and the person he was, as well as the details

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    Zack Messmore MLA Format Theo 201-B23 Christology In the branch of natural science called thermodynamics which deals with energy and how energy worsd, there is a term called “triple point” Triple point in simplified terms refers to the point at which a substance reaches a specific temperature and pressure which enables it to be gas, liquid, and solid. A popular example of this is water, which has a specific triple

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    Theo 201 Essay 1

    Name: Writing Style Used: MLA Course and Section Number: THEO 201 Essay on Topic Short Essay on Inerrancy and Inspiration As a Christian I read the bible to grow closer to God, to understand who he is and what he is about. But understanding what the bible says is not the only thing that is important for a Christian, we must understand why we believe it. Understanding why we believe it comes from understanding its authority, its inerrancy, and its inspiration. First we must understand

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    Spiritual Gifts

    Kendall Lucy THEO 201 – D17 Short Essay 3 Spiritual Gifts Logging in to facebook yesterday, I noticed that I had a message from an old friend that I had not seen since high school. She wanted to know if I would talk to her about spiritual gifts and answer some questions that were being debated in her church. She wanted answers to questions about spiritual gifts, the Fruit of the Spirit, speaking in tongues, and baptism in the Holy Spirit. I told her that I would share

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    Jae Lee MLA Theo 201-D21 Short Essay on Inerrancy and Inspiration. While sitting on a bench in a nearby park I was reading the Bible, when a jogger had stopped in the middle of his jog and asked me why am I reading the Bible and do I really think that the words of God has authority. So I answered his first question by telling him that I am a student in a Christian College and that I found my love for God. The second question that he had, I answered him with a question saying whoever might you

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    Short Essay # 2 Christology

    Samuel Nelms THEO 201-B22LUO Short Essay #2 Christology September 15, 2012 As I was walking two men approached me, handing me some literature on why Jesus was a man and not also God. The gentlemen asked me, what do you think of our claim? I responded, If Jesus is just a man, were all doomed, because his humanity and deity are inseparable”. I explained to them, that the biblical basis for Jesus humanity was that he came as sacrifice for our sins and to identify with his creation. I told them

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    Short Essay 4 Satanology

    Short Essay 4 Angelology and Satanology Kati Bowlin Theo 201-D27 Religious dualism is the belief that teaches that the world consists of two basic forces; good and evil. God is viewed as the representation of good, Satan is the representation of evil. This belief is widespread and the majority of people would probably say that this is just the way things are. The eternal battle between God and Satan is constantly portrayed in movies and television as two equal forces battling over the souls

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    Angelology and Satanology

    THEO 201-B21 Short Essay #4 Angelology and Satanology When you look throughout culture there is no longer a longing to know about eternal life or what God wants for our lives. People are happy to live their life how they want to without much thought to how there choices impact the world around them. When you think of religious dualism not many things come to mind. Most people would not understand it or have a good guess to how to define it. Religious dualism designates “two parts” and

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    Shirley Lee-Perez Posted to: 201320 Spring 2013 THEO 201-D 10 LUO Professor Christopher Burroughs Short Essay #2 [Christology] As I was on my way home from work, two well-dressed gentlemen accosted me, handing me some literature which explained what they believed. As I glanced over it and was drawn to one sentence: “Jesus was a man and as such could not also be God.” Seeing the puzzled look on my face, one of the men asked me what I thought about the claim. The Biblical basis for Jesus humanity

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