...Theology 201-D17 Christology As you are going home from work, two well-dressed gentlemen accost you, handing you some literature explaining what they believe. You glance over it and are drawn to this sentence: "Jesus was a man and as such could not also be God." Seeing the puzzled look on your face, one of the men asks you what you think of this claim. For two gentlemen to come and show me such a paper with their thoughts on it is in a way sad. The men do not have the proper knowledge of the Lord that they need. I believe that it is my goal to express my relationship and knowledge in which they can absorb into their knowledge. The biblical basis for Jesus’ humanity is indicated in his suffering on the cross. Jesus went through the pain and horrible suffering to die for our sins. He is a man because he walked among other men and grew everyday as a man. “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us”. (Romans 5:8). The biblical basis for Jesus’ deity, meaning a God, refers to his direct connection to the Father who sent him so save humanity. He is what man should be and is the ideal example of how man should live. He is our Lord and Savior because of what he was sent to do and because he opened our eyes to sin and how we should live life through the Father. Jesus can both God and Man at the same time because he has the characteristics of both. Jesus is both a God and a Man, but is presented as one individual known as the Hypostatic...
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...Short Essay 2 Theology Christology – As you are going home from work, two well-dressed gentlemen accost you, handing you some literature explaining what they believe. You glance over it and are drawn to this sentence: "Jesus was a man and as such could not also be God." Seeing the puzzled look on your face, one of the men asks you what you think of this claim. Keeping this scenario in mind, answer the following questions in your essay: * What is the biblical basis for Jesus' humanity? In the Synoptic gospels, he was seen born of a woman, found lying in a cradle, growing, learning, subject to hunger, anxiety, doubt disappointment and surprise. Mark 2:15, 14:33; 15:34; Luke 2:40; 7:9, and finally to death and burial. Elwell. R.S WALLACE AND G.L. GREEN Pg 239 * What is the biblical basis for Jesus' deity? He claimed to forgive sin, thus assuming a prerogative that belong to God. Mark 2:5 – 7. He allows people to worship him, thus asserting himself as deity. Matthew 14:33, 28:9, John 20:28, 29 claimed any comparative attributes of omnipresence, omniscience, and omnipotence. He claimed to be in heaven John 3:13 and then nature would obey his words Mark 4:39. See towns 156 Explain how Jesus can be both God and Man at the same time (Hypostatic Union). “In the incarnation of the son of God, a human nature was inseparably united forever with the divine nature into one person of Jesus Christ, yet with the two natures remain distinct, whole, and unchanged...
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...Christology Charlene Smalls Theology 201 June 16, 2014 Incarnation means "to become flesh." in incarnation the second person of the Trinity, the Word, became flesh and dwelt among us. John 1:1, "in the beginning was the word, the word was with God, and the word was God." John 1:14, tells us "And the word became flesh and dwelt among us . When the Word became flesh, he dwelt in the womb of Mary and was born as Jesus. Jesus is the incarnation of God. He is God in flesh. Col. 2:9 tells "for in him dwells all the fullness of deity in bodily form." Another term for the incarnation of God in reference to Jesus is the hypostatic union. The term "incarnation" does not appear in the New Testament, but the concept is definitely taught: John 1:1, 14; Col. 2:9; Phil. 2:5-8; 1 Tim. 3:16; 1 John 4:2; John 20:28; Heb. 1:8 (ref) There are two views stology teaches that God the son; the second person of the Trinity laid aside the use of certain divine attributes or emptied Himself in the incarnation in order to become fully human. This view is also called the incarnation when the second person of the Godhead became flesh. this doctrine reaches reached every area of Christian theology and effects every area as well. The doctrine of the incarnation reveals the identity of Christ this theology touches the pre-existence of Christ, Christ’s humanity, deity, sinlessness, and His three-fold office and more. The traditional view of Christology maintains that Jesus exercised both...
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...Samuel Nelms THEO 201-B22LUO Short Essay #2 Christology September 15, 2012 As I was walking two men approached me, handing me some literature on why Jesus was a man and not also God. The gentlemen asked me, what do you think of our claim? I responded, If Jesus is just a man, were all doomed, because his humanity and deity are inseparable”. I explained to them, that the biblical basis for Jesus humanity was that he came as sacrifice for our sins and to identify with his creation. I told them,” it’s important to remember that his humanity is different from ours”. Jesus had no sin that permeates the rest of us. Jesus is what God intended for us to be. It’s through Jesus that our humanity can be purely and truly expressed. He always did the right thing and never sinned. None of us can say the same thing (Romans 5:12-19). The Biblical basis for Jesus humanity is just as important as his biblical basis for his deity. In 1Corithians15:3-8 Jesus deity is stated. That, for what I received I passed on to you as of first importance. That Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to scripture, and he appeared to Peter, than to the Twelve. After that, he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers at the same place, most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep. Then he appeared to James, than to all apostles, and last of all he appeared to me also, as to one abnormally born. For Jesus...
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...Christology In the following essay I will address the topic of Christology. Merriam-Webster defines Christology as, “theological interpretation of the person and work of Christ”. (Christology. (n.d.). Retrieved November 19, 2015, from http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Christology) Walter Elwell further states that “in one the one person of Christ there are two entire natures, the human and the divine, including two wills’. (Ewell, 1984, 2001, p. 872) The Bible makes it very clear that Jesus was both all God and all man. John 1:14 says, “The Word (Jesus) became flesh and made his dwelling with us.” (NIV) and Galatians 4:4-4 says “But when the time had fully come, God sent His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive the full rights of sons.” (NIV) We see by these scriptures that Jesus was in fact a man, a human being. The Bible also makes it clear that Jesus was in fact God on earth. Philippians 2:6-7 says,” Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:” (KJV). In John 14:9 Jesus said, “The one who has seen Me has seen the Father” (KJV) and John 10:30 Jesus said, “I and my Father are one”. (KJV). God Himself claims Jesus as His son in Matthew 3:17 “And lo a voice from heaven, saying, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (KJV) making Jesus equal with God. That’s...
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...Running head: Christology Christology Christology The claim that Jesus was a man and as such could not also is God is one that has been highly debated. The fact that Jesus was a man can be confirmed by another religion, Islam claims that he was a great prophet. For Christians it is maintained that Jesus was fully God and fully man. The hypostatic union of Jesus is the cornerstone of the faith, his humanity sets the example for us to live by and his deity makes the only sacrifice sufficient for our sins. The Bible gives plenty of examples of how Jesus was fully human. The book of Luke chapter 2 gives two examples of Jesus’ humanity first by talking about his birth. The second example is when the chapter talks about how he became strong in the spirit as he grew when he was at the temple. The Bible gives another example of Jesus’ humanity “Jesus wept at the death of Lazarus (John 11:35). The Bible gives examples of his humanity in John 4:6 at the well he was tired from his journey and needed a drink from the well. Mathew 4:2 After 40 days of fasting he was hungry. All of the examples in scripture point to a very human nature of Jesus. If he were not fully human he would not have been tired and thirsty after a journey nor would he be hungry after not eating and he definitely would not have cried at the death of a friend. Those are all very human needs and emotions but through that he also displays the deity side of him. Jesus was also fully God and there are plenty examples...
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...THE COUNCIL OF EPHESUS [431], THE THEOLOGICAL ISSUES ADDRESSED, AND THE KEY FIGURES INVOLVED. Student’s Name Registration Course Date CONTENTS Topic 4 The Introduction…..4 ThesisStatement 5 Nestorius: Author of Heresy………………………………………………………………………6 The Theology of the Council…………………………………………………………………..…12 Findings…………………………………………………....15 Bibliography 16 THE COUNCIL OF EPHESUS [431], THE THEOLOGICAL ISSUES ADDRESSED, AND THE KEY FIGURES INVOLVED. INTRODUCTION This paper presents an inspiring story that focuses on the Christian enthusiasm concerning the faithful during the period of the fifth century. The faithful Christians staged war where they opposed the heresy that could have been the cause of degrading the faith through the incarnation and finally leading to the derogation of the Mother of God's dignity. Following this instance, it is very much possible to imagine that the good reaction or even its absence in the present times ecumenical Liberals leads to the emergence of Nestorius during our time1. However, the Catholics who lived in the fifth century, glory to God, had a close relationship with Martyrs Age. In this regard, it then becomes necessary to find out how these Catholics defended their faith, taking into consideration that for each and every moment that a Catholic follower prays these days, conducts such prayers through the enthusiasm of Ephesus in 431. Indeed, an Ecumenical or the General Council of the Church refers to the sole...
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...Short Essay on Christology John 3: 16 says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in his shall not perish but have ever lasting life.” We see the humanity of Jesus so perfectly in this scripture. Jesus was given to the world to live a sinless, perfect life so that the world would see in flesh the Devine Authority of God. In Elwells article of Christology he points out that the virgin birth and resurrection are obvious signs of his humanity because just as humans, he was born and he died. There are many verses that explain the deity of God but the most basic and important in my opinion is Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” The question of God’s deity rests in the very first verse of the Bible. He created the world for us to be sinless and blameless and we messed it up. So He gave us His only son to die on the cross for OUR sins so that we could have eternal life in heaven. We are so undeserving of his love and forgiveness but He gives it to us anyway. In the scenario above a man claims “Jesus was a man and as such could not also be God.” However, 1 Corinthians 3:23 simply states, “and you are of Christ, and Christ is of God.” First off, I would like to say that God is the almighty, powerful, sovereign, Eternal Father. He can be both God and Man because he is all-powerful. The Hypostatic Union explains the union of the divine nature and the human nature in the incarnation of the Son...
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...THE EARLIEST CHRISTIAN WRITINGS LESSON 1 Question 1: (1 Points) | What is the most widespread method of Biblical interpretation used by scholars today?<!--[if !supportLists]--> a. Mystical b. Allegorical c. Historical critical d. Literal | | | | | Question 2: (1 Points) | What was the message of early Christianity?<!--[if !supportLists]--> a. Salvation comes through fast b. Salvation comes through circumcision c. Salvation is by faith d. Salvation is by self punishment | | | | | Question 3: (1 Points) | The New Testament consists of: <!--[if !supportLists]--> a. 4 Gospels, 21 letters, 1 Apocalypse b. 3 Gospels, 1 Acts, 22 Letters, 1 Apocalypse c. 4 Gospels, 1 Acts, 21 Letters, 1 Apocalypse d. 3 Gospels, 2 Acts, 21 Letters | | | | | Question 4: (1 Points) | Which one of these are seen in the Bible as signs of the presence of the Kingdom of God?<!--[if !supportLists]--> a. Gospels b. Parables c. Miracles d. Teachings | | | | | Question 5: (1 Points) | Matthew, Mark and Luke are based on what writing?<!--[if !supportLists]--> a. Pseudepigrapha b. Quelle c. Apocrypha d. John | | | | | | CHRISTIANITY IN THE ROMAN EMPIRE LESSON 2 Question 1: (1 Points) | Christianity was born in what Empire?<!--[if !supportLists]--> a. Babylonian b. Assyrian c. Hellenistic d. Roman | | | | | Question 2: (1 Points)...
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...Evangelism that took place in the early church was implemented through the word of God and the love Jesus had (still has) for all mankind. Consummated; by indwelling those believers with the Holy Spirit. Thus giving the believers such hope that they could not contain. In the same manner Jesus could not contain the love God had/has for everyone so he came to this earth that he created in the flesh to release from bondage those who were willing to submit themselves to Him. Not picking this one or that one due to their influence or looks, but to all. He gave Himself to the world. Not leaving the early church void, but filling it with the consuming power of the Holy Spirit. When Jesus spoke he gave a consistent message and the finalization of that message (God) the glory for it all. Complete obedience and faithfulness was a part of Jesus’ character. Always seeking the lost (Lk. 19:10); never wavering from the mission or the message. Looking Simon (Peter) and Andrew straight in the eye; Jesus said: “Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men” (Mt. 4:19). While this statement demonstrated a convicting boldness it did not lack compassion, nor did it take away the contagious courage He knew the disciples would need in the coming days when they would begin to preach the Gospel. All three of these attributes are found in the Gospel message. In the same manner, in the same character, in the same image the disciples and the early church demonstrated God’s love through Jesus...
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...“Christology” Dana Peebles THEO 201: THEOLOGY SURVEY 1 Writing Style: APA Professor Gaston July 19, 2014 It had been a long day at work. While I just wanted to get home and relax, I was stopped from doing so by two gentlemen handing me literature. I know that sometimes being a Christian is not always about convenience, so I started talking to them and put my relaxation on hold for just a little while longer. As I glanced over the paper they had handed me, I realized that our views on Jesus being a man and not God was completely contradictory. I must have had an expression on my face that allowed them to see my emotional thinking, because one of the men questioned what I was contemplating. I then told them that if Jesus was just a man, then we are all condemned and were going to Hell. My faith has taught me that because of Jesus’ humanity and deity he is not just a mere man. We must remember that our humanness is vastly different than his, and his divine being of love is what saves us from ourselves. “For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ.” (2 Corinthians 5:21) I then, asked them a question for their question and said, Do you know any mere human being that would truly “lay down their life” (John 15:13) or want to die to save another person and actually go through the action of it being totally selfless? After hearing my thoughts, the other gentleman asks me...
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...Rodney Varner; THEO 201-B11_201240 September 15, 2012 Short Essay # 2 Short Essay on Christology As I was going home from work, two well-dressed gentlemen accost me, handing me some literature explaining what they believe. As I glanced over it, one sentence stood out stating that Jesus was a man and could not be God. I then told them that Christology in its most basic definition means the study of Christ. Christology focuses on Jesus’ nature and the person he was, as well as the details of his life and teachings. It also focuses on the relationship between Christ and God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. Enwall explains Christology, “In the New Testament the writers indicate who Jesus is by describing the significance of the work He came to do and the office He came to fulfill” (Enwall 2001, 239). In this essay we will focus on some of the significant issues of Christology, such as Jesus’ humanity and deity, the Hypostatic Union, and the Biblical basis for such issues. Many people get confused and have a hard time with the concept of Jesus being both man and God at the same time. It is a hard concept to take in and understand, but we have to trust in the authority of the Bible. A few Biblical examples of the Humanity of Christ would be from the Books of Matthew and Mark. In Matthew 4:1-2, we read about Jesus being tested in the wilderness. He fasted for 40 days and 40 nights and after He was hungry, a very human trait. Again in Mark 4:38-41, we read the story...
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...union (from the Greek: ὑπόστασις hypóstasis, sediment, foundation, substance, or subsistence) is a technical term in Christian theology employed in mainstream Christology to describe the union of Christ's humanity and divinity in one hypostasis.[3] The First Council of Ephesus recognised this doctrine and affirmed its importance, stating that the humanity and divinity of Christ are made one according to nature and hypostasis in the Logos. Contents [hide] * 1 Hypostasis * 2 Through history * 3 See also * 4 References ------------------------------------------------- Hypostasis[edit] Main article: Hypostasis (philosophy) Hypostasis had come into use as a technical term prior to the Christological debates of the late fourth and fifth centuries. Before there were Christians, the word was used in Greek philosophy, primarily in Stoicism.[4][5] Hypostasis had some use in the New Testament that reflect the later, technical understanding of the word; especially Hebrews 1:3. Although it can be rendered literally as "substance" this has been a cause of some confusion[6] so it is now often translated "subsistence". It denotes an actual, concrete existence, in contrast with abstract categories such as Platonic ideals. ------------------------------------------------- Through history[edit] A series of articles on Christology | * Christ * Son of God • God the Son * Logos • Incarnation * Pre-existence of Christ * Person of Christ * Hypostatic union * Love...
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...Victor R. Betancourt L25462890 THEO 201 D12 Short essay #2 CHRISTOLOGY PT. 1 As I continue this study, there is a question that keeps coming to my mind. A question that millions of people may ask right now, probably my neighbor, maybe a nurse, a lawyer or maybe that person that God has prepared his/her heart for us to answer or guide them to the right direction. A question that was in my mind many years ago, and thanks be to God, He has respond to that question! Who is this Jesus? Even that the fullness of Christ is indescribable, I begin to grasp the amazing concept that He, being fully Man and fully God, loves each of us with a never-ending love the extent of which is hard for us to imagine. There is some biblical basis Jesus had to be born as a human being for several reasons. Gal 4:4-5 says, “To redeem those under law”. Only a perfect human (Jesus Christ) could perfectly keep the law and perfectly fulfill the law, and redeeming us from that guilt, which He accomplished on the cross. In His humanity, Jesus was subjected to all the same kinds of trials like us; therefore, He is able to sympathize with us and to help us. He was tempted; He was persecuted; He was poor; He was despised; He suffered physical pain. Only a human being could experience these things, and only a human being could fully understand them through experience. (Hebrews 4:15). We must affirm not only that Jesus was fully human, but also that he was fully divine. There are several passages where...
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...University Christian Worldview and Contextualization HTH 655 Professor Robert Prescott-Ezickson October 09, 2013 Kingdoms and Cultures Oscillatory has exercised vast inspiration by what method we abstract the link among Christianity and philosophy. The situation has converted several societies’ circumstances to vision their culture of resistance to foremost characteristics of the common philosophies as rather of which to be humiliated, as well as rather that desires to remain rejected with the intention to convert traditionally liable. Niebuhr debates that Yoder’s forceful analysis of his book has not been offered the extensive revelation it justifies, particularly his reason that Niebuhr's situation is vitiated with a fragile Christology plus an abuse of the policy of the Triad. Niebuhr has initiated vast misperception into the argument by considering the Christ against Culture method as principle imperfect, while the subject remains his personal situation that advances from “Nicene orthodoxy” (Carter, 2003). Culture comprises of the traditions, knowledge, ability, conducts and community relationships that a culture develops. Culture is the contextual in which all individual predictably their daily existence (Atkinson, 1995). The delinquent of “Oscillatory” is generally engaged to define the connection concerning Christians and the fundamental culture in which we reside (GCU, lecture). On the other hand, this disguises a significant opinion: similar when Christians...
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