Traffic Accident

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    Social Media Addiction Distracts Drivers

    while driving that could not wait, in result, crashed and killed her daughter and two nieces all who were in the same car. That women will serve her sentencing but will never be able to bring back her loved ones back from the accident. The constant reminders of roadway accidents ending in tragedy, such as those police reports, are widely spread across our nation. All tragic stories are disheartening to hear and think about; a reminder to play our part in keeping our roads safer. Tragedy may effect

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    Red Light Cameras

    the enforcement of traffic violations and motorist safety, but not all advancements have been welcomed by the driving public. Over the last decade many cities and states have begun using red light traffic cameras to catch and fine motorists in an effort to motivate the public to drive more safely. In theory it makes great sense, however when put into practice it has yielded mixed results at best. While the number of citations issued has gone up dramatically the number of accidents has not. In fact

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    Most rear end collisions are caused by: __ Dangerous road conditions. __ The vehicle in front stopping too fast. __ The vehicle in back following too closely. 5. Which of the following is the single greatest factor in fatal motor vehicle accidents? __ Alcohol. __ Mechanical problems. __ Bad weather conditions. __ Bad road conditions. 6. When a right turn against a red signal light is allowed, the proper way to make the turn is to: __ Stop, give right-of-way to any persons or

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    Distracted Driving Research Paper

    C. Central Idea: Using a cell phone always results in a distracted driver. This causes many accidents which also results in death. It's a terrible tragedy that can be so easily avoided with minimal effort. II. Introduction. Did you know that at any given daylight moment, some 13.5 million drivers are on hand-held phones? This is a fact according to a study released last week by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, and it's a very shocking

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    Driving School

    unless certain procedures. At this age, you must also not have more than four passengers in your car (three friends, driver, parent—MAX!) This law is extremely important. If residents do not follow this law, it can cause danger to other drivers. Traffic laws are something EVERYONE needs to follow. While attending driving school, the main reason why people were attending was for speeding. Including myself, driving school has taught me the dangers of speeding. Speeding is not always the cause of crashes

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    Persuasive Essay On Texting And Driving

    hand, It has been established that majority of these incidents are brought upon by our younger generation of drivers. “This recklessness has caused numerous car accidents and death related incidents in the driving age group of 16-20, the largest texting demographic” (Divine). It has also been shown that according to The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 5,870 people died due to texting while driving and out of that 515,000 were injured. Numerous of people wonder just how something so

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    Biological Determinants

    are major contributors to road accident mortalities and injuries; speeding and alcohol consumption are the two main risk behaviours that contribute to motor vehicle accidents (3, 6). Other factors the increase risk and frequency of road traffic accidents include speeding, not wearing helmets while riding a motorcycle, not wearing seatbelts, drugs and physical health (1, 5, 7). The consumption of alcohol can increase the risk of a fatality as the result of a car accident by up to 90 more times and if

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    Texting And Driving Persuasive Essay

    Around 1.6 million individuals die every year from being in a fatal car accident due to texting and driving. This epidemic has been spreading since the early 90’s, when cell phones were first introduced. People look down for an innocent second and then it all goes black. If someone is driving fifty-five miles per hour and looks at their phone for five seconds, they have driven the length of a football field, without looking at the road. Texting and driving should be illegal in all states based on

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    Seat Belts: Ultimate Lifesaver

    Jerry C. Simshauser English 097 Final Paper Seat belts: The Ultimate Lifesaver According to the Illinois State Police, One out of every five drivers will be involved in a traffic crash this year, and approximately 35,000 people die in motor vehicle crashes each year. About half of these people could be saved if they wore their seat belts. Driving is something that should always be taken seriously, but today there are still some people out there that think seat belts and seat belt laws are

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    Road Signs

    MultiCraft International Journal of Business, Management and Social Sciences Vol. 3, No. 1, 2012, pp. 19-25 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BUSINESS, MANAGEMENT AND SOCIAL SCIENCES © 2012 MultiCraft Limited. All rights reserved Assessment of drivers understanding of road signs in Ghana: A case study along Ho – Afloa Togo route Maxwell Selase Akple*, Robert Biscoff Ho Polytechnic, Mechanical Engineering Dept, P.O.Box Box HP 217, Ho. Volta Region, GHANA Corresponding author’s e-mail :

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