Triple Bottom Line

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    Ethics Program Recommendations for Uber

    car service that has recently been criticized very publicly for price gouging. Customers who have used the service to take the same route have experienced widely varying rates charged by the service, with examples of the service charging double, triple, or quadruple the price when weather conditions are bad or during emergency evacuation situations. During a recent New York snowstorm, some rides cost 8.25 times the standard price, and people are furious. The company’s response to this point has

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    CHAPTER 3 ♦ ETHICAL BEHAVIOR AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ♦ Ethical Behavior- is that which is accepted as “good” and “right” as opposed to “bad” or “wrong” in the context of the governing moral code. Laws and Values as Determinate of Ethical Behavior * Personal Values- the underlying beliefs and attitudes that help determine individual behavior. * Terminal Values- are preference about desired ends, such as the goal’s one strives to achieve in life. Ex. Self-respect, family security, freedom

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    The Home Dept Eco Case Study

    University of the Potomac BUS510 Professor: Petya Case Study: The Home Depot’s Eco Vicky Thomas 7/18/15 Apply a PESTEL analysis to The Home Depot and Ford Motor Company. Which are the most important? Which are the most important external forces impinging upon the companies? Are the forces the same or are they different? Why? The Home Depot’s most important external forces would likely be ecological, sociocultural and economic. The most important forces for Ford Motor Company would

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    Human Resource Sustainiility

    1. What role do you believe HRM plays in sustainability, as defined in this article? HRM plays a very important role in helping organizations to maintain sustainability by:  Partnering: HRM plays a very significant role in articulating the organizations social mission. It helps alignment behind this mission at the executive leadership level by bringing in the perspectives of stakeholders and employee interests.  Engaging: HRM helps in engaging both internal and external stakeholders

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    Corporate Social Responsibility

    the founders of crowdfunding philanthropy platform Givelocity stated that a company’s CSR strategy is a big factor in where today’s top talent chooses to work. The next generation of employees is seeking out employers that are focused on the triple bottom line like people, planet and revenue. People coming out of their recession and corporate revenues have become much stronger. Companies

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    Marketing Concepts

    production at a low cost. In order to implement this concept, companies concentrate on low costs, mass distribution, and high levels of production. Ford was one of the early champions of this concept with the Model T and his efficient production line (Henley, n.d.). Today, large retailers are prime examples of organizations that are driven by the production concept. They focus on giving consumers affordable products that might be relatively basic in design but are readily available. Companies

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    How to Be Successful in Accounting

    How to be Successful in Accounting ENC1101 May 11th, 2015 I have chosen Accounting as my major because ever since I can remember, I always wanted to be an Accountant. My first job experience with some accounting was working in a bank as a teller. I know tellers do not do much accounting, but when I was training as a Head Teller we had to do some accounting and that’s when I realized that accounting is what I wanted to do. Till this day I am not completely sure exactly what field of accounting

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    North Face

    Face Inc. The North Face, Inc. sneaker industry, is a highly sophisticated designer, distributor, and marketer of technically innovative sneaker products. We have built a strong, widely recognized line of products, and have been established as the world’s premier brand for outdoor apparel. Our sneaker line offers state-of-the-art technology that offers comfort, support, and style, backed by a lifetime manufacturers warranty so that our consumers are provided with all of the luxuries that they deserve

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    It511 Unit3

    scope- Controlling the scope involves managing the changes to the project scope statement during the SDLC. Uncontrolled changes to the scope are called scope creep and can prevent many projects from being completed. Changes to the scope affects the triple constraints and may prevent the project team

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    A1 Jet2

    A1. Good company citizenship goes beyond simply meeting the letter of the law. A socially responsible company should be aware of the effects its decision-making has on the community around it. This is illustrated in part “A” of the unanimously adopted policies of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) Virtual Conference, the Regional Expert Group Meeting on Integrated Environmental Considerations into Economic Policy Making Processes, Bangkok, 20-24 July 1998. “The

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