Unit 4 Principles for Implementing Duty of Care in Health, Social Care or Children’s and Young People’s Settings 1. Understand how duty of care contributes to safe practice 1.1 Explain what it means to have a duty of care in own work role. Ensuring accountability for e.g. exercising authority, managing the risk of all clients and situations, working safely, safeguarding children and young people, monitoring own behaviour and conduct through supervisions and appraisals, maintaining confidentiality
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home / study / questions and answers / business / finance / integrative case 2 track software, inc. seven ... Question Integrative Case 2 Track Software, Inc. Seven years ago, after 15 years in public accounting, Stanley Booker, CPA, resigned his position as manager of cost systems for Davis, Cohen, and O�Brien Public Accountants and started Track Software, Inc. In the 2 years preceding his departure from Davis, Cohen, and O�Brien, Stanley had spent nights and weekends developing a
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2015 年挑战杯中期论文 互 联 网 全 网 通 行 电 商 信 用 评 级 体 系 的 研 究 与 设 计 小组成员:莫梦晴、宫灿、邱荣基、李皓、林启迪 1 互联网全网通行电商信用评级体系的研究与设计 摘要 20 世纪末,电子商务在我国兴起,得力于互联网的普及以及移动客户端的推广, 在短短 20 年内指数爆炸式地发展,逐渐与传统的线下交易模式相抗衡并有逐步取代的 趋势。然而,在电子商务高速发展的同时,它内在的问题也逐步浮出水面:信息不对 称、虚假交易、恶意评价……现下信用评级系统的缺陷已经成为阻碍电子商务发展的 主要瓶颈,电子商务的信用问题亟待解决。本文通过前期数据、文献、报道的分析, 指出现下电子商务信用评级体系中所存在的问题,提出解决方案,运用层次分析法确 立信用指标的权重建立新的第三方统一信用评级模型,并对技术、政策、运营收入等 方面进行了可行性分析,并通过线上问卷调查的结果分析确认其市场需求。 关键字:电子商务;信用评级;第三方;信用;数据 2 目录 第一章 引言 ........
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国内外移动互联网广告行业对比研究 指导教师: 黄少敏 教授 作 者: 系 别: 专 业: 国际商学院 学 号: 2011221049 完成时间: 唐欣怡 市场营销系 111 班 2015 年 4 月 20 日 内容摘要 移动广告行业在中国的发展迅猛,为了探究国内外移动广告市场的异同,本文从数 据出发,分别在移动广告市场规模,投放的广告主行业和投放方式方面进行国内外的对 比研究,通过大量的数据查找、处理和分析,得出国内外,尤其是中美两国移动广告市 场的异同,发现虽然中国移动广告市场有很大的发展空间,中国的智能手机出货量和移 动网民的迅速增长支撑着中国移动广告行业广阔的发展前景, 并将取代一些传统广告行 业。但在营销投入方面十分欠缺,出现了用户浏览时间与广告投放费用严重不匹配的现 象。本文对此也提出了弥补方法,一是加大在移动互联网端的广告投入,二是通过移动 互联网营销的实际案例,提出移动互联网时代新型的更有效的营销方式。 关键词:移动广告 中外对比 移动互联网营销
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Information System 3 Module 1 (AIISX3A) Semester 2 – 2015 Department of Information and Communication Technology VAAL UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Assignment 1 Due /Submission Date: 25 September 2015 Marks: 65 plus 5 = 70 Marks (15 of your semester mark) Lecturer: KS Nyakala 5 Marks: Neat work and techniques GUIDELINES: The aim of this assessment task (AT) is to provide a summative account on what you learned in this module (AIISX3A/ IT Project Management). Compile and submit individual assignment
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货币政策重要么?本着弗里德曼和施瓦茨精神的新检验 介绍 这篇文章研究名义干扰是否真的有重要影响。和其他同主题的相比,本文的独特之处在于它关注的并不是纯粹的统计学上的证据,而是源于历史记录——基于“叙述法”——这是弗里德曼和施瓦茨在他们的《美国货币历史》中首次提出的,对于加强经济学几门对于货币冲击真实影响的理念起到了非常重要的作用,尽管他很重要,但是,在他们提出后的25年里却大大被忽视。这篇文章中,我们将对《货币历史》中提供的证据进行一下评估,最重要的是,我们将本着弗里德曼和施瓦茨的精神,组建一个货币干扰和战后美国的真实产出之间的新的关联检验。 纯粹的统计学检验,比如产出对货币的回归,“预期”和“非预期”影响研究,向量自回归,在构建大多数经济学家对于货币干扰真实影像的观点上也许并没有起到多么重要的作用,因为这些检验过程在确定因果关系方向上并不是很有说服力。另一方面,如果厂商计划扩大产出,首先会增加对流动资产的需求(或者向商业银行贷款),虽然货币不参与因果构成,但是货币却是在产出提高之前增加的(King and Plosser 1984;Tobin 1965)。另一方面,
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Task 1: Plan and create a work schedule (Research & Project work) Appendix 1: Work plan OPERATIONAL PLAN | Organisation name: | X-wing (Money transfer Australia-Thailand) | Division/department | Customer service | Goal No. 1 (List your goal here) Reduce cycle time of service | Strategic Objective: | 1. To reduce un-necessary process support increasing of customer 2. Faster transfer (Complete transfer within 1 day refer to the time of summit request as procedure) | Actions required
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1. DCF Year sales COGS SGA D EBIT EBIT after tax D CAPEX Inventory A/R A/p NWC change in NWC FCF TV DFCF EV 95.55 0 55.3 37.9 12.3 2.1 3.0 2.2 2.1 2.3 18.0 6.6 1.2 23.4 2 57.5 37.4 9.8 1.8 8.6 6.2 1.8 2.4 3 58.7 38.1 10.0 1.8 8.7 6.3 1.8 2.5 4 59.9 38.9 10.2 1.9 8.9 6.4 1.9 2.5 22.6 -0.8 6.3 23.0 0.5 5.1 23.5 0.5 5.2 5.9 1.9 1 56.4 36.7 9.6 1.7 8.4 6.1 1.7 2.4 5.1 5.2 23.9 0.5 5.3 122.7
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1 Enchant Me 1.1 Delight me in surprising ways A beautiful surface, a carefully-placed animation, or a well-timed sound effect is a joy to experience. Subtle effects contribute to a feeling of effortlessness and a sense that a powerful force is at hand. Strongly agree Strongly disagree Why: 1.2 Real objects are more fun than buttons and menus Allow people to directly touch and manipulate objects in your app. It reduces the cognitive effort needed to perform a task while making
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There have been a huge amount of policy, academic, and public debate over doping in sports for many years. Lance Armstrong, a famous cyclist who most people know, was punished very severely for his partaking in steroids. Most athletes say that no matter the punishment they will still take performance-enhancing drugs, but others disagree. Some say that it will turn every sport into more of a money game. If someone were to have more money than someone else, then they would have more access to different
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