IKEA全球供應面的挑戰:印度地毯與童工問題(A) 1995年5月,瑪莉安.巴娜(Marianne Barner)正面臨一項困難的決策。她加入IKEA這家全球最大的傢俱零售商已屆滿兩年,且她擔任地毯業務區域經理亦已屆滿兩個月,此時,她思考著是否應該與一家主要的印度地毯供應商終止往來關係,雖然此舉可能會影響公司的貨源供應,並衝擊銷售業績,但是她也發覺支持這個決定的理由頗為明確。因為一家德國電視公司最近揭露一項調查報告,顯示該供應商僱用童工來生產地毯,並供貨給IKEA公司。讓巴娜感到挫折的是,這家形象良好的大型供應商,與IKEA其他供應商一樣,在最近與公司簽署的一項供應合約附加條款中,明訂禁止雇用童工,否則該合約將遭到取消。 然而,巴娜瞭解,比眼前更為棘手的問題是,IKEA應該對此問題採取何種長期策略。一方面,由於業界對於印度地毯業剝削童工的現象頗為關切,迫使她必須簽訂此條款來回應此訴求。而最近由製造業者、進口商、零售業者、及印度民間組織所成立的聯盟,提出一項「地毯標籤」的新措施,在那些經查證並無使用童工生產的地毯,貼上認證標籤以示區別。巴娜也已經與瑞典拯救兒童組織進行協調,該
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handouts for teachers and parents* Number 294 Parts of Speech ( That’s a Noun!) by Rynette R. Kjesbo, M.S., CCC-SLP What Are “Parts of Speech?” Every word in the English language can be put into a category based on the function of the word in a sentence. The categories that words are put in are “parts of speech” or “word classes.” Knowing the parts of speech and their purpose helps us to understand sentences and create sentences that make sense. What Are the Different Parts of
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Name Number/Email Customized LinkedIn URL EDUCATION The University of Texas December 2015 B.S. Business Administration Honors/Scholarship(s) Additional University/College name (if applicable) Graduation Month & Year B.S./M.S./B.A./MBA, Major Name; Minor (if available) GPA BUSINESS EXPERIENCE Company Name - City, State Start month & year – End month & year
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While talking to parents how will you convince them that play is also learning? (200 words) I believe that children, through play, act out and explore new things that mould them for the future. I see these as "trial experiences" that represent a much bigger and more deep-rooted exploration of their society, rules and surroundings. Exploratory play offers them the chance to discover and learn all about their surroundings first hand while games with role playing allow them to act out what they perceive
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contrasting the literary works in the 19th Century.) Do not use evaluative or relative adjectives. (Do not use words like good, effective, appropriate) Do not use evaluative or relative adverbs. (Do not use works like quickly, slowly, immediately.) Do not use qualifying phrases. (Do not use a phrase such as “Write with greater confidence.”) Say what you mean, using only necessary words. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Content: 1. Use all domains as appropriate: cognitive, psychomotor and affective
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Health Care Models Complete the “Health Care Models Analysis” document. APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. 1 Unsatisfactory 0.00% | 2 Less Than Satisfactory 65.00% | 3 Satisfactory 75.00% | 4 Good 85.00% | 5 Excellent 100.00% | 80.0 %Content | | 30.0 %Health Care Model Knowledge | Includes
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cliché is a traditional form of human expression ( in words, thoughts, emotions, gestures, acts) which due to repetitive use in social life, has lost its original, often ingenious heuristic power. Although ii thus fails positively to contribute meaning to social interactions and communications, it does function socially, since it manages to stimulate behavior ( cognition, emotion, volition, action) while it avoids reflection on meanings. The word cliché is drown from the French language. In printing
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like the rules in a language for changing the form of words and combining them into sentences(Oxford dictionary). This is seriously insufficient; grammar does many things besides sentence-building. The definition also says nothing about the reasons why we need such rules; as if one defined a train as a ‘large vehicle’, without mentioning its use for public transport ( Michael swan, 2008) . For linguists, grammar is a fixed set of words and rules of usage. They consider "good" grammar is synonymous
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北京华联综合超市有限公司 营运规范 DM工作手册 二零零二年八月 内部资料 严禁外传 编号:OPSM 09 目 录 第一单元 前言 第二单元 DM活动的目的和散发形式 第三单元 DM活动转档流程及步骤说明 第四单元 DM商品陈列 第五单元 DM商品POP卡说明 第六单元 DM快讯制作流程 第一单元 前 言 一. 适用范围 本手册适用于综合超市各门店的DM促销工作。 二. 目的 制作本手册的目的是为各门店在正常营运中对DM商品的组织、更换及销售各环节工作有程序可遵循。 三. 益处 本手册详细介绍DM和DM工作的内容,通过对本手册规范化的学习,有关管理人员及员工能够在较短的时间内掌握DM工作内容及操作要求,帮助员工更好的从事其本职工作。 四. DM之概述 DM来源于英文DIRECT MAIL,意为快讯商品广告,通常由八开或十六开广告纸正反面彩色印刷而成。华联超市以DM形式作为商店周期性的主要促销
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Word/phrase | Synonyms or antonyms &(Types) or relevant words | Meaning in the context | pretense of knowledge | =pretension/pretence | Claim that you have potential quality/skillspretense of knowledge refers to a scientific approach that uses pattern assumptions to replace human intentionality | Monetary incentive | =motivation | Encourage SO by moneymanaging tool which requires monetary incentives to behave toward the shareholder’s interest | To sustain | =to maintain | Continue for some
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