a) (i) The differences in the reported cost estimates calculated under each of the two costing systems are significant. This is especially the case with regard to Job order 973. The management accountant’s calculations for the cost estimates produce the following increase/ (decrease) in reported costs: Job order 973 Job order 974 $ $ Unit cost per job under existing system 1,172·00 620·00 Unit cost per job under activity
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Critically evaluate the comparative transnational effectiveness of Benetton and Zara Zara and Benetton are two of the most acknowledged clothing companies in the fast fashion industry. The different international business strategies they adopt result in different transnational effectiveness. To begin with, this essay will give a brief overview of the motivation, means and mentality of these two companies, and then compare how they sustain their competitive advantages through integration, responsiveness
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党的群众路线教育实践活动个人对照检查材料 邹光明 党的群众路线教育实践活动开展以来,本人通过学习教育,深刻认识到开展为民务实清廉,以整风精神,反对形式主义、官僚主义、享乐主义、奢靡之风,落实党的“八项规定”是增强党员队伍的纯洁性和先进性的重要举措.按照镇党委统一部署,查摆问题,相互谈心,对照职工群众反映的各种问题,结合工作实际开展批评与自我批评。以“正衣冠、照镜子、洗洗澡、治治病”为总要求。通过这次活动从中感觉到自身在遵守党的政治纪律、加强党风建设以及“四风”方面还存在很多不足,有许多地方有待进一步提高。针对自己实际情况,认真反思,努力整改,现将情况分析对照检查如下。 一、遵守党的政治纪律和加强作风建设情况 (一)遵守党的政治纪律情况 做为一名党员干部和乡镇工作者,深知党的政治纪律是党的生命线。因此本人在以党员标准严格要求自己的同时,坚持党的领导,坚持党的基本理论、基本路线、基本纲领、在思想上政治上行动上乡党委保持高度一致。努力做到自觉遵守、严格执行,坚决维护党的政治纪律。在工作中,能够较好地执行党的方针、路线、政策,自觉执行民主
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consumers. Long gone are the days where you had to get in the car to shop in store; most people do it from the comfort of their couch. With the increased shopping presence, retailers are under extreme pressure to deliver to the demands of their customers. Zara, an international apparel retailer, based out of Spain, has figured out a way to give their customers the ultimate advantage over competitors by a process called Rapid-Fire Fulfillment. Implementing this process has not only reduced their design to
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Case study: Zara, Fast Fashion from Savvy Systems Introduction The poor, ship-building town of La Coruña in northern Spain seems an unlikely home to a tech-charged innovator in the decidedly ungeeky fashion industry, but that’s where you’ll find “The Cube,” the gleaming, futuristic central command of the Inditex Corporation (Industrias de Diseño Textil), parent of game-changing clothes giant, Zara. The blend of technologyenabled strategy that Zara has unleashed seems to break all of the rules
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Drawing on the Resource Based View literature, evaluate whether and how Zara generates sustainable competitive advantage. A firm is said to have competitive advantage when its profits exceed the average of its industry and that of its rivals (Grant, 1991). According to Grant (1991) the RBV sees organizations as a collection of resources which when combined forms organizational capabilities. The goal of every business strategy is to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. According to Collis
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Drawing on the Resource Based View literature, evaluate whether and how Zara generates sustainable competitive advantage Based upon the analysis of the ‘ZARA: Fast Fashion’ case study and referring to literature on the resource based view along with other appropriate theory and frameworks, I will draw a conclusion as to whether Zara have been able to create a sustainable competitive advantage, focussing primarily on their core competences developed over time. The resource based view stems from
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Dreckige Polin“, „Japanische Fotze“, „Scheiß Kopftuchweib“ so und anders mussten sich im vergangenen Jahr Frauen aufgrund ihrer Herkunft oder ethnischen Zugehörigkeit beschimpfen lassen. Die von ZARA – Zivilcourage und Anti‐Rassismus‐Arbeit im Rassismus Report 2010 dokumentierten rassistischen Vorfälle weisen verstärkt auf Diskriminierungen von Frauen mit Kopftüchern hin. Es wurden häufiger als bisher Fälle gemeldet, in denen Frauen mit Kopftuch am Arbeitsmarkt abgelehnt wurden und sie im Alltag
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Zara Case Study Contents 1. Abstract 3 2. Current state 3 3. Problems with current state 4 4. Competitors 5 5. Target State 7 5.1. Considerations 8 6. IT strategy 9 7. Cost Analysis 11 8. Conclusion 11 1. Abstract Zara is one of the largest international fashion companies. It belongs to Inditex, a multinational retailer and manufacturer. At the beginning of 2003, Inditex operated 1,558 stores in 45 countries, of which nearly 550 were part of the Zara chain
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Recommendations 5 New Product/Service 5 Marketing Strategy 6 Conclusion 7 References 8 Introduction This report is mainly focusing on studies of marketing strategy. By analyzing and discussing the case of Zara, we will be able to have a more in depth analysis of companies and their marketing strategies. In the background section, basic knowledge of marketing strategy will be introduced. In the discussion section, an analysis of Zara’s existing product
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