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Employment Issues: Sexual Harassment & Discrimination


Submitted By patchouko1
Words 2693
Pages 11
A large majority of employees (males & females) are subject to some forms of sexual harassment and discrimination in the workplace.
Sexual Harassment and discrimination in the workplace have evolved throughout the centuries. The workforce has gone from being predominantly male dominated to being equal as more females are entering the workforce. Females over the years have become more career-oriented; therefore, many are the place within positions of authority as their male counterparts. Sexual harassment and discrimination are no longer restricted to males being the harasser. Today, a large majority of employees both males and females are subject to some form of harassment and discrimination in the workplace. How it impacts society, how employees deal with it, the ethical dilemma and sociological effect of discrimination are growing issues in the workplace due to sexual harassment and discrimination. Despite its proscription in legal jurisdictions around the world, workplace sexual harassment continues to be experienced by many women and some men in a variety of organizational settings. Since sexual harassment is such a large topic, let consider three aspects. First, with a focus on the workplace Sexual harassment as it pertains to management and organizations, to synthesize the accumulated state of knowledge in the field. Second, evaluate this evidence, highlighting competing perspective. Third, canvass areas in need of further investigations.

Sexual harassment is a form of gender-based and employment discrimination. It is a verbal or physical abuse, typically of a sexual nature. The harasser can be a man or a woman, so can the victim. Sexual harassment is considered discrimination because is single out the victim on the basis of a protected category in this case, gender. Victims of sexual harassment often suffer negative

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