Premium Essay

Kon Kon


Submitted By alamtelecomm
Words 8434
Pages 34
1.0 Introduction 2
2.0 Ford Company Background 4
3.0 Toyota Company Background 5
4.0 Scientific Management 6
5.0 Scientific Management in Ford Motor Company 7
6.0 Contingency Theory 10
7.0 Contingency Theory in Toyota 12
8.0 How Scientific Management impacts Ford’s Workers 14
9.0 How Contingency Theory Impacts Toyota’s Workers 16
10.0 Definition of Organizational Culture and Structure 18
11.0 Ford Organizational Culture 19
12.0 Ford Organizational Structure 20
13.0 Toyota Organizational Culture 21
14.0 Toyota Organizational Structure 23
15.0 Motivational Theories 24
16.0 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs in Ford 25
17.0 Impacts of Hierarchy of Needs Theory 29
18.0 Goal-setting Theory in Toyota 30
19.0 Impacts Goal-setting Theory 32
20.0 Conclusion 33
21.0 References 34

1.0 Introduction

One of the most important human activities is managing . Ever since people began forming groups to accomplish aims they could not achieve as individuals . Managing has been essential to ensure the coordination of individuals efforts . As society has come to rely increasingly on group effort as many organized groups have been grown larger , the task of managers have been rising in importance .
The term management drives from latin word “Manu agere” which means to lead by hand . Lead by hand means , giving directions . It also implies that the leading person first goes where he or she wants to send the followers (Shied, 2010) . According to Drucker (1974) management is the activity of getting things done with the help of others peoples and resources . It means that management is a process of accomplishing work with the help of other people . According to Weijrich and Koontz (1993) “Management is process of planning , leading , organizing and controlling people within a group in order to achieve goals . It is also the guidance and control of action

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