...Leadership Series Helping you navigate the leadership landscape Are Leaders Born or Made? Perspectives from the Executive Suite By: William Gentry, Ph.D., Jennifer J. Deal, Ph.D., Sarah Stawiski, Ph.D., and Marian Ruderman, Ph.D. Issued March 2012 Introduction Do you think a leader should be a hero or a negotiator? Out in front leading people or coordinating the work of the group? Destined to be a leader or developed to be a leader? The way we think about leadership affects how we perceive the leaders around us. For instance, if we expect a leader to be a hero, we are likely to see someone who takes charge to save the day as a good leader and someone who asks everyone’s opinions and lets the group make decisions as weak. Alternatively, if we think a leader should be collaborative and focused on making sure decisions arise from the group, we would view someone who is directive as aggressive or a tyrant. our beliefs about how people become leaders affect how we evaluate people’s leadership potential. Believing people are born leaders is likely to result in a focus more on selecIn the same way, tion (identify the right people) rather than on development (develop the people you get). On the other hand, believing that people are made into leaders by their experiences would be more likely to result in a greater focus on making sure people had the right opportunities to develop into leaders. Consider United States Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s description...
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...Great Leaders: Are they Born or Made? 1 Henry Kissinger once said that "The task of the leader is to get his people from where they are to where they have not been." No one can deny that the act being a leader is an enormous job and that the best and worst leaders are remembered throughout history. What no one has determined thus far is if leaders are born or made. True leaders might have natural abilities that lend themselves to taking charge over people, but some leaders are born out of necessity; they see a situation and take control over it. The Great Trait website discusses the idea that there is a leadership trait that determines a future leader. This view is countered in Daniel Maltby’s article, “The State of Leadership Theory and Training Today”, where he suggests that leaders are developed, not born. Even Colin Powell agrees with this view. Francis Yammarino sees no point in discerning whether a leader is born or made, and John Gardner is more concerned with the unrealistic expectations for the leader once in charge. Therefore, a leader is made, not born, because with the right opportunities and training, anyone can become a leader. In ancient times, leaders were, in fact, born to the position. Leaders such as Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar were born into families who demanded that they would one day lead a nation. Others are born with the qualities necessary to become a great leader. Determining whether or not a leader is effective is the more difficult...
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...Leadership: Born or Made? Table of Contents ODT Map 3 What Makes an Effective Leader? 4 Communication 4 Motivation 5 Vision 5 Decisiveness 5 Leadership Behavior 6 Scenario 1: One-on-One 6 Born or Made 8 The Team Consensus 9 Appendix A: Leadership Traits 11 Appendix B: References 12 ODT Map As shown above, the Outcome-Directed Thinking (ODT) is a way for an organization and or an individual to be able to work together towards a common objective. ODT was created for leaders to get things done by effectively utilizing its resources and motivating its employees to reach its objectives. To do this, we have created an ODT map to create an action plan and accomplish our team objectives. This plan is designed as a motivational plan of action to accomplish our positive outcome statement “Create the most complete and convincing paper about leadership qualities”. What Makes an Effective Leader? If you ask an individual what makes an effective leader, more often than not you will probably not receive exactly the same answer. Everybody interprets this question differently; it could be due to past experiences or knowledge you have acquired during your career of what a leader should be. One of the most debatable questions regarding leadership is, is a leader born or made? We will reveal this later in the discussion, but what we can say is there are so many traits mentioned when defining a leader. We have decided that these below make a significant impact on leadership...
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...Cliffside Holding Company of MASSAPEQUA Danny Gonzalez 20 January 2015 20 January 2015 Cliffside Holding Company of MASSAPEQUA Introduction This paper consists of analyzing a memorandum from Mr. Anil Ravaswami (Vice-President of Human Resources) address to Ms. Cynthia Castle, CEO of Cliffside Holding Company of Massapequa (CHCM). The memo was in regard to establishing and funding something that CHCM did not have before; a new leadership development program specifically design for junior insurance executives. Mr. Ravaswami is suggesting to Ms. Castle not to invest on the leadership training because it will a waste of time and the money can be spent more wisely. I analyzed Mr. Ravaswami’s memo using the ten steps of critical thinking model from the book Asking the Right Questions. The way I accomplished this task was by asking one question at a time and explaining my results. What are the issues and the conclusion? The first step of the critical thinking model asks what are the issues and the conclusion with Mr. Ravaswami’s memo. After a senior executive meeting, the director of operations has suggested that it will be a good investment for CHCM to start a leadership development program for their junior financial executives. Mr. Ravaswami wrote a memo to Ms. Castle explaining his beliefs that CHCM should not proceed with the request because the program is not necessary and he concluded that the money could be spent better. What are the reasons? ...
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...Are Leaders Born or Made? Professional Development-MBA 525 St. Leo University Bruce Hammond February 10, 2013 Abstract This paper will discuss whether the greatest leaders are made or born. While many people are born with natural, instinctive leadership qualities and traits; many people can become great leaders with the training, earned respect and situations or environment. This paper will also discuss what makes an effective leader. Paper Section Whether great leaders are born or are they made is a greatly debated subject. Some people are certainly born with leadership instinct(s) that may never be fully realized and developed. Others may have traits that may not be traditionally thought of as natural born leader traits but they possess other skills and the desire to lead that can turn them into an effective leader. "Leaders are developed. Leadership is nothing more than a collection of skills, that when employed, produces results." (Garic, 2006) In today's ever-changing job market and economy, many leaders and many types of effective leaders will be needed. Leadership development is the way to mold various personal traits: personality, talent, honesty, ability, sincerity, skill, confidence, integrity, into a good leader. As Pace states: "There are no set rules for what makes a good leader, but most successful leaders can draw on several qualities to help them lead." (Pace, 2006) Leaders draw on personal experience, as well as, training, knowledge...
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...Q. According to Bennis, ‘the most dangerous leadership myth is that leaders are born – that there is a genetic factor to leadership. This myth asserts that people simple either have certain charismatic qualities or not. That’s nonsense; in fact, the opposite is true. Leaders are made rather than born.’ Do you agree or disagree? Provide reasons for your opinion. The world’s top companies share a common understanding that strong, effective leadership is essential in their success as an organization (“Leaders Are Made,” 2008). The performance of a company often rides on the many decisions the higher management or company leaders make. Company leaders, for example the chief executive officer, make crucial decisions that determines the direction the company is heading towards, whether resulting in its success or towards its demise. Hence strong leadership is often seen as a key, highly sought after asset in many corporations. Likewise, in ancient times, people have been in awe and in fear of certain great leaders. One good example would be Alexander the Great. He was the most celebrated member in his dynasty and created one of the largest empires in ancient history. Armed with a brilliant mind, he was undefeated in battle with his usage of superior tactics. Indeed, he was one of the most feared and respected leaders in history. The basic principles of leadership have been until recent times, discussed by many, but received no formal agreement on definition (Radman, 2007)....
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...Do you believe that the greatest leaders are born, not made? Saint Leo University Leadership can be viewed as a process in which leaders and followers engage to achieve mutual goals. A leader is a person that displays the characteristics and personality traits of a leader and has the ability to obtain different leadership positions throughout his/her life. It has been said, the single most powerful way to grow as a leader is to become self-aware. (Andersen 2012). Social ability, self confidence, assertiveness, and boldness are all characteristics of natural born leaders. (London 2009) A person’s natural ability to interact with others is called social-ability. All natural leaders display this trait. This characteristic allows leaders to be, understanding, generous, outgoing, friendly, and congenial towards those around them. Those leaders who carry this characteristic usually lands a career in fields that allow them to direct and motivate others. Self-confidence is a fundamental basis from which effective leadership grows. Trying to teach leadership without first building confidence is like building a house on a foundation of sand. (Dao 2008) When you are in a leadership position, you have to not only know when to make a sound judgment, but you have to be able to do so. When looking at a leader’s self-confidence, you have to ask yourself; “ Is this person willing to go where no other leader dared to go?” A person in a position of power who lacks self-confidence...
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...training and development courses, as leaders are born, not made.' Analyse this claim with reference to different theories of leadership. Introduction What is a leader? It is impossible to obtain a single definition. But it happened when achieving an objective and when more than one people are needed to do it. Nowadays, there are many leadership training and development courses that train people to be the position of leaders. Companies send their staff to these courses in order to increase the organizational effectiveness. However, some people argue that these courses are useless. It is because they believed that leaders are born, but not made. This essay will analyse this claim by using different leadership theories as well as discussing the impact on leadership development courses, in order to identify whether leaders are born or are made. Leaders are born There are many successful leaders who demonstrated their skills at an early age. They have natural talents that make them to be 'natural leaders'. Sometimes they also obtained characteristics or elements of a leader when they are born. Trait Theory is one of the main leadership theories and it suggested that certain characteristics are particularly suit to become a leader. Leaders are made Furthermore, there are also many leadership theories that support leaders can be made. According to the Behavioural Theory, leaders can be made rather than are born. The theory focused on what leaders actually do instead of seeking their...
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...‘Leaders are born not made’. To what extent you agree or disagree with this statement? Justify your answer using leadership theories and relevant examples. ‘The most dangerous leadership myth is that leaders are born – that there is a genetic factor to leadership. This myth asserts that people simply either have certain charismatic qualities or not. That’s nonsense; in fact, the opposite is true. Leaders are made rather than born.’ – Warren G. Bennis (Farlow, n.d.). Leadership is about changing minds and moving organisations forward (Leadership Theories and Styles, 2009). The art of leadership, however focused on a specific goal or vision, is also about the individuals that are being led; learning, advancing and prospering (Farlow, n.d.). Education, mentoring and experience are how leaders are made, they are not born with any genetic capacity to lead. When it comes to leadership, competencies determine what a person can do. Commitment determines what they want to do, and character determines what they will do (Crossan et al., 2012). The theoretical framework surrounding leadership is based upon power of an individual over a collective, moving toward a defined goal or common purpose. It entails planning, organising and controlling to build enthusiasm and maintain momentum (Schermerhorn 361). “The ability of a superior to influence the behavior of subordinates and persuade them to follow a particular course of action.” (Barnard 1968). Barnard has identified superiority...
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...great leaders born or made? Introduction In order to run a successful business, an organization needs effective leaders. Leaders and employees are subject to a worldwide search because of the competitive nature of business these days. Leadership is more of actions rather than preaching. Leadership is person's ability to lead from the front with conviction of great vision and passion, despite many setbacks. It also involves having a sense of responsibility, setting a role model with qualities such as courage, conviction and commitment. Also, leadership is a way of calling ‘we’ not ‘I’ because there is not one leader who has succeeded as an individual. It is important to know whether leadership is a talent or a skill. If the leadership is a talent, then it is an inborn quality as talents are intrinsic, but if leadership is a skill, then it can be obtained by rapacious learning, continuous practice, training, experience and reading. If the leadership is a talent, true leaders are born, but if it is a skill, true leaders are made. Is true leadership born or manufactured? This is a timeless as the age old controversy about the chicken and the egg. To cut to the discussion, the answer is: “mostly made.” Great leaders are made since leadership is a skill that can be leant through education, continuous practice, training, and experiences. Great leaders develop/advance through a never-ending process of self-study and complete education. Analysis Are true leaders born or made? To cut...
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...| “Are Good Leaders born, or can they be Made” | For decades researchers have been trying to find the answer to the question “Are good Leaders born, or can they be made?” However it is my belief that, it is a little of both, Leaders are naturally born and they can be made. Firstly, let us define who is a leader, Peter Guy Northouse – (2009) postulates that “a leader is any person who guides others towards a common goal, showing the way by example, thus creating an environment in which other team members feel actively involved in the entire process of goal achievement. A leader is not the boss of the team but instead, he/she is that person who is committed to carrying out the mission of the venture. He further defines leadership as” a process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task” which in short would mean working through others to achieve goals or objectives . With these definitions, it would be safe to say that anyone whose accomplishment necessitates the sustenance of others can be a leader. The same is true of many who are presently working with and through others to achieve a common objective that they are indeed leaders, whether they consider themselves to be eccentric or catastrophic leaders. Mahatma Gandhi once said that, “We must live the change we want to see”. This quote brings new meaning as it embraces the fact that we are leaders of any change in our lives, therefore logically...
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...Are Leaders Born or Made? Leadership-Mgmt Abstract Being a leader is something that at times can be very difficult to identify simply by definition. Not only does the term carry with it a great deal of meaning but it also has powerful implications that immediately come to mind. Among these are the positive traits required to be a leader. The Academy of Management Executive stated that Key leader traits include: drive (a broad term which includes achievement, motivation, ambition, energy, tenacity, and initiative); leadership motivation (the desire to lead but not to seek power as an end in itself); honesty and integrity; self-confidence (which is associated with emotional stability); cognitive ability; and knowledge of the business. (Lock, 1991) The point here is that being a leader can not be simply assigned, as to effectively function as a leader one must possess many or all of these required traits. What interests me is the question of whether or not people are actually born leaders, or is it simply a book that people read and learn on their own. The purpose of my research paper is to better understand this question. Are the best leaders born or taught? It’s quite possible that all of the skills of a leader are naturally ingrained into an individual thought process. An example that could relate to this might be a child that learns to play an instrument by ear rather than being taught. From my earliest memories as a child in pre-school and into kindergarten...
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...Analysis Using Critical Thinking Model: Cliffside Holding Company Memo University of Maryland University College Introduction Amidst this barrage of information in today’s world, it is often difficult to make a decision and stand by it, assured that it was the most advantageous to all those involved. Fortunately, critical thinking is a tool available to assist in making well thought out decisions in the face of contradictory opinions and impulsive actions. In Asking the Right Questions: A Guide to Critical Thinking, Browne and Keeley (2013) explain that critical thinking is “reacting with systematic evaluation to what you have heard and read” (p. 4). They further assert that critical thinking “requires a set of skills and attitudes that are built around a series of related critical questions” (p. 4). By asking the right questions, we employ the skill of critical thinking to enhance what and how we process information. To examine the concept of critical questions, this paper will analyze a business document from Cliffside Holding of Massapequa using the critical thinking model outlined by Browne and Keeley (2013) in Asking the Right Questions. Analysis Mr. Anil Ravaswami, Vice-President (VP) of Human Resources (HR) of Cliffside Holding Company of Massapequa (CHMC), wrote a memo to CEO Cynthia Castle in response to her request for the evaluation of a proposal for a new leadership development program to be designed for Cliffside’s junior insurance executives (personal...
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...CON: Leaders are made, not born (Nurture over nature) Leadership is the art of influencing others that has always been the center of debate in many social circles. Whether from the corporate board room to leading men in the military, leadership has always presented the question; "Are people born leaders or are they developed to be leaders?" Such a question fascinates many, but from my vantage, leaders are developed. Life is full of trial and error, therefore one can only learn to be an effective leader by life experiences, which comes and is proven over the test of time, something that cannot be instilled at birth. So it is from the position of "leaders are made, not born" (nurture over nature),"I will offer a debate on how leaders develop interpersonal skills that lead to: 1.) Understanding others 2.) motivating others and finally 3.) developing others to accomplish the objectives and/or goals of any entity on the earth. Leadership has been and always be the most valuable asset on earth (author). Without leadership- or objective or the known world organizationally speaker cannot ne accomplished. Its about knowing oneself and the development of the ability to effectively lead others. So, to me, its about understanding self first, leading by example, in order to effectively lead others. Thus, one must be willing to develop one’s self understanding, one’s self weaknesses, which takes me to my first point, “understanding others”. There is no simple hard rent here, but...
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...2, 2015 QUIZ Ten Leadership Theories 1. The Great Man Theory – Great Leaders are Born, not Made. 2. The Trait Theory of Leadership – Ideal Characteristics for Leaders. 3. The Skills Theory of Leadership – Ideal Technical, Personal and Conceptual Skills for Managers and Leaders. 4. The Style Theories of Leadership – e.g Leadership Continuum, Managerial Grid. 5. The Situational Leadership Theory – There is no-one-size-fits-all-model, the leader must adapt. 6. The Contingency Theory - There is no-one-size-fits-all-model, choose an appropriate leader. 7. Transactional Leadership Theory – People follow leaders based on ‘transactions’ – a mix of rewards, incentives and punishments. A quid pro quo approach. 8. Leader – Member Exchange Theory – Similar to transactional theory, but stresses presence of an ingroup and outgroup. 9. Transformational Leadership Theory – Leaders are gaining the commitment of their employees by inspiring, encouraging, and caring for their followers. 10. Servant Leadership Theory – The leader starts by identifying the needs of the followers and views his own role as merely serving the followers. The Great Man Theory – Great Leaders are Born, not Made. This approach emphasized that a person is born with or without the necessary traits of leaderships. Early explanations of leadership studied the “traits” of great leaders. Belief that people were born with these traits and only the great people possessed...
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