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10 Most Corrupt Mexico Analysis

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Words 1204
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Diego Garza
Mr. Saenz
AP Seminar
31 August 2015

The 10 Most Corrupt Mexicans of 2013 (OPVL) The 10 Most Corrupt Mexicans of 2013 is an article from Forbes magazine, written by Dolia Estevez in December 16, 2013. The purpose of this article is to let the world know Mexico’s corruption is increasing in an exponential way. With a list of 10 persons, Dolia Estevez exposes the most corrupt Mexicans of 2013. Her purpose is undebatable, she is exposing Mexico’s corruption in which 8 out of the 10 persons in the list are from the PRI. Dolia’s point of view is completely objective, but the article is full of facts. She talks about the How? Why? When? Who? and Where? People know Forbes is an absolutely reliable source because it has experienced writers …show more content…
The purpose of this article is to make note about the ignorance mexicans have. It is mainly focused on the mexican people, but this is a message that the world needs to see. The purpose of Sarah Kerr is clear, she is tired of mexican ignorance. She believes that the carelessness of the mexican people in situations that can change Mexico’s route are a huge factor on Mexico’s slow development. If someone is searching for an incredible point of view about Mexico’s ignorance, then this article is useful. Although this article was published 19 years ago, it does not have unvaluable information. Sarah Kerr has written about books and culture for The New York Review of Books, Vogue and Slate, and among other publications, which makes her a reliable …show more content…
The horns with the money attached to them directly to the brain represent madness. Politics are willing to do anything in their power in order to get money. The mask is shaped as an egg which represents the cost of food rising these days in order to “feed” the politicians. The mask has closed eyes because politicians do not care about society, they are closed into their own bubble. The mask is included with a bow and a tie in the bottom which represents the way politicians use their money.

Ignorant Citizens (outside) This side of the mask represents the carelessness of the people for politics. People are not educated enough to fight against corruption in politics. In the bottom of the mask, the pig has a TRI shirt, which means how people do not care about important situations around the country. Instead, they care more about the performance of the professional soccer team. Also, the mask contains a TV tattoo with Televisa on it. This represents the way in which people are absorbing what Televisa tells them, and televisa is deeply associated with politics today. This means that people are controlled by what they see, and what they see is what political parties want them to see. The brain is small because it does not have enough information and/or education. This is why people believe everything they

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