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100 Day Speech

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"You miss 100% of the shots that you don't take." For the majority of my life, this statement has been repeated over and over inside of my brain. People have always said that I am a daredevil. I try to think that I am, and I am with some things...Such as trying new foods. When I was 6, I thought that I was the bravest person ever, but in the back of my head I knew that there was some fear. At that time I didn’t really know what I was afraid of. Until one day, when I went to a waterpark. I've always and still love waterparks. The ziplines, lazy rivers, and waterslides. All of those things appeal to me. When I was six, I was invited to a birthday party at a waterpark. I had been to a waterpark before, but not many times. Erika and Ellery wanted to do something extraordinary! …show more content…
They were begging me for what felt like two years, but was only two minutes. I then realized the statement above. "You miss 100% of the shots that you don't take." My dad had told me that before a little hoopers game once. That memory clung to my brain ever since, and now I realize that the above statement is true. About five years ago, I was invited to a party that I thought was going to be the best thing ever. It was a birthday party hosted by one of my best friends, Erika, and it was at a waterpark. Everything there looked so ginormous compared to me, it felt like I was an ant, and I was being compared to an elephant. When we got into the waterpark we all jumped in the water at once. The water was nice, and it was very hot outside. We went on the climbing rocks, and we played tag in the water. All of a sudden Erika screamed, "Let's go on the waterslides!" Both Ellery and I were not very excited about this. Neither one of us had ever gone on a waterslide before. "No way", we both screamed. I felt so childish not being able to go on a waterslide, even though I was a

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