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1st Grade Lesson Plans


Submitted By adele442
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Lesson Plan

STANDARDS: Language Arts: 3.1.1.A.1; 3.1.1.A.3; Reading: 3.1.1.B.1; Writing: 3.1.1.E.1; 3.1.1.E.3; Viewing and Media Literacy: 3.1.1.G.1; Speaking: 3.3.K.A.3; 3.3.1.C.1; Listening: 3.4.K.B.1;

THEME: “Winter”

LESSON TOPIC: ”Winter Apparel”

•. Students will be able to identify various pieces of winter apparel. Content:
•. Students will be able to describe each piece of winter apparel’s use (dependent on student levels).

LEARNING STRATEGIES: Students will be presented multiple times with the vocabulary of winter apparel, therefore using the strategy of repetition. Students will also have a hands on experience, by being able to touch and try on the winter clothes. This allows for students to make the connection between the object and the English word, as well as the students native word for the clothing item. Students will also discuss the use of each clothing item, allowing for multiple levels to be targeted.

KEY VOCABULARY: Glove, Mitten, Scarf, Hat, Coat, Boots, Snow Suit, and Earmuffs

MATERIALS: A Snowy Day Coloring Page, Caps, Hats, Socks and Mittens: A Book About the Four Seasons by Louise Borden, Crayons, Various winter apparel (gloves, mittens, scarves, hats, coats, books, snowsuit, ear muffs, etc.) Bingo boards with pictures of winter apparel, stamps

MOTIVATION: This is a first grade ESL class with a certified teacher and two assistances. There are 3 levels of ESL learners, beginners, intermediate, and advance.
As with any ESL class, students are from a variety of different countries and cultures. Some of these students may come from a place where it does not get cold enough to wear any winter apparel. Therefore, reviewing the vocabulary words for various winter clothing items will help students from any type of climate adapt to life in the winter months.

Students will gather around the carpet area. First, the teacher will ask the students to recall prior experiences, therefore activating their background knowledge before presenting them with the lesson. After this is done, the teacher will ask the students what they notice about the front cover of the book Caps, Hats, Socks and Mittens: A Book About the Four Seasons by Louise Borden, guiding them to notice that it is a cold, snowy day outside.
•. When was the last time you remember being really cold?
•. What did you do to make yourself warm?
Teacher will show the students the front cover of the book, Caps, Hats, Socks and Mittens: A Book About the Four Seasons by Louise Borden.
•. What do you notice about this picture?
•. What do you think this book is going to be about?
•. Do you think this book is going to be set in the summer or winter?
•. How do you know?
•. Do you think these children are hot or cold?
•. How do you know?

The teacher will explain to the students that during the winter, it gets very cold outside. In order to stay warm, people will put on certain types of cold to keep their body warm. The teacher will read the book Caps, Hats, Socks and Mittens: A Book About the Four Seasons by Louise Borden to the students, stopping to identify various winter apparel throughout.

The students will return to their desks and be instructed to take out their crayons and pencils. The teacher will pass out the Snowy Day coloring page to the students, giving them specific instructions to not color the picture until they are instructed to. The teacher will then present the students with a large bag, full of various winter apparel items. The teacher will call up one student to pull a clothing item out of the bag. The item will then be identified, and with the students trying the item on.
•. What item did you get?
•. Do you know what this is called?
•. How do you think this will help you in the cold?
After the discussion of the item, the teacher will direct students to color the item on their own coloring page. This process will be repeated until all of the items are reviewed.

If there are more students than objects, the teacher will allow those students to come try on an item from the bag before proceeding into the assessment. PRACTICE AND APPLICATION:
Students will continue to work on identifying winter apparel, as well as describing the use of each item. Students will do this through books (The Mitten by Jan Brett, I Wear My Jacket in the Snow by Shirley Neitzel and Nancy Winslow Parker), through coloring pictures, cutting and gluing articles of winter clothing to a picture of a boy/girl, labeling diagrams and clothing, and using personal experiences and connections (e.g. What would you do if it was a snowy day tomorrow?)

Students will be grouped into their various levels, with each teacher assistant taking one group. These cards will be distributed to the students based on their levels. The students will then be asked to recall vocabulary by playing a game of Bingo. For instance, for students who are on grade level, the teacher or assistant will state what the item of clothing is and the student must match the spoken word to the picture provided on the Bingo card. For students that require more help, the teacher or assistant will provide a picture, in which the students must match to the picture on their board. Students that are more advanced will be asked to match picture to meaning of the apparel. For example, students will be given a BINGO card with a picture and the word, however the teacher will state, “This keeps your head warm.” Each student will use a stamper to mark off his or her BINGO boards. The teacher or assistant will keep data on the children’s actions during the activity, making note of who may require more support at a later date.

The teacher will trace the students profile onto large paper. Students can draw and color winter clothes onto their profile and label each part using a sharpie marker. These will be displayed on the bulletin board outside of the classroom.

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