...Women and Leadership, Could the better 21th century leadership be a woman? I still remember that day when I had to go thru a serie of job interviews for a consulting position : I was 24 years old, and freshly graduated from a top rank university, but tough still humble and ready to acquire experience and make an impact in the Business world and more generally in the world. I have been raised in a poor family, with a mom as leadership model who raised her 3 kids alone after a divorce. I think I kept quite well the humility that I developed in my childhood and this situation and the absolute necessity of keeping high moral values like honor and integrity from my Dad who was a military no matter the circumstances are. That being said, and this parenthesis being done, I went to this interviews quite impressed, and shy, till the clock bell rang to indicate it was my turn to go. I did the first interview with the HR who asked me as a conclusion to our delightful discussion, "what is the topic of the presentation you will do to the managers and Senior manager hereafter" ? I said with a bit of embarassment, it is about the purpose of the annual red cross donations. She replied "Nice, do you have your slides ?". I said "Yes, but one is not so clear and this is a small detail but I like when it's perfect, I am kind of embarrassed". She replied gently "It will be fine". The first interview get close, and I waited for the second one which, I knew was, with only mens". It is not...
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...Universities and colleges have responded to this demand previously by providing more nurses, for example more pathways were created to allow more people to become registered nurses (RNs) either as BSN, ADN or the more recently introduced program that allows students who already have baccalaureate degree in another field to become nurses with bachelor’s or masters degree in nursing. The IOM report indicates that our 20th century nursing educations are not sufficient and falls short of 21st century health needs. It is clear by all accounts that patients needs and environment of which nurses’ practice are continuously becoming more complex, this condition require nurse to sharpen their competencies to deliver high-quality care. This calls for different approach to nursing education and training. The report calls for new training that focuses on transforming Practice, Transforming Education, and Transforming Leadership. Based on the current scope of nursing practice, we can induce that U.S. nurses were trained to treat acute illnesses and injuries based on 20th century needs which is no longer adequate...
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...examples of a leader with simplicity is Mahatma Gandhi, who used simple language and lived a simple life. Yet he was able to concert energies of an entire nation towards achieving Indian Independence. Leaders frame complex strategies, use heavy weight terminologies to describe their plans, set up complex processes and use a lot of jargons when communicating for a change. They spend heavily on getting those strategies across the board and aligning people to it. Yet, strategies fail because people fail to connect. Leaders always have a choice to simplify or complexify. In the 20th Century, when Gandhi and the nation fought for independence, simplicity worked. Today, in the 21th century, we still have some leaders that carry simplicity in their leadership. Ho Ching, the Chief Executive Officer of Temasek Holdings, is one of leaders that live in simplicity both in her daily lifestyle and leadership. Temasek has grown and transformed under Ho Ching, focusing it’s portfolio on the twin transformations of Asia and Singapore...
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...A culture of safety includes the organization’s activities, standards, approaches, communication methods, and leadership attitudes to prevent or minimize adverse events, and to support safety behaviors at all levels. “Improving the culture of safety within health care is an essential component of preventing or reducing errors and improving overall health care quality” (“Safety Culture,” 2016). A culture of safety would benefit Drew’s case and the patient’s at his hospital, because a culture of safety promotes the staff’s commitment, confidence, increase the staff’s morale, and consistently safe behaviors among leaders and healthcare providers. In addition, a culture of safety would improve the communication and collaboration between co-workers,...
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...Strayer University, Professor Lind Contemporary Business Bus 508 Summer Term 2 Many successful business tycoons have created great business theories and or philosophies that been implemented and with stood the test of time in which their business are the model for many to follow today. So in thinking of a new business theory one comes to mind of ” AFT” which stands for Attention, Focus, and Thinking. Steve Case CEO of AOL.com used his own theory when he started his businesses in the early 1990‘s towards his success which were People, Passion and Perseverance. This logic of think has made his company what it is today a fortune 500 company and a major player in todays internet business market. In todays entrepreneurial leadership processing, new theories can be tried and proven effective or not. So beginning with the first word of AFT being attention, can be implemented in every business decision and planning you can become successful. Attention begins the fa major step in planning strategies or creating a plan of attack with the goals for leading your project from beginning to end. Webster defines attention as condition of readiness for such attention involving especially a selective narrowing or focusing of consciousness and receptivity (Webster, 2011). Attention is a very important piece of planing and decision making for any project to begin to come to fruition. The next piece of “AFT” is Focus, focus is defined as adjustment for distinct vision; also; the...
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...to the decision making process. It identifies the Decision Making Model and Approach to Change that Scout Mortgage used in revamping its human capital structure. Nature of Change The 21th Century has ushered in several factors that have been the catalyst for a dynamically transforming environment. Scout Mortgage, a loan mortgage broker since 1999 (Hellriegel & Slocum, 2009) has experienced the bullish and the bearish economic environment. In a work environment, the typical factors of change are driven by technological advancements which enable global-market-reach or globalization. With the increase of information technology and global communications, the world is communitively smaller. Any situation that affects a local market can be transformed into a national or international issue. The domestic housing sector economic downturn along with other Wall Street unethical and irresponsible actions have not only lead to a national but international recession and market collapse. In the case of Scout Mortgage, the technological advances have changed the way the company’s Loan Officers conducts business. Technology has automated a lot of task that where the responsibility of the loan officer. This decrease of responsibility along with the derailed housing market has forced Scout’s leadership to make an unwelcomed change. Change Reaction Typically, employees react negatively to change. Because of human nature and the fear of the unknown, which chain brings, it’s only natural...
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...Cedric Polk PSY/300 GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY Life Span Development and Personality Paper LORRAINE EYRE There have been a lot of famous people during the 20th and 21th Century that have made a impact on society. There have been some that have made a bad and good impact on society. The one famous person I can think of is Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr. was born on January 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Georgia. Dr. King was both a Baptist minister and civil-rights activist. Through his leadership, he had a great part in ending the legal separation of African American from Caucasians. King created the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights of 1964. King was the middle child of Michael King Sr. and Alberta Williams King’s grandfather, A.D. Williams was also a minister. King’s father came from poor families that were sharecroppers. King’s father was also a minister. King came was raised by a family of believers and had a strong belief in faith. He grew up in a loving and secure environment and didn’t have to worry about being unstable. King grew up know right from wrong and to turn the other cheek when people do things against you. His morals values were important to him and he lived by what he believed. King followed his dad’s footsteps and became a minister also. Even being from a poor family, He earned a sociology degree from Morehouse College and then attended Crozer Theological Seminary in Chester, Pennsylvania. King was later a pastor of the Dexter Avenue...
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...0 CHRISTIAN WORLDVIEW: REAL SERVANT LEADERS 1 Christian Worldview: Real Leaders Serve A requirement for being a servant leader is to be a Christian. To be a Christian, one must follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ by being baptized. After baptism, God has several expectations for Christians to fulfill which are living a Christian life and openly sharing information about God. Nancy Pearcey the author of Total Truth states, “A servant leader creates an atmosphere of “transparency” in which all relevant information is shared openly, so that everyone has an opportunity to make responsible decisions.” (Pearcey, 2004) In order to be a Christian servant leader, you must be a Christian. Charles H. Dunahoo the author of aking Kingdom Disciples M states “to be a Christian, not in name only, but as one who practices his or her beliefs (which is the essence of a disciple), is to think from a Christian perspective about life and reality. In becoming a Christian our life becomes oriented to God.” (Dunahoo, 2005) In the Book of Romans, the Apostle Paul has given us scripture on how we can live a Christian life. The scripture states, “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” (Romans 12:2) After renewing of the mind, you have a new heart and a new spirit. God want the newness of your heart and mind to affect the way you live by no longer ...
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...Diversity in the Workplace When we think of diversity we may think of different colors of skin, or maybe different backgrounds of origin. However diversity is so much more. In historic times white men where the world’s leaders, within the workforce. There are some who helped shape our managerial environment. We had great men like Maslow who was the father of hierarchy of needs. Which is a theory in psychology which subsequently extended the idea to include his observations of humans' innate curiosity. With this theory we understood the needs basis for the blue collar employee, and how to communicate from the bottom to the top. We also had others like Frederick Taylor, father of scientific management, with scientific management we were able to understand what it meant to be a top manager, and how to communicate with the employee. Henri Fayol, was another contributor of the idea of human resources, and the managerial world, he was the early proponent of general principles of management. With these men they shaped the idea of what was proper management, and what the work environment needed. With them they brought forth new ideas, and these ideas brought forth the movement of diversity. With diversity becoming more of a norm within the working environment, and fewer whites moving up in the ranks of companies, and businesses. The workforce started to change with the introduction of women in the workforce, and other cultures being involved, when the market began to globalize. ...
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...advertising industries are supported by the government because they boost country’s economy (Newsom, Miss Representation). With this system, contents that can be broadcasted are very limiting because no matter how good the messages certain content may have, their value is only considered “valued” when they can bring in a lot of profits. Cancellation Commander in Chief, an American TV series which narrates women in power, is one example. Many young girls could have dreamed of being in a leadership position motivated by the story of female protagonist, but it stopped broadcasting after one season (Newsom, Miss Representation). Another important thing to consider is the group of people who decides which content to be broadcasted. Miss Presentation the documentary provides a statics that shows only three percent of women in broadcasting industries hold the key position. This means most of the contents that have been broadcasted were already filtered through male perspective which can be biased. In the 21th century, the role of “gender socialization” has been taken up by another media such as Facebook and Instagram. It seems like movies, TV series, advertisements, and the like that preceded before Facebook and Instagram fed the “patriarchal ideologies” into people’s minds, while Facebook and Instagram have provided a platform or cyber-community where people can actually share, learn, practice and remind of these traditional values. For example, women taking certain poses are considered as...
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...The aim of the Organizational behavior is studying the human behavior in an individual and group processes and actions. It is significant for us to explore and understand the implication of human beings and the interactions of organization as well as aware the best way on nature and the role of management in designing and controlling the organizations. Organizational theory is distributed to two main approaches, Technical-rational approach and Social-human approach. Technical-rational approaches simply are considering the organization as machines and treating human as mere cogs within them which include Bureaucracy, The Classical School and Scientific management. About the Social-human approaches are seeing the organization as communities of people and treat human as emotional and social beings, which structures are more flexible and It can be called as Human rations school. Afterward, I would like to discuss them respectively and particularity. First of all, about the Bureaucracy demonstrates the people to have their own responsibilities and well-defined tasks. It indicates there are the hierarchical reporting structures in organization which means the managers have official authorities to exact obedience such as because of their position, as well as the personal authority based on individual personality, intelligence, and experience obedience and respect within an organization are absolutely essential. Good discipline requires managers to apply sanctions whenever violations...
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...Nick Genaris Professor Ngoh Protest Literature 21th October 2015 Letter from Birmingham Jail-Rhetorical Analysis Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. wrote the “Letter from Birmingham Jail” in order to address the biggest issue in Birmingham and the United States at the time (racism) and to also address the critics he received from the clergymen. The letter discusses the great injustices happening toward the Black community in Birmingham and although it is primarily aimed at the clergymen King writes the letter for all to read. In his “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” Martin Luther King Jr. uses logos, alliteration/repetition, and ethos to back up his belief that nonviolent protesting and disobedience is the most effective means to protest anything that needs to be changed, in this case segregation. After reading King’s letter I, and almost anyone, would come to the conclusion that King is deeply motivated to help against any injustice in the US. Who else would go to such lengths if they didn’t? He knows how persuasive he can be by using his knowledge of the English language, and he uses this to speak out against people who doubt him (clergymen) and to incite a different way of thinking into the people in hopes of change. Dr. King’s letter is extremely effective because it provides an enormous amount of evidence to the reader that he and his company are being treated unjustly and also that King truly cares about making a change for the good of the city. It also re-directs attention...
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...Prepared for: Mr John Andre The unit: Organization and Behavior The Banking Academy Prepared by: Trần Minh Hằng – Helena Class: F05A-065 No of words: 2,759 Submission date: 21th November, 2012 Table of Contents Introduction 3 1.1 Compare and contrast different organizational structures and culture 4 1.1.1 Analyze organizational structures and culture: 4 1.1.2 Compare and contrast different organizational structures and culture: 4 1.2 Explain how the relationship between an organization’s structure and culture can impact on the performance of the business: 5 1.2.1 Describe the relationship between organizational structure and culture 5 1.2.2 Demonstrate this relationship affecting business performance 5 1.3 Discuss the factors which influence individual behavior at work 7 1.3.1 Identify factors which influence individual behavior at work of the two companies 7 1.3.2 Analyze effects of the factors to individual behavior at work of the two organizations 7 2.1 Compare the effectiveness of the different leadership styles in different organizations 8 2.1.1 Identify different leadership styles used by the two organizations 8 2.1.2 Discuss the effectiveness of the different leadership styles in different organizations 8 2.2 Explain how organizational theory underpins the practice of management 10 2.2.1 Analyze the organizational theory which an organization complies 10 2.2.2 Demonstrate how organization theory underpins the practice of management...
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...CASE STUDY Monday 21th November 2011 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Charles LUMBERS Case study: Wells Fargo 1 Established in 1852, Wells Fargo is the oldest operating bank in the US. The bank is currently the fourth largest bank in the United States. The success of Wells Fargo lies within its remarkable strategy and competent management, which have allowed the bank to grow and diversify in ways that their competitors could only dream. The bank went through several changes, with over 1500 mergers and acquisitions. The most important merger was with Northwest Corporation, a merger, which is at the foundation of Wells Fargo as it operates today. It is clear that the underlying reason of the merger was management’s ability to identify the strengths and weaknesses of their respective banks, while foreseeing the complementary benefit their respective skill-sets could provide. Indeed, the merger brought together two halves and through the effects of synergy, it surpassed the potential of the separate halves. The story of Wells Fargo is full of similar cases in which the ability of strategic thinking and competent management laid the groundwork for what is now one of the most respectable banks in the US. This paper will analyse key strategic factors and competencies, which have resulted in the success of the bank. It will examine the bank through an analysis of their business environment, strategic capabilities and sources of sustainable corporate advantage. The analysis will...
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...CURRENT ISSUES IN EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT IN NIGERIA Edited by N. A. Nwagwu E. T. Ehiametalor M. A. Ogunu Mon Nwadiani A publication of the Nigerian Association for Educational Administration and Planning TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface and Acknowledgement …………………………….xi — xn SECTION 1: MANAGEMENT OF A FREE COMPULSORY SCHOOL SYSTEM 1 Chapter 1: Educational Management in Nigeria. ... ……..2-12 Prof. A. B. Fafunwa Chapter 2: Management of Free and Compulsory Education in Nigeria: Issues and Problems. ............ 13-23 Dr. M. S. Onwueme Chapter 3: Effective Management Strategies for a Free and Compulsory School System in Kwara State. 24-37 Dr. (Mrs.) A. T. Alabi Chapter 4: Effective Management of Schools for Compulsory Education. .. ... ... 38-47 Dr. Michael U. C. Ejieh Chapter 5: Management Demand of Universal Basic Education Programme.. ... ... 48-59 Dr. (Mrs.) R. O. Olubor and Dr. S. Unyimadu Chapter 6: Planning and Managing Universal Basic Education (UBE) at the Primary School Level in Cross River State………........ 60-70 Dr. Usang U. Bassey and Mrs. Ijeoma A. Archibong Chapter 7: Investigating Factors Influencing Primary School Pupils' Learning Achievement in Imo State... 71-90 Assoc. Prof. I. L Anukam iii SECTION 2: HUMAN RESOURCES...
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