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Gestalt and Client Centered Therapy


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Specific Learning Disorders

Table of contents
Index Pages
Introduction 3
Diagnostic criteria 4
Aetiology 11
Differential diagnosis 14
Comorbodity 16
Prevalence 16
Prevention and Treatment 17
Prognosis 18
Multicultural factors 19
Social factors 19
Conclusion 20
References 21

A tiny fragment of words used, labels for children and people with specific learning disorders. If only they understood
The most basic definition of a specific learning disorder/disability according to Gould (2005) cited in Rörich (2008) is when a learner has an average to above average intelligence, with normal vision and hearing, and receives the same teaching experiences as other learners his age. He, however, underachieves. He is unable to keep up with his peers and generally cannot cope with the demands of the school (pp16).
Margari (2013) defines SLD’s as that which are characterizations of academic functioning that are below the level that would be expected given their age, Intelligent Quotient and grade level in school, and interfere significantly with academic performances or daily life activities that require reading, writing or calculation skills.
The gist of it, is that specific learning disorders are neurodevelopmental/cognitive disorders that Hulme and Snowling (2009,pp22) define as “typically characterized by slow rates of development, either in specific domain (specific learning disabilities such as dyslexia or mathematics disorder) or more generally across many domains (general learning difficulties or mental retardation).
Finally, Rorich (2008, pp16) explains that the South African contexts defines these, as barriers to learning or learning disabilities in which then a "Specific learning disability", is a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, that may manifest itself in an imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell or to do mathematical calculations.
The disorder is identified as a “discrepancy of more than two standard deviations between levels of achievement and intelligence” (Kearney, 2010,pp77).
Specific learning disorders is encapsulated in the DSM 5 as an umbrella term of neurodevelopmental learning disorders that negatively affect the “normal” acquisition of academic skills. These skills were previously categorized separately as reading, writing and mathematics disorders, respectively.
Diagnostic Criteria
The clinical description of Specific according to the DSM 5 (American Psychiatric Association, 2013, 66-74) is explained as:
A. Difficulties learning and using academic skills, as indicated by the presence of at least one of the following symptoms that have persisted for at least 6 months, despite the provision of interventions that target those difficulties:
1. Inaccurate or slow and effortful word reading (e.g., reads single words aloud incorrectly or slowly and hesitantly, frequently guesses words, has difficulty sounding out words).
2. Difficulty understanding the meaning of what is read (e.g., may read text accurately but not understand the sequence, relationships, inferences, or deeper meanings of what is read).
3. Difficulties with spelling (e.g., may add, omit, or substitute vowels or consonants).
4. Difficulties with written expression (e.g., makes multiple grammatical or punctua­tion errors within sentences; employs poor paragraph organization; written expression of ideas lacks clarity).
5. Difficulties mastering number sense, number facts, or calculation (e.g., has poor understanding of numbers, their magnitude, and relationships; counts on fingers to add single-digit numbers instead of recalling the math fact as peers do; gets lost in the midst of arithmetic computation and may switch procedures).
6. Difficulties with mathematical reasoning (e.g., has severe difficulty applying mathematical concepts, facts, or procedures to solve quantitative problems).
B. The affected academic skills are substantially and quantifiably below those expected for the individual’s chronological age, and cause significant interference with academic or occupational performance, or with activities of daily living, as confirmed by individually administered standardized achievement measures and comprehensive clinical assessment. For individuals age 17 years and older, a documented history of impairing learning difficulties may be substituted for the standardized assessment.
C. The learning difficulties begin during school-age years but may not become fully manifest until the demands for those affected academic skills exceed the individual’s limited capacities (e.g., as in timed tests, reading or writing lengthy complex reports for a tight deadline, excessively heavy academic loads).
D. The learning difficulties are not better accounted for by intellectual disabilities, uncorrected visual or auditory acuity, other mental or neurological disorders, psychosocial adversity, lack of proficiency in the language of academic instruction, or inadequate educational instruction.
Note; The four diagnostic criteria are to be met based on a clinical synthesis of the individual’s history (developmental, medical, family, educational), school reports, and psycho-educational assessment.
Coding note: Specify all academic domains and subskills that are impaired. When more than one domain is impaired, each one should be coded individually according to the following specifiers.
Specify if:
With impairment in reading:
Word reading accuracy
Reading rate or fluency
Reading comprehension
Note: Dyslexia is an alternative term used to refer to a pattern of learning difficulties characterized by problems with accurate or fluent word recognition, poor decoding, and poor spelling abilities. If dyslexia is used to specify this particular pattern of difficulties, it is important also to specify any additional difficulties that are present, such as difficulties with reading comprehension or math reasoning.
With impairment in written expression:
Spelling accuracy
Grammar and punctuation accuracy
Clarity or organization of written expression
With impairment in mathematics:
Number sense
Memorization of arithmetic facts
Accurate or fluent calculation
Accurate math reasoning
Note: Dyscalculia is an alternative term used to refer to a pattern of difficulties characterized by problems processing numerical information, learning arithmetic facts and performing accurate or fluent calculations. If dyscalculia is used to specify this particular pattern of mathematic difficulties, it is important also to specify any additional difficulties that are present, such as difficulties with math reasoning or word reasoning accuracy.
Specify current severity:
Some difficulties learning skills in one or two academic domains, but of mild enough severity that the individual may be able to compensate or function well when provided with appropriate accommodations or support services, especially during the school years.
Moderate: Marked difficulties learning skills in one or more academic domains, so that the individual is unlikely to become proficient without some intervals of intensive and specialized teaching during the school years. Some accommodations or supportive services at least part of the day at school, in the workplace, or at home may be needed to complete activities accurately and efficiently.
Severe: Severe difficulties learning skills, affecting several academic domains, so that the individual is unlikely to learn those skills without ongoing intensive individualized and specialized teaching for most of the school years. Even with an array of appropriate accommodations or services at home, at school, or in the workplace, the individual may not be able to complete all activities efficiently
Before a diagnosis is made in the case of specific learning disorders, it is the clinician’s responsibility to rule out all other factors that may contribute to the poor academic functioning. Kearney (2010) presented a case study in which the client, an 8 year old Hispanic girl, named presented poor achievement scores despite having a “normal” intelligence as described. In the case of Gisele, she was referred to a different school during the course of the year, she was being in taught in a second language and she never failed although she performed badly especially in tasks that required reading and writing.(pp75-77).
With regards to the brief case presented, in ruling out other possible factors to the poor academic functioning. The clinical psychologist, is expected to consider the home language of the client and whether the client perhaps cannot communicate in the language of teaching which is English. Secondly, the impact of being in different school environment may present adjustment issues, possible trauma and the client may perhaps be in need of time to adapt to the teaching style of the educator. A classic example if it were true, is presented in the parents of Gisele, Mr. and Mrs Garcia that ended up blaming the school instead for poor teaching practices and also then claiming that she had come from a “poorly funded school in general” (Kearney, 2010, pp77-78). This demonstrates that in specific learning disorders, the institution of learning matters, socio-economic factors may also contribute learning problems, as well as other biological factors such as deafness or being blind.
It is evident that a thorough clinical assessment must always be administered before diagnosing any client, with regards to the case of Gisele, examples of how a comprehensive clinical assessment is administered, will follow (Burke,2014,pp35-46): * Clinical interview: family history, history of client’s life, detailed description of presenting problem, information on attitudes, emotions and current/past behaviour as well as information on significant events of the client
According to Kearney (2010) environmental variables such as socio-cultural factors must be considered, which could affect a child’s school-based motivation, competiveness, attitudes and overall school achievement orientation, language deficits were argued by the author to also having the potential to predispose the child to social withdrawal that inhibits other forms of learning . Gisele was reported to have had being a bright student in her early years, also in her previous school she performed well in maths and science, achieving 88 in maths but had now dropped scores because the teacher “often taught maths and science using story problems, creative lab projects that involved reading and writing. Gisele, excelled in mathematics however she was not as strong in reading or writing. This goes back to the DSM 5 note, that suggest that specifications should be made in terms of specific learning disorders. Gisele may be able to solve mathematics calculations but having specific learning disorder with specifications in reading and writing.
Mental Status Examination: Critical analysis on intellectual functioning and thought processes
In addition, Gisele had an obvious misconfigured thought process, unlike other children she was unable to identify, recognise and integrate words and meanings. Gisele “had trouble identifying new and different words, even those in word groups such as law, paw and saw…she had trouble identifying letters of the alphabet” (Kearney, 2010. Pp76).
According to Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, children Gisele’s age should have already mastered a phenomena called symbolic function from the ages of two to four years old, in which the child uses “symbols such as words, images and gestures to represent objects and events mentally” (Guavain and Parke, 2009,pp284). This would require the liquid recognition and identification of letters and words. Symbolic function exists within the preoperational period, whereby the “ability to use symbolic facilitates the learning of language” (Guavain and Parke, 2009, pp284). * Behavioural Assessment:
Gisele’s teacher complained that she was fidgety, inattentive but was not defiant, impolite, overactive etc. She however would make excuses for not completing her homework always suggesting that she had lost her homework. Gisele was observed as being disorganized, her study table was cluttered without any systematic way of doing things. (Kearney, 2010, pp76) * Medical Assessment: neuroimaging, physical examination
Although there was no medical assessment administered in Gisele’s case, neuroimaging would generally focus on the parietal and temporal lobes as they are the ones responsible for sensory integration, speech and language respectively (Weiten, 2010). In brain imaging, the Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (FMRI) scans provide “better images of the brain than CT scans” (Vythillingam, 2005 cited in Weiten, 2010, pp95). FMRI monitor blood flow and oxygen consumption in the brain to identify areas of high activity. In specific learning disorders, the scans will monitor the high oxygen activity level within the temporal-parietal region, as this will determine if energy is being used up in the form of sensory-motor integration. According to Kearney (2010) in dyslexia, a reading impairment, the temporal area showed less activity level as compared with people without dyslexia. Therefore, the normal information processing by neurons in the brain was either not present or limited. * Psychological Tests: Intelligence testing, Personality inventories, Projective and
Neuropsychological tests
Mr.Dartil, Gisele’s psychologist administered the Wechsler Intelligence scale for Children in which cognitive functioning is the central focus when assessing children. Gisele received an IQ score of 104 which suggests that she had an average intellectual quotient potential but had achieved below the norms. According to the clinician, Gisele was not “performing to her potential” (pp78).
According the Special Education Services: A Manual of Policies, Procedures and Guidelines (2006) cited in the paper presented by the British Columbia Association of School Psychologists (2007) that learning disorders are a result of genetic and/or neurobiological factors or injury that alters brain functioning in a manner which affects one or more processes related to learning. These disorders then are not due primarily to hearing and/or vision problems, socio-economic factors, cultural or linguistic differences, lack of motivation or ineffective teaching, although these factors may further complicate the challenges faced by individuals with learning disabilities. Learning disabilities may co-exist with various conditions including attention, behaviour and emotional disorders, sensory impairments or other medical conditions (pp.4)
In genetics, according to Mash and Wolfe (2013) children who lacked skills required for reading, such as hearing separate sounds of words, were more likely to have a parent with a related problem (pp372). The authors, Hawke, Wadsworth and Defries (2006) cited Kearney (2010) indicate that twin data revealed that reading disorders had a moderate to strong genetic influence, with chromosomes 1,2,3,6,11,13,15 and 18 were that were affected, which is in agreement with the findings of Gigorenko (2007) which identified that chromosome number 6 was predisposed children to a reading disorder. Though reading disorder in the new DSM 5 is referred to as a specific learning disorder with a reading impairment. Writing and mathematics disorder are not researched as much the reading disorder, as some researchers have suggested that a reading impairment is the root of all learning impairments. A reading impairment is called dyslexia. Dyslexia is defined by Reid (2009) as a processing difference, often characterized by difficulties in literacy acquisition affecting reading, writing and spelling. It can also have an impact on cognitive processes such as memory, speed of processing, time management, co-ordination and automaticity. There may be visual and/or phonological difficulties and there are usually some discrepancies in educational performances (pp4).

The neurological organic dysfunction, not only involves faults in the genetic makeup and chromosomes but also impediments in the certain structures of the brain. The brain, apart from the cerebrum and cerebellum, it is made of up four main functional lobes. Of the four lobes, the temporal and parietal lobes are involved in specific learning disorders. The temporal lobe “contains an area devoted to the auditory processing, called the primary core” (Weiten, 2011, pp103). According to Weiten (2011, pp102) damage to this part of the brain can result in impairments in the comprehension of speech and language. According to Pennington (1991,pp199) a problem in learning phonological labels could easily result from the left temporal lobe structural and functional anomalies.
In addition, another part of the brain that has a part to play in specific learning disorders, is the parietal lobe, which is “involved in integrating visual input and in monitoring the body’s position space” (Weiten, 2011, p102). Not only does the individual with a specific learning disorder fail to integrate what is seen, let’s say on the school board, but they are unable to perceive size and space, and so may write above lines, or misunderstand size and position. The primary visual cortex is not involved though it involves sight, because the reality of specific learning disorders is not the inability to see but to integrate and make sense of visual information.
Therefore the inability of the temporal-parietal lobe to process sensory input from sensory neurons, integrate the information and provide feedback through the motor neurons, results poor performance in reflection of information. In addition, according to Mash and Wolfe, the visual cortex plays a role in specific learning disorders. According to the authors, studies discovered that adults with reading disorders showed no activation in visual motion when asked to view randomly moving dots (pp374). This means that there was no response by the visual regions of these adults, who were not sensitive to the recognition of objects and would show notable defects in perception.
Persons with learning disorders have their short term and long-term memory affected hence they are unable to recall sensations to certain sounds and words, secondly, “language difficulties for people with reading disorders are specifically associated with the neurological processing of phonology and storage of such information into memory and behavioural and physiological abnormalities are found in processing of visual information” (Mash and Wolfe, 2013, pp374). Kearney (2010) found that cognitive deficits in learning disorders include perceptual problem such as distinguishing letters and words as well as linguistic processing problems.
In the left hemisphere of the brain responsible for language, the following segments of the brain are inactive in people with learning disorders: * Primary auditory cortex: responsible for electrical signals from receptors into sounds an sanctions of vowels and consonants * Auditory association area: responsible for basic sensory information from sounds and noises into recognisable patterns of words or music
(Mash and Wolfe, 2011, pp373)
Research suggests that these abnormalities can be detected at the earliest, in the prenatal stage of a foetus, whereby normal cell differentiation doesn’t take place in which each cell carries specific instruction and a memory for their task in the human body. Furthermore, apart from focus on neurological and developmental disabilities that impair functioning, Mash and Wolfe state that foetal alcohol syndrome, insulin-dependent diabetes, autism, irradiation and several other childhood diseases and trauma have been linked to nonverbal learning disorders.
Differential Diagnosis
Specific Learning Disorder and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
In ADHD poor academic achievement cannot be attributed to the inability to fulfil either of the academic skills such as reading, writing or mathematics due to defects in information processing. Rather poor academic achievement is a result of the inability to focus or be attentive to the school due to hyperactivity. Further inattention in specific learning disorders may be due to frustration from not being able to integrate, understand and meet the requirements of the work. Children/Individuals with ADHD may have normal sensory-motor processes and an average or above IQ score. There is a high correlation of SLD’s and ADHD in children, usually overlapping 30%-70% of the time (Mash and Wolfe, 2013).
Specific Leaning Disorder and Intellectual Disability
In Intellectual Disability, poor academic achievement is the result of “deficits in intellectual functions such as reasons, problem solving, planning, abstract thinking, judgement, academic learning, and learning from experience, confirmed by both clinical assessment and individualized, standardized intelligence testing” (APA, 2013, pp33). In specific learning disorder the individual may have an average or above average IQ score but still not be able to process and integrate information, on the other end, in intellectual disability the individuals possess an IQ score that is the expected for school requirements. The similarities entail the inability to conceptualize symbols and concepts. In both, there is a deficit in identification, integration and recognition of words, symbols. Both disorders satisfy the criteria A and B of specific learning disorders, but intellectual disability is ruled out in criteria C, which states that the individual may have SLD in the absence of an intellectual disability. The IQ score of intellectual disability is from 75 and below, whereas children/people with SLD’s may have an average to above average IQ.
In dementia, the inability to perform familiar tasks such as writing or reading and understanding what is read or mathematical, is a result of cognitive deterioration in the parts of the brain necessary for execution of sensory-motor functions.. The affected parts of brain lead to a cognitive breakdown. In Specific learning Disorders, the individual develops as a child with Specific learning disorder, in the latter, dementia develops over time (usually thought to be for only older people). The inability to carry out academic functions, is a result of cognitive deterioration that may be well inherited. People with dementia lose the memory capacity to executing tasks such as writing, whereas in SLD’s the individuals are born with this deficit from childhood. Dementia can be understood as a set of multiple cognitive developmental impairments that affect the human memory and cause loss of executive functioning (Baiyewu, Jeste, Reiger, Sirovatka and Sunderland (2007).
Developmental Coordination Disorder
In specific learning disorder the individual is unable to fulfil the writing aspect of academic skills due to not being able to recognize, interpret or integrate the words or symbols. However in DCD, failure to write is due to a low acquisition and execution of the motor skills that then affect academic/school productivity. The fine and gross motor skills attributed to gripping and handwriting are impaired. Kearney (2010) found that children with writing and spelling difficulties also have trouble producing letters, organizing finger movements, mapping out written words phonologically, and integrating visual-motor stimuli.
Learning difficulties
Specific learning disorder is not the result of injury to neurological and sensory organs. Challenges in the sensory organs may include visual and hearing impairments, at other times traumatic brain injury may affect parts of the brain associated with sensory-integration and processing.
Results from a quantitative study in the article, Neuropsychopathological comorbidities in learning disorders found that in terms of Specific Learning Disorders “ADHD was present in 33%, Anxiety Disorder in 28.8%, Developmental Coordination Disorder in 17.8%, Language Disorder in 11% and Mood Disorder in 9.4% of patients.”(Margari,2013). Kearney (2010) found that learning disorders and attention deficit disorder co-occur in many cases (25%-80%) suggesting that causes overlap (pp81).
Further according to research, 20% of children with SLD have associated ADHD as comorbidity and vice versa. In addition intellectual disabilities and Specific Learning disorders are strongly associated.
The prevalence among adults is argued to be approximately 4% although information is scarce, in school-going children it ranges from 5%-15% (APA, 2013:pp70). As a result of the disorder being genetic, “the familial risk is therefore a useful indicator of dyslexia and is supported by prevalence rates” (Molfese, 2008 cited in Reid, 2009, pp15)

Prevention and Treatment
Mash and Wolfe (2013) believe that training children in phonological awareness activities at an early age may prevent subsequent reading problems among children at risk (pp375). The sooner the identification of learning challenges, the better it is for the child to get remediated. Children with specific learning disorders may need to use alternative methods to conventional teaching strategies employed by the school curriculum. Teachers may need to focus on building on the others strengths of the child such as art, music, drama, role-play and sports to teach.
Treatment typically requires efforts of a multidisciplinary that is inclusive of parents, teachers, peers and psychologists. By means of both cognitive behavioural therapy and psycho-education, a child’s attitude towards learning can be improved through support and investing in alternative methods of teaching.
According to Sams (2006) cited in Azam (2012) the identification of behaviours and feelings is linked to verbal ability and the identification of thoughts is associated with general IQ, thoughts, feelings, and behaviours that are more likely to be understood and correctly identified by people with higher verbal ability and IQ . Therefore for mild specific learning disorder not coupled with intellectual disability, CBT has been found to “help at least part of this population stabilise their mood, resume a more normal life, and engage in society in productive ways” (Azam, 2012.pp17).
While much focus has been on the individuals diagnosed with learning disorders, an institutional framework that will move towards improving mental health services in schools should be considers. Infact, Cowan and Rossen (2014) suggest a multitiered system of supports (MTSS), a framework that is rooted on the basis of providing a continuum of the delivery of services, integrated within a learning environment. These tiers are made up of three goals (Cowen and Rossen, 2014, pp10-11)
Goal 1: Universal wellness promotion and prevention
This goal focuses on promoting positive behaviour and safety, resilience and developing a supportive school environment whereby all students are valued and respected, while those are at risk for mental health problems are identified. The aim is to instil effective primary intervention through screening processes, skills development for both learners/students and staff.
Goal 2: Targeted prevention and intervention
Focus is on the identified problem at classroom level and even in the school. at this level, it is the responsibility of the mental health professionals to assess and guide interventions in collaboration with teachers.
Goal 3: Individual/Tertiary intervention
At this level both direct and indirect mental health services are provided such as counselling. The schools’ employed mental health professionals are required to coordinate with external clinicians and community agencies for intensive clinical service.
Above everything, awareness in schools could be helpful in reducing the effects of stigma and bullying learners/students.
Specific learning disorder with a specific impairment is usually diagnosed during the school going ages. That is usually when the symptoms are highlighted and easily identifiable, once the individual is required to meet academic outcomes and is unable to satisfy the demands. The disorder usually carries out throughout highschool, however given that remedial and psycho-education intervention is provided; students may be able to cope in learning environments, through “developing appropriate strategies for problem-solving and self-control in children” (Jena, 2013,pp123-124).
Multicultural factors
In a country like South Africa, where there are 12 official languages and where technology is not as evolved as in the States, prevalence rates are difficult to determine, but also identifying children with specific learning disorders is problematic. Firstly, in schools where English is still the medium of instruction, children may be either misdiagnosed for specific learning disorders whereas they are not English fluent. Vice versa, the scholar could be perceived as slow to understand English, whereas they have a learning disorder. Secondly, because technology is not as advanced in Africa, diagnosis is delayed, further delaying treatment. Thirdly, one should consider if all schools in South Africa have mental helath professionals particularly, school psychologists. School psychologists “can be particularly good resource to help identify assessment tools and collect, analyse, and interpret”( Cowen and Rossen, 2014, pp12)
Lastly, in intervention, understanding the cultural attitudes and persona experiences of families towards mental health is critical for family engagement as a resource (Cowen and Rossen, 2014).
Social factors
In South Africa, where poverty is rife, as according to Statistics SA (2014) owing to 10, 2 million people living beyond the food line. It is clear every child is offered the opportunity to go to school where specific learning disorders are highlighted as learners struggle to come to grips with the academic requirements. In addition, Foy and Perrin cited in Cowen and Rossen (2014) argue that in many communities, especially rural areas, school still remain the only source of mental health supports for children. Furthermore, an estimated 70% of all learners who receive mental health support, initially receive this at school (pp9).
Specific learning disorders are chronic conditions that cannot be “cured” because of its genetic origins. Specific learning disorders are different from what the school system regards as learning disabilities. Learning disabilities include mental, physical and social challenges that pose as a barrier to learning.
To determine a disorder in learner, standardized psychometric tools should be used in conjunction with reports from the family and educators. However through effective intervention involving remedial classes and alternative forms of teaching by educators, children may thrive and reach their full potential. Like any individual social support remains the most contribute factor in building esteem and the courage to confront one’s own challenges.

American Psychiatric Association (2013) Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed) Washington, DC
Baiyewu, O., Jeste, D.V., Reiger,A.D., Sirovatka,P.,Sunderland,T (2007) Diagnostic issues in Dementia. Advancing the Research Agenda in DSM-V (1st ed) USA: American Psychiatric Association
Azam, K., Hassiotis, A.,King, M.,Martin, S., Sefarty,M., Strydom, A (2012) A manual for cognitive behaviour therapy for people with learning disabilities and common mental disorders. Camden & Islington NHS Foundation Trust & University College London
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...A Theory in Progress Every theory begins with just a thought. One thought can change the course of history and the lives of many. Aristotle had a thought when he saw the shadow cast by the earth upon the moon. This thought led to the theory that the world is round, which people know to be true. There is no brilliance in coming up with a theory, only a thought that leads to a larger idea, which soon becomes a theory. Sigmund Freud's theories about the unconscious mind led him to what he calls psychoanalysis. In layman's terms, psychoanalysis is little more than a patient sitting in a room with another person discussing the issues that bother him or her in his or her life. When thinking about this on a broader scale, psychoanalysis is much more. Psychoanalysis with a well educated and trained individual can open the eyes to see deeper into the patients psyche. When the psychoanalyst gives the patient the right tools, he or she can help the patient overcome the obstacles that hold him or her hostage. Thought to Theory Some of the brightest minds in history made their theory into scientific data that people of all ages learn from. Each one; forming an idea in their mind and putting their idea into practice, and then ultimately becoming a theory. Theories are always changing and making better the ideas of the past. Not one person can truly know the human mind to its fullest, but with practice and theory people can learn more about the mind and obtain a better understanding of how...

Words: 2247 - Pages: 9

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Counseling Theories Paper

...put together to allow direction for future counseling sessions. Although each client has a unique situation, this theory can be a basis on how a counselor would start the interaction between herself and the client. This paper outlines philosophical assumptions, which includes how man is inherently evil, but there is still hope for growth. The next section will then discuss the model of personality, which talks about how man develops. This section combines counseling theories such as Gestalt and behavior therapy. The next two sections discuss psychological health and abnormality. This section looks at how a client will be able to set himself free from symptoms that are harming the client. The next section will conclude by talking about psychotherapy and how a counselor should look at the role of the counselor and client while using certain techniques. This paper will conclude with a discussion of the assignment. Overall, this theory could be used in a Christian or secular setting and is based off of personal beliefs. Counseling Theory Paper Each counseling theory includes various strengths that can be used in a counseling session. Since a counselor should make known that each client’s life situation is unique, a counselor should not settle on using just one theory. This paper analyzes different aspects of the nine major counseling theories and shows how they can be used together to provide a client with the counseling he or she needs to fulfill their ultimate goal. This counseling...

Words: 2831 - Pages: 12

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Treatment Methods

...of insight therapy is “…to give people a better awareness and understanding of their feelings, motivations, and actions, in the hope that this will lead to better adjustment (p.527). The three major insight therapies are psychoanalysis, client-centered therapy, and Gestalt therapy. Psychoanalysis allows a person to express his or her thoughts using free association. During this process, the analyst remains quiet and out of sight. The advantage of this form of therapy allows people to recall past events and give them the opportunity to work through the feelings and beliefs that underlie their problems. However, this form of therapy may take five years or longer and many people cannot afford that length of treatment. Another disadvantage is that this form of therapy does not work immediately and is not effective with severely disturbed people. Client-centered therapy, according to Carl Rogers, “…is to help people become fully functioning, to open them up to all of their experiences and to all of themselves” (Morris & Maisto, 2002, p.529). In other words, Rogers believed that it is important to always follow the client’s lead in therapy and that the client is responsible for change. Gestalt therapy differs from psychoanalysis and client-centered therapy. “Gestalt therapy emphasizes the here-and-now and encourages face-to-face confrontations” (Morris & Maisto, 2002, p.530). In this form of therapy, the therapist is active and direct and their goal is to help the client become aware...

Words: 931 - Pages: 4

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Counseling Theories Final

...Counseling Theories Final Project Anastasia Page Capella University Culture can have a major effect on what is defined as normal and abnormal. Behaviors that are considered different from what is considered to be the norm could be deemed as abnormal and unusual. It isn’t common for a culture to immediately label a behavior that is not accustomed to their culture as being abnormal behavior because it is defying the social norms of that culture. However, abnormal behavior cannot and should not be defined based on the social norms of a culture because what is abnormal in one culture may be normal in another (Matsumoto & Juang, 2008). Abnormalities are defined as behaviors based on criteria of impairment, inefficiency, deviance or subjective distress by American psychologists (Matsumoto & Juang, 2008). Due to their being advantages and disadvantages with each of those criteria categories, culture has also been included as a criterion to consider abnormal behavior. Cultures have their expectations of behaviors whether abnormal or normal. Normal behaviors are those that are considered acceptable, while abnormal behaviors are deemed unacceptable. The criteria for what is considered normal varies from culture to culture and what may be considered normal in one culture could be abnormal in another (Matsumoto & Juang, 2008). For instance, in America it may be considered normal that a girl would want to be play with a group of boys in middle school. However, in Palestine...

Words: 3701 - Pages: 15

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Gestalt Therapy vs. Person-Centered Therapy

...Person centered and Gestalt Therapy The Gestalt approach to therapy emerged during the 1950’s and was developed by Frederick Perls (1893-1970). The aim of Gestalt therapy is to increase awareness, so that the client comes to resolution of unfinished business and the integration of the thinking, feeling and sensing processes. In Gestalt therapy the emphasis is placed on the present experience, the perception of the individual as a whole and the direct awareness of emotions and action. Gestalt therapists believe that the emotional problems and frustrations that are experienced by individuals are attributed to the lack of recognition and understanding of their own feelings. In addition to this Gestaltist believe that many individuals lose parts of themselves when they are confronted with the overpowering task of coping in society.  The role of therapist in Gestalt therapy is to encourage the client to acknowledge their emotions. This is by the therapist supporting the client to express their current feeling and experiences. The main focus for the client in Gestalt therapy is to stay in the ‘here and now.’ This is very important because it allows client to stay focused in the present when it comes to their feelings and experiences. Looking at past situations, experiences and future goals is not permitted in therapy because it can cause anxieties that bring forth excessive problems. This is why the ‘here and now’ is emphasized. Also within gestalt therapy the therapist helps the...

Words: 2156 - Pages: 9

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Eclectic Therapeutic Approach to Counseling: Developing Personal Style of Counseling

...Developing Personal Style of Counseling Abstract Counseling is a profession, a unique relationship in which the counselor’s job is to hold a ‘mirror’ for the client to see himself or herself. The counselor understands that sometimes it takes a while for the client to see what he or she needs especially if there are more subtle things needing recognition. The counselor knows how to hold the ‘mirror’ in such a way that the client can see himself or herself from a caring, supportive and sympathetic perspective. Sometimes counselors may appear to be repeating what the client says or paraphrasing the clients rather than giving answers. When counselors are doing this there is a strategy behind it. Counseling is not about expect fixing problematic people, they just motivate people to pick up the broken pieces in their behaviors that need attention. Because counselors have a lot of experience witnessing human beings in various forms of life challenges, they use techniques or share observations that are more revealing than what friends or family members might say. With these revelations, clients make decisions and with the support of the counselor, clients take action towards positive growth in their lives. This paper is an expression of my current thinking regarding a theoretical approach of individual counseling. The counselor’s approach is unique based on his or her personal belief systems and values. I have adopted and integrated counseling approach to understanding...

Words: 4419 - Pages: 18

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Therapudeic Therapy

...Therapudeic Therapy In our society there are several forms of behavioral and social development concerns. To help people cope with these psychological concerns there are a wide range of therapies, techniques and approaches, such as psychotherapy. Psychotherapy is a systematic interaction between a therapist and someone who is suffering from mental or emotional issues, with the goal of providing support or relief to overcome their psychological disorder (Rathus, 2012). There are several therapeutic methods that can be used by therapists, but ultimately the situation and the client will dictate which one is appropriate. Psychoanalytic therapy, Humanistic therapy, Behavior therapy, Cognitive therapy, Group therapy, and Biological therapy are all effective therapeutic methods of helping clients cope with their psychological disorder. Psychoanalytic therapies is based upon the theories and work of Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis. Using this method of therapy makes the assumption that psychological problems stem from early childhood experiences and internal conflicts. According to Sigmund Freud, these conflicts involve shifting of the three psychic structures, the id, ego, and superego (Rathus, 2012). Traditional psychoanalysis focuses on early childhood experiences and can spread for months to years. This is the method in which most people are familiar with. Usually it’s a one on one hour session with a therapist who wants and encourages to tell your story. Short-term...

Words: 739 - Pages: 3

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Intro Counselling

...of Counseling or Psychotherapy Introduction This application paper will discuss my personal theory of counseling or psychotherapy in a number of different areas. Specifically, I will discuss the seven areas of interest. First, I will discuss and describe my basic view of human nature, Second, I will determine key factors that account for changes in behavior. Third, I will describe the nature of the therapist client relationship and its importance. Fourth, I will describe key functions and role of the therapist. Fifth, I will discuss the goals of therapy. Sixth, I will determine the techniques and theories of my approach. Seventh, I will discuss specific client issues best suited for my approach. (Walden University, 2012). In this paper I plan to describe and explain my own personal model for counseling. My personal model of counseling uses Gestalt Therapy, Person Centered Therapy, Existential Therapy and Adlerian Therapy which I think complement one another well My Basic View of Human Nature My basic view of human nature is a combination of Person -Centered, Gestalt and Existential...

Words: 358 - Pages: 2

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Personal Phylosophy

...believe a person’s theoretical orientation will narrow, but will also continue to evolve. The core belief system that a therapist begins with is still there, but the platform that a therapist connects most with eventually becomes a therapist’s model. I am aware that my current orientation is rather eclectic in nature. I find a basic connection with Freud and agree that we do have instincts that are innate to every human (Corey, 2013), in essence we are all animals (Freud, 1961) of sorts. Adler was correct when he expounded on Freud’s work and introduced the idea that we are not solely shaped by our childhood experiences. Frankl, May, and Yalom have led me to the idea that there is no step by step instructional book on how to counsel clients. My experience in the military working with a multitude of different people of various religions, ethnicities, and languages has led to my acknowledgement that we are all different and are motivated and driven by many different things. Each person is different; this is what makes us special. No single solution is perfect for any two people, and there are always different variables involved with each person. Also incorporated into my view of human nature is Perls’s concept that places emphasis on what is being experienced in the here and now as being of great importance and that “the power is in the present” (Polster & Polster, 1973). At the same time it is important to recognize that what we have experienced in the past has had a...

Words: 4026 - Pages: 17

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...PSY/210 “Psychotherapy is a systematic interaction between a therapist and a client that brings psychological principles to bear on influencing the clients thoughts, feelings, or behavior to help that client overcome abnormal behavior or adjust to problems in living” (University of Phoenix, 2012). Psychoanalysis is a method of psychotherapy, which helps people develop awareness. During psychoanalysis the client is comfortable generally on the couch and asked to speak freely about anything that comes to mind, which is called, free association. Also during this process most clients will show resistance and transference. Modern approaches of the psychoanalyst are known as ego analyst. Human existential therapy include, client centered therapy, which emphasizes the creation of a warm, therapeutic atmosphere that frees clients to engage in self-exploration and self-expression. Client centered is nondirective, positive, and genuine. Human existential therapy includes Gestalt therapy, which integrates conflicting parts of the personality through directive methods designed to help clients perceive their whole selves. Behavior therapy is a form of therapy that applies principles of learning to help people make desired behavioral changes. Fear reduction methods, which include, flooding, gradual exposure, systematic desentization, and modeling. “Adverse therapy which is a behavior therapy technique in which stimuli associated with undesired responses become aversive by pairing...

Words: 271 - Pages: 2

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Theories of Psychological Counselling

...MOODULE 2: THEORIES OF PSYCHOLOGICAL COUNSELLING THE BEHAVIOURIST THEORY OF COUNSELLING Introduction to Theories A theory can be defined as a systematic way of explaining a fact or an event. It refers to procedure that has been put forward empirically tested that explains a situation as a phenomena. Importance of Theory in Counselling Theories help a counselor to; • Explain the existence of a behaviour by understand if how it’s conceptualized, perpetuated and its manifestations. • Theories also help a counsellor to predict behaviour. The prediction of behaviour is quite important in the cases where a client manifests destructive behaviour. • Finally theories also help a counsellor to control behaviour. This is also important in cases where behaviours are destructive. Each theory has stipulated techniques which are meant to control behaviour. Types of Theories There are several types of theories which helps a counsellor to understand, predict and control behaviour. But for this course, emphasis will be placed on the following theories: • Psychological Theory • Behaviour Theory • Poison Centred Theory • Cognitive Behavioural Theory THE PSYCHOANALYTIC THEORY Background Before the development of the psychological view point in terms of understanding, the human behaviour, in the late 18th Century and Mid 19th Century by Mesmer, Dr. John Breur, Dr. Jean Charcot among others. Psychological disorders and disturbances was mainly looked...

Words: 12029 - Pages: 49