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Submitted By Punky2007
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Psychotherapies BEH/225 Kristie Browning September 1, 2015 Joshua Paul

Humanistic therapies are used to help patients gain insight into their feelings, emotions, and behaviors. The three main psychotherapies are client-centered therapy, existential therapy, and gestalt therapy. Psychotherapy has often been depicted as a complete personal transformation—a sort of “major overhaul” of the psyche. But therapy is not equally effective for all problems (Coon & Mitterer, 2013). Client-Centered Therapy was developed by Carl Rogers. Rogers referred to his Patients as clients rather than patients because he felt by calling them patients It made it sound as if they were sick and needed treatment in order to be cured. Rogers also thought that what may be right for the therapist may not be right for the client. It was Rogers that also allowed his clients to talk about what they wanted to talk about in their sessions together. Client- centered therapy focuses on finding one’s true self that is hidden deep within one’s own defenses (Coon & Mitterer, 2013).

Existential Therapy has some similarities as client-centered therapy such as, both therapies promote self-knowledge. With that being said there are prominent differences as well. Existential therapists try to give clients the courage to make rewarding and socially constructive choices. Typically, therapy focuses on death, freedom, isolation, and meaninglessness, the “ultimate concerns” of existence (van Deurzen & Kenward, 2005). An example of existential therapy is Victor Frankl’s logotherapy that focuses on one’s need to find and keep the meaning in one’s life. Existential therapy focuses on clients confronting their choices and take responsibility for their quality of life. When existential therapy

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