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Gestalt Therapy vs. Person-Centered Therapy


Submitted By jesabo
Words 2156
Pages 9
Person centered and Gestalt Therapy
The Gestalt approach to therapy emerged during the 1950’s and was developed by Frederick Perls (1893-1970). The aim of Gestalt therapy is to increase awareness, so that the client comes to resolution of unfinished business and the integration of the thinking, feeling and sensing processes. In Gestalt therapy the emphasis is placed on the present experience, the perception of the individual as a whole and the direct awareness of emotions and action. Gestalt therapists believe that the emotional problems and frustrations that are experienced by individuals are attributed to the lack of recognition and understanding of their own feelings. In addition to this Gestaltist believe that many individuals lose parts of themselves when they are confronted with the overpowering task of coping in society.
The role of therapist in Gestalt therapy is to encourage the client to acknowledge their emotions. This is by the therapist supporting the client to express their current feeling and experiences. The main focus for the client in Gestalt therapy is to stay in the ‘here and now.’ This is very important because it allows client to stay focused in the present when it comes to their feelings and experiences. Looking at past situations, experiences and future goals is not permitted in therapy because it can cause anxieties that bring forth excessive problems. This is why the ‘here and now’ is emphasized. Also within gestalt therapy the therapist helps the clients to find their uniqueness and independence in order to move forward. Perls emphasised the importance of this by arguing that the process of maturation was moving from environmental support to self-support.
In contrast, Carl Rogers (1902-1987) developed Person-centred therapy and advocated a warm, supportive environment in which a person feels completely accepted, can reveal true

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