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3 Different Reasons Why Companies Conduct Training Program


Submitted By kinssz
Words 484
Pages 2
Give at least 3 different reasons why companies conduct training program Training programs are a process of helping people to have more knowledge, skill, attitude for their job, better work relationship and also lift up their work. It has many reasons why companies should have training programs but in this report will show 3 reasons in my opinion. 1. maintain/improve efficiency Training programs will develop their knowledge, understanding, skill and attitude of employee. If employees have more of these things, they can respond to their work more quickly and can adapt to their situation when their facing problem better that will make the efficiency of their work improve also. Training programs also help companies know that people are doing the right job or not, also it will let companies choose and selecting employee or can find other way that what they job are they suitable and shift them into other department to have more efficiency in work 2. Increase profit margin and revenue Companies that have employees that understand their job or have knowledge to invent something new, more competency, have knowledge of raw material that they produce or modify will make company reduce the cost of manufacturing, reduce waste and have a quick responds to customer. This might lead companies to cost leadership, increase profit margin over competitor and maintain or increase customer loyalty

3. Reduce employee turnover At first time employees come with their full of heart and very excited to work but when they work for a period of time they are disappoint in internal environment that is the reason why company should have training program to help this situation to make better internal environment or have better relationship of employee and it also make the company environment happy. Also they could be disappointed in themselves because type of their work may be

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