...FT. WAYNE GENERAL HOSPITAL Fort Wayne General, a large Indiana hospital, has initiated a new procedure to ensure that patients receive their meals while the food is still as hot as possible. The hospital will continue to prepare the food in its kitchen, but will now deliver it in bulk (not individual servings) to one of three new serving stations in the building. From there, the food will be reheated, meals will be placed on individual trays, loaded onto a cart, and distributed to the various floors and wings of the hospital. The three new serving stations are as efficiently located as possible to reach the various hallways in the hospital. The number of trays that each station can serve are shown below: Location Capacity (Meals) Station 5A 200 Station 3G 275 Station 1S 225 There are six wings at Fort Wayne General that must be served. The number of patients in each follows: Wing Patients 1 80 2 120 3 150 4 210 5 60 6 80 The purpose of the new procedure is to increase the temperature of the hot meals that the patient receives. Therefore, the amount of time needed to deliver a tray from a serving station will determine the proper distribution of food from serving station to wing. The table below summarizes the time associated with each possible distribution channel. What is your recommendation for handling the distribution of trays from the three serving stations? Distribution Time (minutes) To Wing 1 Wing 2 Wing 3 Wing 4 Wing 5 Wing 6 From ...
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...As Taylor finds a place to stay she gets in the room and tells the baby “ first order of business is to get you a bath” (30). What this means is that she thought right away that the baby needed care and it means that taylor is already thinking more and more of how she feels with the baby. Taylor begins to take off the babies shirt and soaks it in the sink but she notices that the baby has a bruise. “ The child’s hands constantly caught my fingers and wouldn’t let go. “ you little booger” … “you’re like a mud turtle. If a mud turtle bites you, it won’t let go till it thunders”(30). The reader can infer that the child feels comfortable with taylor because if she wouldn’t have the baby wouldn’t have held her finger, also by the baby holding Taylor's hand it means that she feels safe because based on what taylor said that the baby had a bruise which shows that the baby wasn’t being treated good. As she removes her pants she also finds out the baby is a girl, but what terrified her was that the baby girl had more bruises. Taylor describes that she thought she knew about every ugly thing one does to another but she could never think bad things would happen to a baby girl. As Taylor is bathing the little girl and lets go of her she says “ I doubled up on the floor at the base of the toilet and tried not to...
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...The biology of the sea turtle and facors affecting its population Upon first sight of the great sea turtle it might just think that it is like any other turtle. The truth is that marine turtles are beautiful creatures spending a majority of their lives wandering endlessly through our massive ocean. These reptiles have the ability to do amazing things. Some of these things include evolving to a range of purely innate responses to the demands of a changing suite of environments and having remarkable navigations skills for their excursions that may last up to several years. Sea turtles have been in existence for more than 100 million years and researchers have been studying them for great deal of time. During the past 20 years however, the natural history of marine turtles has received growing attention and much has been learned (Bjorndal 19). Instantly you will fall in love with their beauty and majestic way of life. The biology behind these amazing animals causes them stand out from much of the ocean life. There are seven different species of sea turtles. These species include Kemps Ridley, Flatback, Loggerhead, Olive Ridley, Leatherback, Hawksbill, and the Hawaiian Green Turtle (Gardner 2004). Unlike many animals the female sea turtle is generally larger than the males. The main distinction between the two is that the male tends to have a longer tail. The core part of the sea turtle and the part that helps protect them from predators is the shell. The shell grows around the...
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...or community development. One of the goals here is to give the community members the tools they need to be able to prevent any risks or threats that may affect them and keep it from happening. It is important that we educate community members with safety measures that will keep them from having adverse effects. In the following findings, we will learn and discuss problems, issues, concerns and results to assist the members to act appropriately and better their way of life. Holden Beach, North Carolina is located on a nine-mile stretch of land along the Atlantic Ocean coastline (NCBeaches.com, 2006-2007). The average age level for the county is the mid to upper 30’s averaging around 36 years old. The community holds concerts and events in order to keep up with community spirit and support. As far as a little history on the county, it has been around since 1664. The county was officially made from New Hanover and Bladen Counties back in 1764 but until the 1950’s most of the land was considered commercial forest. The county is very proud and that is evident by the web sites they have available and the way they present themselves on line. There are two major websites for the county and that is www.brunsco.net and www.ncbrunswick.com. Holden Beach, North Carolina is a small, family oriented quiet community that becomes popular within the summer months with tourists. Only 18.4 % of the housing is occupied year round but more than doubles during the summer months (Fischer...
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...Adjusting Trading Size 17 Rules You Won’t Follow Don’t Matter 3 The Genesis of the Project 3 C H A P TE R F O U R Entries Breakouts The Turtle Experiment C H A P TE R 5 18 Adding Units 19 Consistency I N T R OD U CT I ON 18 20 O N E A Complete Trading System 7 C H A P TE R The Components of a Complete System 8 Stops 21 Markets – What to buy or sell 8 Turtle Stops 21 Position Sizing – How much to buy or sell 8 Stop Placement 22 Entries – When to buy or sell Alternate Stop Strategy – The Whipsaw 23 Benefits of the Turtle System Stops 24 8 Stops – When to get out of a losing position9 F I VE Exits – When to get out of a winning position 9 C H A P TE R Tactics – How to buy or sell 9 Exits 25 Summary 9 Turtle Exits 26 These are Difficult Exits 26 C H A P TE R S I X T W O Markets: What the Turtles Traded 10 C H A P TE R S E VE N Tactics C H A P TE R Entering Orders T H R E E 27 27 Position Sizing 12 Fast Markets 28 Volatility – The Meaning of N 12 Simultaneous Entry Signals 28 Dollar Volatility Adjustment 13 Buy Strength – Sell Weakness 29 Rolling Over Expiring Contracts 29 Finally 30 C H A P TE R E I G H T Further Study 32 Trading...
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...THE EXPERIENCE OF A LIFETIME KATRINA HAMRICK SOUTH UNIVERSITY MY FIRST HATCHLING EXPERIENCE “Beep! Beep! Beep!” went the alarm clock in a fury to wake me up. For the first time in my life, I barrel out of my bed and immediately into the next bedroom. Almost falling on the cold, hard-wood floor I pounce on Mollie’s bed, somewhat like a cheetah. She rises up out of her cozy bed and says “Really? Is it already 6:00 am?” “Yes!” I screech like a thirteen-year old cheerleader when her team is scoring points. “Get up! It’s almost time to leave!” I say. The day has finally come for us to go to Oak Island, NC and aid in the hatching of baby sea turtles. “Alright, give me ten minutes” Mollie replies. I run quickly down the stairs, bursting open the refrigerator. “Hmm…what should we eat?” Anxiously scanning the refrigerator and freezer, my eyes stop at Pillsbury toaster strudels. Not just any toaster strudels, but with strawberry and blueberry flavoring. “Sounds good to me!”, so I pop a few in the toaster to let them cook. After a minute and a half, I hear “Ping!” and the food is ready. I yell at Mollie to come downstairs and eat before we head out. Mollie, like a snail, slowly maneuvers her way down the stairs. “Good morning sunshine!” I yell, she smirks at me and sits down. We both decide to get one of each flavor of toaster strudels. They are so yummy! Delicious and sweet, berry-flavor explosions. “So what’s the schedule for today?” asks Mollie...
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...United States at all. The United States came to us.” Growing up, children in the U.S. learn little of what has truly happened to the vast population of the Indigenous people on the continent? What has led to such a drastic decease of their culture and tradition? The answer lies in a dark part of the...
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...“If you build it they will come” fails for turtle crossings By Sarah Zelinski | 1 | It’s really too bad that turtles can’t read. | 2 | If they did, it would make saving them so much easier. When people create an ecopassage1 so the reptiles can safely cross a road by going underneath or over it, they could let the animals know with little signs saying “Don’t become roadkill! Safe crossing, left 20 meters.” | 3 | Instead, we have to rely on fencing to keep the turtles and snakes off roads, which is a good idea because 98 percent or more of turtles are killed in their first attempt at a road crossing. But the reliance on fences may be a problem, a new study shows. When there aren’t effective fences to keep the reptiles out, they don’t use the ecopassages, James Baxter-Gilbert of Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario, and colleagues report March 25 in PLOS ONE. | 4 | The study looked at the effectiveness of a series of ecopassages built along a 13-kilometer stretch of Highway 69/40 near Burwash, Ontario, near Lake Huron, a region with high reptile biodiversity. The passages ran beneath the highway and were paired with fencing along the road. The researchers looked at reptile activity along the roadway before and after the project was constructed, and also used another stretch of highway, near the Magnetawan First Nation, as a comparison. | 5 | They surveyed the roadside and put up cameras in the ecopassages to see what kind...
Words: 1993 - Pages: 8
...PHILIPPINE FOREST Under our constitution, a forest is legally defined as “that portion of the public domain characterized by a predominant growth of trees or wood species, including nipa, mangrove, and all lands of the public domain not classified as agricultural, industrial, commercial, residential, resettlement, minerals or grazing lands”. It is often said that life comes from the forest. It is an area of land where flora and fauna are present. Types of Philippine Forests: * Dipterocarp Forest Generally, dipterocarp forests are the major source of timber and other forest products. The dominant trees in this type are internationally known as “ Philippine Mahogany” the trade name of commercial woods which are light red to reddish brown in color. The apitong, guijo, lawan, mayapis, tangile and yakal. * Pine Forests Pine forests provide long fibers which are good in making strong material for cement bags, and also provide turpentine for paint manufacture. Pine forests are usually found in mountain region of high altitude, such as in Northern Luzon. * Molave (also called mulawin) They are highly valued for natural beauty and durability. Molave stands frequently in regions of distinct dry limestone ridges. Species that belong to this type are narra, ipil, tindalo, akle,and banuyo. * Mangroves (bakawan) These types of forests occur on tidal flats. They are found along the seacost extending along the streams where the water is brackish (mixed with...
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...private hotel management company, sought to build a global reputation with iconic luxury hotels such as The Mansion on Turtle Creek in Dallas and The Carlyle in New York—trophy properties so distinctive, each could thrive on its own name, without any “corporate” identification (see Exhibit 1 for brand history). The Rosewood brand was muted, unmentioned in advertising, and known mainly to hotel professionals. However, in early 2004, to boost the company’s growth, John Scott, Rosewood’s new president and CEO, and Robert Boulogne, vice president of sales and marketing, were considering a new brand strategy. As Boulogne recalled: We thought the time was right to establish Rosewood as a true brand incorporated into the name of each hotel and prominently displayed in all communications for and at our properties. This would help provide us with a platform for encouraging guests who stay at one of our properties to stay at some of the others. But, they wondered how far they could push this branding strategy without undercutting the distinctiveness of each individually branded hotel. Company Profile and Background Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, Rosewood Hotels & Resorts, L.L.C, was a privately held company, established in 1979 by the Caroline Rose Hunt Trust Estate (see Exhibit 2 for biographies of key figures). The first hotel Rosewood managed was The Mansion on Turtle Creek, opened in 1980. This hotel was an old mansion in Dallas rescued from demolition by Mrs. Hunt, the daughter of...
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...Sandpaper Art Science: Biodiversity & Weather and Climate Technology: Creative Communication 60 Minute Lesson Blank white paper (1 piece per student) Sandpaper (1 piece per student) Pencils (1 per student) Scissors Crayons Glue Introduction (5 minutes) Journey through the Dunes (10 minutes) Desert Discussion (5 minutes) Sandpaper Art (30 minutes) Clean Up & Wrap Up (10 minutes) Students describe the desert and how different plants and animals survive in such an extreme environment. NGSS 2-LS4-1. Make observations of plants and animals to compare the diversity of life in different habitats NGSS 3-ESS2-2. Obtain and combine information to describe climates in different regions of the world ISTE-S.6.b Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations. Flexibility and Adaptability...
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...hotel management company, sought to build a global reputation with iconic luxury hotels such as The Mansion on Turtle Creek in Dallas and The Carlyle in New York—trophy properties so distinctive, each could thrive on its own name, without any “corporate” identification (see Exhibit 1 for brand history). The Rosewood brand was muted, unmentioned in advertising, and known mainly to hotel professionals. However, in early 2004, to boost the company’s growth, John Scott, Rosewood’s new president and CEO, and Robert Boulogne, vice president of sales and marketing, were considering a new brand strategy. As Boulogne recalled: We thought the time was right to establish Rosewood as a true brand incorporated into the name of each hotel and prominently displayed in all communications for and at our properties. This would help provide us with a platform for encouraging guests who stay at one of our properties to stay at some of the others. But, they wondered how far they could push this branding strategy without undercutting the distinctiveness of each individually branded hotel. Company Profile and Background Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, Rosewood Hotels & Resorts, L.L.C, was a privately held company, established in 1979 by the Caroline Rose Hunt Trust Estate (see Exhibit 2 for biographies of key figures). The first hotel Rosewood managed was The Mansion on Turtle Creek, opened in 1980. This hotel was an old mansion in Dallas rescued from demolition by Mrs. Hunt, the daughter...
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...1.What rhetorical points has Stephanie Malinowski chosen to analyze her strong response essay? In Malinowski’s strong response essay, she uses Friedman’s close-minded assumptions on all Indians that work in a call center. According to Malinowski, his use of “few personal experiences” minimizes the “credibility for his article” (122). Not only does Friedman use the only observation he has made to conclude that “working an outsourcing job must be gaining” but overall “done wonders for their lives” (122). 2.What examples and quotations from Freidman’s article work particularly well as support for her points? Where might she have included more support? The most eye-catching would be “Indians are so hospitable” giving the reader an abundance...
Words: 280 - Pages: 2
...I think this because if we don’t make pollution we won’t have pollution. Make Sustainable transport choices Try to use your car a little as possible whenever you can take a jog, a walk or a cycle. Use Public Transport and Carpooling as much possible to reduce the amount of fuel that use it helps by preventing the green house effect that increases global warming. Also try and plan your trip before you go so you send as little time as possible in your car using fuel. Invest in more renewable energy sources We should create more eco-friendly, renewable energy sources such as solar panels, wind turbines compost generators and hydroelectric dams this will reduce the amount of fossil fuels needed to be burnt and will reduce pollution. Bann the creation of one use plastics This would prevent a lot of the problems we have with the ocean because if we don’t have one use plastic (which ban be replaced with metal anyway) we won’t have nearly as much ocean pollution as we do too day because most of the ocean pollution is one...
Words: 2002 - Pages: 9
...The state of action being a surrogate has evolved within society in the most recent decades. Worldwide, full service surrogacy programs have been initiated and participated in since the late seventies. The act of surrogacy consists of a woman bearing a child for another, and for many reasons. Infertility, miscarriages, and other reproductive issues often leave couples whom desire children with no other option than surrogacy. In the midst of the enjoyment for the arrival of a new baby, issues do arise, both moral and ethical. What is a Surrogate mother? A woman who bears a child on behalf of another woman, from her own egg fertilized either by the other woman's partner or from the implantation in her uterus of a fertilized egg from the other woman. Tom and Linda hired Crystal, a single mother living in Connecticut to be their surrogate mother. The surrogacy contract stated that Crystal was to be paid $20,000 and receive regular prenatal care and screenings. Were there any severe fatal birth defects with the fetus, Crystal would terminate the pregnancy as the contract stated. Five months pregnant, Crystal had a routine ultrasound, which showed that the fetus had a complex heart abnormality, a cyst in the brain, and a cleft palate. After birth, the baby would need a series of complicated operations; chances of normal life would be small. The doctor suggested Crystal that termination would be the most human option. After speaking with a counselor, Crystal new she was the only one...
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