Drew Drishinski
Book of mormon 122
3rd Nephi 11-26 Outlines:
Chapter 11 outline: There is a great multitude of nephites gathered in the land of bountiful conversing about jesus christ. Then some people start to hear a soft voice and they pay no attention to the voice. Then the voice spoke again and again the people did not understand it. Then the voice call out a third time and they listened and the voice said “ This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased and they looked into heaven and saw a man in white come down. The man was jesus and he tells about how he suffered for the sins of the world and invites the people to touch the nail prints and spear wound in his side. And they praised him as the most high god and then the lord called nephi to him. Nephi greeted the lord by kissing his feet and praising him where the lord tells him that nephi needs to baptise the people the same way he was baptised.
Chapter 12 outline:
Nephi starts to baptise 12 people who will become the 12 disciples of christ. and he tells about how the man who will believe the teachings of these twelve will be well blessed in the kingdom of heaven. Christ also goes on to tell that the man who shines his light and does not concle it from the world will become wealthy in the kingdom of heaven.
Chapter 13 outline: Jesus teaches the nephites about how to pray privately and not to boast about them. And to lay up treasures in heaven. Because the prideful and boastful with their affairs towards god already have their reward.
Chapters 14 outline:
Jesus tells of how there will be Hypocrisy/ false prophets warning about how many people considered to be holy people will be the devils advocate and how many false churches appear good on the outside but will be, at their core corrupt and abominable. He also tells the parody of the wise man and the foolish man a wise man