...governance upon bank-level risk in the Asian region is analyzed 2. Analyze the role of the bank's risk level governance in Asia Who:Asians bank where:Asia when:1998 to 2012. how many:20 countries in Asia Objects/Events what :1.The role of national governance upon bank-level risk in the Asian region is analyzed 2. Analyze the role of the bank's risk level governance in Asia Who:Asians bank where:Asia when:1998 to 2012. how many:20 countries in Asia Focus / Research Questions 1.what is the different effects for nation governance between the developed countries and developing countries ?(level different in governance and legal structure ) 2.how can Nation governance reducing the moral hazard ? 3.how can the relationship impact...
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...1: Relationship between the capital base of banks and the 2007-1010 financial crisis and great recession. Previous financial crisis have demonstrated that past efforts to prevent systematic crashes are insufficient, and are still working to implement The Basel III framework. The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision tried to concentrate on solving some of the major systematic problems known during the financial crisis, however Basel III might fail to reduce the risks, some major countries could choose to reject the proposals or delay the implementation of this framework. One of the main problems is that Basel III is focusing mostly in Europe and the United States, ignoring the practices in emerging economies. This new regulation will only shift systematic risk from one place to another without really reducing the risk of global financial crises placing greater regulation on banks and allowing non bank institutions to operate without supervision, meaning that this will increase rather than decrease systematic risk. 2: What measures should limit counterparty credit risk? Counterparty credit risk is the risk that the opposing party in a financial transaction will fail to honor an agreement. Since Basel II did not required banks to hold enough money in order to honor the agreement, Basel II is imposing additional measures to calculate the amount of risk. Some of the measures to limit counterparty credit risk are to include a period of economic and market stress when making assumptions...
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...An Evaluation of New Banking Regulations Q#1 – Discuss the relationship between the capital base of banks and the 2007-2010 financial crisis and Great Depression (120 words) Most Economists would agree that the 2007-2010 crisis, was the worst global financial crisis since the great depression. During both of these times, the capital base of banks was severely compromised. Therefore, bank regulations are needed to improve the quality of banks’ capital base to become more resilient during economical crisis. During the Great Depression, major banks failures resulted after the stock market crash. These failures began as debtors defaulted on loans and depositors withdrew their deposits en masse. Outstanding debt increased as prices and income fell. Bank failures increased as desperate banks called loans yet, borrowers did not have the time or money to pay. In addition, capital investment slowed and banks struggled to build up their capital reserves by making fewer loans. Many would say that the Federal Reserve allowed the money supply to shrink to 1/3 and transformed what was a normal recession to the Great Depression by restricting emergency lending to failing banks. However, the Federal Reserve could not react in part because the Federal Reserve Act, which required 40% gold backing of Federal Reserve notes issued. During this time, the Federal Reserve hit this allowable credit limit. Reduced capital reserves resulted in many bank failures to sustain the crisis...
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...Economics The Causal Relationship Between Bank Capital and Profitability David E. Hutchison and Raymond A. K. Cox 1 Westwood Development Group and University of Ontario Institute of Technology Abstract: The relationship between capital structure and return on equity is examined. It is shown that for banks in the U.S., for the relatively less regulated 1983 to 1989 period as well as the more highly regulated 1996 to 2002 period, there is a positive relationship between financial leverage and the return on equity. The analysis is extended to determine the relationship between return on assets and equity capital. The evidence supports the hypothesis that there is a positive relationship between equity capital and return on assets. Relevance to Practice: Previous empirical evidence for U.S. banks had indicated a perverse negative relationship between financial leverage and the return on equity for the 1983 to 1989 period. The cause of such an association was attributed to a reputation effect for large banks who adopted an aggressive capital structure. These contrary findings coupled with regulations on improving equity capital adequacy from the Basel II accord supported the efforts to promote a reduced capital structure risk posture by banks. However, these opposite results conflicted with traditional thought from the DuPont analysis wherein, when operating profitability is positive, increased financial leverage augments the return on equity. Thus, banks continue to have an...
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...FACTORS AFFECTING PERFORMANCE OF COMMERCIAL BANKS IN KENYA BY MAURICE MUIRURI KAARIUKI A RESEARCH PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO THE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF MASTERS IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, DEGREE OF KENYATTA UNIVERSITY. JULY, 2014 DECLARATION Declaration by the Researcher This research is my original work and has not been presented for a degree in any other University. No part of this study may be reproduced without prior authority of the author and/or Kenyatta University. Signature……………………………………………………… Date………………………. Maurice Muiruri Kariuki Declaration by the Supervisor This research proposal has been submitted for examination with my approval as the university supervisor. Signature……………………………………………………… Date………………………. Name (PhD.) School of Business ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I take this opportunity to express my gratitude and regards to Professor name (PhD.) for his guidance. I am indebted to all the persons and institutions that offered support, encouragement and prayers to me during the entire research. Lastly, I thank almighty, my parents, brother, sisters and friends for their constant encouragement without which this assignment would not be possible. ABSTRACT The study seeks to investigate the factors affecting performance of commercial banks in Kenya. The Background of the study reveals that there has been continued globalization and economic cooperation among the...
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...AN ANALYSIS OF THE IMPACT OF RISK EXPOSURE TO THE PERFORMANCE OF BANKS IN NIGERIA CERTIFICATION I certify that this research work was carried out by MR ABOYARIN SALAMI TUNDE with Matriculation No.; 109025160 of the Department of Finance, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Lagos, Akoka, Lagos. __________________________ ______________ DR. LEKAN OBADEMI DATE _______________________ ____________ PROF. W. IYIEGBUNIWE DATE HOD DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE _______________________ ____________ EXTERNAL EXAMINER DATE DEDICATION This project work is dedicated to the Glory of ALMIGHTY ALLAH (SWT) to Him I say as always; ALHAMDULILAHI ROBIL ALAMIN!!! Special dedication also goes to the memory of my late father; Alhaji R.S.A Aboyarin. I pray his soul finds forgiveness and mercy before Allah (Amin. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT CHAPTER ONE 1.0: INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY Banks are germane to economic development through the financial services they provide. Their intermediation role can be said to be a catalyst for economic growth and development. The efficient and effective performance of the banking industry over time is an index of financial stability in any nation. The extent to which a bank extends credit to the public for productive activities accelerates the pace of a nation’s economic growth and its long-term sustainability. Amongst the...
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...note is to identify the crisis effects on both the financial system and the economy and to provide implications on further financial regulations. Effects Financial System: Many institutions collapsed in the USA and Europe within the period. Figure 1 directly shows a considerable rise of the number of bank failure particularly from 2008 to 2010 in the U.S. This deteriorated the macro-structure of many developed countries. Firms called for ‘bailouts’ or recapitalization from governments to help stabilize the financial system. Or, others were closed, forcibly merged with stronger counterparts, or recapitalized using taxpayer’s money. More effects are given below: 1. Banks have been hit hardly by deteriorating capital & liquidity problems and worsening market confidence. * Global banking sector lost almost half of the capital base at the beginning of the crisis in 2007 (Lybeck, 2011). * Low central-bank interest rate: concerns over deflation by monetary policy makers resulted in long-term low interest rates. Figure 2 presents that in the U.S., a slump of 4% in Federal Funds Rate to nearly zero in 2010 while Bank of England has held rates as low as 0.5% for more than three years. * It led to a credit crunch in many developed countries, with annual credit growth between 7% and 10% in the US and the UK from 2003 to 2007 (Valdez, and Molyneux, 2010). * It encouraged the desire of financial institutions to take more risks (high leverage & risky financial...
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...The Relationship between Financial Markets and Economic Growth: Implications for Canada Research Study Prepared for the Wise Persons’ Committee Gordon Boissonneault Senior Economist, WPC Staff October 24, 2003 The Relationship between Financial Markets and Economic Growth: Implications for Canada Executive Summary The financial sector has experienced significant change over recent decades, driven by advances in information and communications technology and widespread reductions in international barriers to trade and investment. International integration is advancing rapidly, reflecting in part the development of global production chains and the rapid growth of emerging market economies. As a result of the forces of integration, international competition has become more fierce and firms are under increasing pressure to cut costs and differentiate their products to survive. Canada’s economy has numerous linkages beyond its borders, particularly with the United States. The future improvement of Canadians’ standard of living will depend in large part on foreign investment in Canada and the ability of Canadians to invest abroad. In this regard, a thriving financial sector will be a key component of our success. Canada has a small share of the global capital market. Thus, to be competitive, the Canadian capital market must be efficient and offer a low cost of capital. As much as possible, the policies and institutions that govern the Canadian financial...
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...BUSINESS DFI 503: FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS & MARKETS COURSE OUTLINE COURSE FACILITATOR MRS KITHINJI [Financial Markets, Financial Institutions, the Power of Information, and Financial Policies] WEEK 1. An Overview of Financial Institutions and Markets • The Financial System of an Economy • The Structure of a Financial System • The Stock Market 2. Emerging Markets, African Markets and Capital Market Development • Financial Markets and the Organized Exchange • Characteristics of Emerging Capital Markets • Indicators of Capital Market Development 3. Financial Regulation, Intermediation, Capital Market Structures and Development • The Players in a Typical Capital Market: - Capital Market Intermediaries - The Regulator: The Capital Market Authority - The Stock Exchange [NSE] - Investors - Government • The Institutional, Regulatory and Legal Framework in Financial Markets - Types of Regulations in Financial Markets - Market Based Banking Regulations - Crisis in Banking Regulation. 4. Securities and Their Characteristics • Shares, Fixed Income Securities, Derivatives • Challenges of Trading of securities in the Stock Market • Why Derivatives Trading is Absent in Most Emerging Markets 5. Financial Contracting Under Imperfect Information • Sources of Financial Information • The Principal-Agent Problem(Jensen & Meckling, Hairs & Raviv, Townsend’s CSV Model) ...
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...Importance of Regulation of Bank Capital 2 3. BCBS : A Historical Background 3 4. BASEL I ACCORD 4 I. SALIENT FEATURES 5 II. ADVANTAGES OF BASEL I 9 III. SHORTCOMINGS OF BASEL I 11 5. baSEL II 13 I. from basel i to basel ii - the journey continues 13 II. OBJECTIVES 15 III. THE ACCORD IN OPERATION 15 IV. IMPACT OF BASEL II ON INDIA 26 a. IMPACT ON THE INDIAN BANKING SYSTEM 26 b. POSITIVE IMPACT 27 c. NEGATIVE IMPACT 29 V. Basel II and the global financial crisis 30 6. BASEL III 32 I. INTRODUCTION 32 II. OBJECTIVES 32 III. CHANGES MADE IN THE BASEL ACCORD 33 IV. COMPARISON OF CAPITAL REQUIREMENTS UNDER 39 BASEL II AND BASEL III V. macroeconomic impact of basel iii 40 A. Impact on Individual Banks 40 B. IMPACT ON THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM 40 C. impact of basel iii on the indian 42 banking system VI. RBI GUIDELINES 44 VII. CONCERNS WITH BASEL III 45 7. CONCLUSION ` 50 Introduction Banks are a vital part of a nation’s economy. In their traditional role as financial intermediaries, they serve to meet the demand of those who need funding. They facilitate spending and investment, which fuel growth in the economy. However, despite their important role in the economy, Banks are susceptible to failure. Banks, like any other...
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...the relationship between capitalisation and bank profitability BY SINDISO SIBANDA DEDICATIONS This project is a special dedication to my wife Esinathi Sibanda; daughters Faith and Cindy Sibanda my brother Leonard, my sister Nyembezi and my parents for their unwavering support in my studies. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First and foremost, I desire to convey my sincere gratitude to Mr. T Chigamba, my research project supervisor for his consistent guidance and uncountable patience throughout the project. I also want to express my gratitude to my brother Leonard for his unwavering support and encouragement during the research project. Special mention also goes to Michael my fellow student for his support. ABSTRACT The issue of bank capitalisation as it relates to profitability and the overall soundness of the financial services sector has generated a lot of debate in industry and commerce, academics and scholars propounding several pieces of literature to put to the fore their heads of arguments and possible influence the thinking of policy makers, monetary authorities in particular. The pronouncements by RBZ that banks have to have threshold of one hundred million dollars ($100,000,000) as capitalisation did not help the situation either, instead it created anxiety in the banking fraternity with other banks falling by the way side (Time bank, Royal bank and...
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...the commercial banking system, central bank use money to buy bond with low risk, low interest rate and low loan - Central bank buy directly bonds from business, financial markets (pension fund, insurance companies, etc…). Companies for example with a willing central bank seeking to buy its bond, will be able to pay a lower interest rate when new bonds are issued or existing bonds come to the end of their life and need to be...
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...market mechanism that causes inflation or business cycles, the inflation of prices is an effect not a cause of economic disruption ABCT & unsustainable boom–the fed MS to interest and employment (I), not been a change in time preferences, the in interest sends the wrong signal & investment projects start to compete with consumption for resources, may not be noticed (slack resources get used), eventually C & I will have to bid up resource costs, inflation dampens I, so Fed further MS, effects are only temporary Actual inflation-exceeds inflation expectations, real ex post returns on bonds can be negative AD can shift – AD, shift right. AD, shift left. Whenever C, I, G, net x / due to changes in the money supply AD curve holding constant moving down –quantity of money AD for output–derived from the demand for money or from the real balance effect AD slopes downward–when the price level is lowered our money balances grow in real terms leading us to buy more Addressing the business cycle–stop inflating money, don’t bail out troubled firms, don’t inflate to get out of the depression, don’t encourage more consumption Adjusting for risk premiums, i still differs–by maturities, a positive term premium = normal yield curve, a negative term premium = inverted yield curve Adverse Selection – occurs before a transaction takes place, lenders & insurers will attract the worst risks,...
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...internationalisation of banking, which has been a growing trend since the 1960s. After looking at the nature of international banking and reasons for its growth, we shall focus on risks. The most important risks are the problem of sovereign risk and the behaviour of the international interbank market (IIBM), although exchange rate risk can also pose difficulties. Definition of international banking Banking transactions crossing national boundaries International lending: • all claims of domestic banks offices on foreign residents • claims of foreign bank offices on local residents • claims of domestic bank offices on domestic residents in foreign currency Deposits similarly classified (by residence of bank or depositor, or currency) Eurocurrency deposits – placed with banks outside the country whose currency the deposits are denominated in (not necessarily in euros!) Features of international banking Key aspects: currency risk and complexity of credit risk besides typical banking risks Competition for market share among banks (typically spreads very narrow) Cyclical nature, with periodic crises Competition for bank loans from the international bond market (close substitutes for loans) Importance of international interbank market (IIBM) as source of liquidity and funding for banks, and risks arising Role of risk management activities (swaps, options, futures) Historical evolution: Origin in Renaissance (lending to kings) Active international lending and bond market in the 19th...
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...CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Banking reached colonial Africa through the activities of colonial merchants, and the first bank in West Africa was established in 1894, that is the British Bank for West Africa (BBWA), which extended its operations to Ghana soon after in 1896. In Ghana, the Bank of Ghana is responsible for the banking sector. The Bank of Ghana was established in 1957 to oversee the health of the nation’s financial sector. Presently the Bank of Ghana is empowered by the banking act of 2004, Act 673 (amended in 2007) and the Bank of Ghana Act 2002, Act 612 to regulate banks in Ghana. The mission of the central bank is “to pursue sound monetary and financial policies aimed at price stability and create an enabling environment for sustainable economic growth.” In maintaining a stable banking industry, the Bank of Ghana ensures that banks playing a part in the pursuit of its goals are well leveraged to withstand any unforeseen circumstances. One way the central bank does this is to ensure that banks have capital adequacy to a certain level through the regulation of the minimum capital requirement. The issue of the minimum capital requirement, its increases and implications has always been an issue of hot debates amongst economists, and even politicians. The minimum capital requirement is the minimum level of security below which the amount of financial resources should not fall (European Parliament legislative resolution of 22 April...
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