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Submitted By Frank1472369
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Is American Dream a dream that only Americans have(是否只有美国人才拥有“美国梦”)? Is American Dream a dream that everyone has but can only be fulfilled in America(“美国梦”每个人都有,但是否只能在美国实现)?任教授表示,在中国关于美国梦有一个很风趣的说法,从政治上来讲,在我们国家一定能实现“美国梦”;但从生活实际上来讲,很多人就会说这是一个遥不可及的梦。任教授认为这个说法来源于许多人对“美国梦”的曲解,他解释说:“People fix too much on vulgar materialism and opportunism without adequate attention to its social and cultural idealism and well-ingrained American values like sincerity,justice,humility,etc.(很多人过多的注意庸俗唯物主义和机会主义,而忽视了社会文化理想和诸如真诚、公正、谦卑等深入人心的美国价值观)。”

为了让同学们更好地理解美国梦,任教授结合外国著名来细解美国梦。他由外国名著中主人公对金钱的盲目追求谈到当今社会“拜金主义”的盛行,他表示过分地追求物质财富导致许多人对“美国梦”的误解。实质上,“美国梦”的精神内涵与中国社会主义原则是一致的,二者都强调各尽所能,按劳分配。任教授强调“美国梦”在精神层面上包括四个“崭新”即A New World(崭新的世界)、A New Garden of Eden(崭新的伊甸园)、A New Republic(崭新的共和国),A New Man(崭新的人类)。
The United States was a Advocating freedom and democracy country it belong to the progressive relationship from 4 respects explain

The new world is the world was born out of the old world. The old world is an oppressed restricted world, man is not free, not to mention the democracy. So the new world that is to build a free nation a better world.

The difference between the New garden of Eden and the old garden of Eden is he human belief change. the old days man is a pet by God created, they are ignorance, but the New garden of Eden is human self -creation, self -enlightenment, self-development. Comparing the old and the new can we know, the American spiritual plane, especially the development the religious aspect.

崭新的共和国是区别于旧世共和国的政体形式,它所强调的是美国式的民主与自由,而崭新的人类则是从更广更宽的领域来定义崭新的共和国的。只有美国的共和国的实现才能有崭新人类的存在,他们是相互依存相互补充的,缺一不可。 前者是后者的起因,后者是前者的结果。所以不难定义出,崭新的人类就是从崭新的共和国中走出来的新人。终上所述。这四条标准所定义的就是现在的美国梦。即人类的完全解放与自由。

Form of government is different between the New republic and the old emphasizes the American democracy and freedom, While new human is define the new republic from a broader wider field. Only the come true of the Unite Stated of America can lead the new man being. they are interdependence and complementary ,both are indispensable .
The former is the cause, the latter is the result .So it's not hard to definition, new human is emerging from the new republic .In conclusion
.These four criteria are defined by what is now the American dream. That is complete liberation of humanity and freedom.

谈到四大“崭新”,任教授例举出巴菲特和比尔盖茨 “财产裸捐”事件,并将该事件与中国社会现状进行对比,指出中国社会的“阶层度化”问题。他还借以图画的形式来阐述四大“崭新”,其中包括他在美国新泽西州访学途中的生活经历。他告诉我们,美国社会有十三美德,分别是Temperance(节制)、Silence(缄默)、Order(秩序)、Resolution(决心)、Frugality(节俭)、Industry(勤劳)、Sincerity(真挚)、Justice(公正)、Moderation(适度)、Cleanliness(清洁)、Tranquility(安宁)、Chastity(贞洁)、Humility(谦卑)。任教授总结道,“美国梦”也即“中国梦”,梦和现实的差距往往会导致矛盾,我们唯一能做的就是保留有An Eldorado(富庶之地,理想中的黄金国)和A Utopia(乌托邦,理想中的美好社会)。

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