...and bust industry since its inception in the late 1800’s. When it is booming, it can be one of the most successful film industries in the world. Nonetheless, when it is down, it can be so unproductive as to only produce a few movies in a decade. After several previous attempts to solve the slump of the film industry, the Australian government created the Australian Film Commission (AFC) in 1975. The AFC was a used to help the film industry by providing government funding to Australian filmmakers to facilitate the production of internationally competitive films. This made it much easier to screen Australian films across the globe for an international audience. Upon its inception, the effects of the AFC were seen almost immediately with the release of Peter Weir’s Picnic at Hanging Rock (1975) as well as Ken Hannam’s Sunday to Far Away (1975), two of the first internationally successful Australian films. According to Film History: An Introduction, a textbook by Kristin Thompson and David Bordwell, “The AFC helped finance about fifty features in its first five years, out performing its European counterparts by recovering about 38 percent of its investments.” The era of films made during the 1970’s and 1980’s as a result of the AFC’s funding have been referred to as Australia’s New Wave of cinema in which filmmakers made some of the most memorable and influential films of all time. Around the same time, two young ambitious Australian filmmakers, George Miller and Byron Kennedy,...
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...them, they are also an integral part of that culture, a product of it, and therefore a reflection of prevailing concerns, attitudes, and beliefs. In considering the relationship between film and culture, it is important to keep in mind that, while certain ideologies may be prevalent in a given era, not only is American culture as diverse as the populations that form it, but it is also constantly changing from one period to the next. Mainstream films produced in the late 1940s and into the 1950s, for example, reflected the conservatism that dominated the sociopolitical arenas of the time. However, by the 1960s, a reactionary youth culture began to emerge in opposition to the dominant institutions, and these antiestablishment views soon found their way onto screen—a far cry from the attitudes most commonly represented only a few years earlier. In one sense, movies could be characterized as America’s storytellers. Not only do Hollywood films reflect certain commonly held attitudes and beliefs about what it means to be American, but they also portray contemporary trends, issues, and events, serving as records of the eras in which they were produced. Consider, for example, films about the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks: Fahrenheit 9/11, World Trade Center, United 93, and others. These films grew out of a seminal event of the time, one that preoccupied the consciousness of Americans for years after it occurred. Source URL:...
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...speculation about the future. Now it broadcasts a variety of scripted reality television and other non-history related content. Programming covers a wide range of periods and topics, while similar topics are often organized into themed weeks or daily marathons. It is seen in more than eighty million households. Subjects include mythical creatures, monsters, UFOs, aliens, truck drivers, alligator hunters, pawn stores, antiques and collectible "pickers", religions, disaster scenarios, and apocalyptic "after man" scenarios; a number of these documentaries were narrated by Edward Herrmann when the channel ran them. Some of the aired programs compare contemporary culture and technology with the past, while other programs focus on subjects such as conspiracy theories, religious interpretation, UFO speculation, and reality television. In particular, History has aired a number of films on Nostradamus,[3] as well as a special series on doomsday that promulgates various popular 2012 theories, including films such as Decoding the Past (2005–2007), 2012, End of Days (2006), Last Days on Earth (2006), Seven Signs of the Apocalypse (2007), and Nostradamus 2012 (2008).[4] The channel now mostly features mainstream reality TV shows with stretched relations to historical events of any kind. [edit] Criticism and evaluation History has in the past, particularly during the 1990s, been jokingly referred to as "The Hitler Channel"[5] for its...
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...****Take note of points 2 and 6**** Title: Good grief: Lord of the Flies as a post-war rewriting of salvation history Author: Marijke van Vuuren 1. Introduction "It is a great pleasure to meet you, Mr Golding," said King Carl XVI Gustaf, presenting William Golding with the Nobel Prize in 1983. "I had to do Lord of the Flies at school" (Monteith, 1986:63). The Swedish king's words may well be echoed by countless people worldwide who have "had to do" Golding's first novel in various English courses. Indeed, this "unpleasant novel about small boys behaving unspeakably on a desert island" (1) may well have been done to death by exhaustive but reductive reading and teaching. Where Lord of the Flies has been read reductively, Original Sin writ large over it, readers have tended to respond to the novel in terms of its doleful view of humanity or its perceived theology. Its initial success reflected post-war pessimism, the loss of what Golding (1988a:163) has called his generation's "liberal and naive belief in the perfectability of man". Although the novel does not groan under a dogmatic burden to the extent that some critics have alleged, it has seemed the prime example of Golding's earlier writing, a tightly structured allegory or fable. … It is not surprising that the Bible's first and last books, on humankind's "origins and end" beyond the horizons of knowledge, turn to symbolic narrative. In Lord of the Flies Golding draws heavily on imagery from Genesis and the Apocalypse...
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...Sparrow Ostas Densmore October 31, 2013 2nd Block Section Summaries: Pages 14 – 32 Do A Number: This phrase relates to the sport of boxing. Coaches inform their boxer to hit the opponent x amount of times, which can be any number Three Sheets to the Wind: This phrase means “extremely drunk.” This phrase comes from ropes, which all have a different function. The math involved is “sheet” ropes, which control the horizontal movement of the sails. If three sails are loose, then the sailors are extremely drunk. The Third Degree: This phrase means that when people got interrogated for their past crimes, they got highly searched (third degree). This phrase includes the math were the members of an old ritual of Freemasonry, which were graded by degrees. The Fourth Estate: This phrase means the social ranks of the 1789 Estates-General. The first where the clergy, than the nobles, and finally the bourgeoisie (the wealthiest). But the Fourth Estate was the most influential on ordinary French people – newspapers and reporters. Fourth Wall: This phrase is a “wall” that separates a theatrical performance from the audience. But now this term is applies when a character “breaks” the fourth wall and addresses the audience directly. Five by Five: This phrase is a term for a NATO radio speak system. Signals are rated by one – five (five being the clearest and most understood signal). It is usually used to indicate that something is understood. Fifth Columnist: This phrase originally comes...
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...2012: Beginning of the End or Why the World Won't End? 12.22.11 Scenes from the motion picture "2012." Courtesy Columbia Pictures. Remember the Y2K scare? It came and went without much of a whimper because of adequate planning and analysis of the situation. Impressive movie special effects aside, Dec. 21, 2012, won't be the end of the world as we know. It will, however, be another winter solstice. Much like Y2K, 2012 has been analyzed and the science of the end of the Earth thoroughly studied. Contrary to some of the common beliefs out there, the science behind the end of the world quickly unravels when pinned down to the 2012 timeline. Below, NASA Scientists answer several questions that we're frequently asked regarding 2012. Question (Q): Are there any threats to the Earth in 2012? Many Internet websites say the world will end in December 2012. Answer (A): Nothing bad will happen to the Earth in 2012. Our planet has been getting along just fine for more than 4 billion years, and credible scientists worldwide know of no threat associated with 2012. Q: What is the origin of the prediction that the world will end in 2012? A: The story started with claims that Nibiru, a supposed planet discovered by the Sumerians, is headed toward Earth. This catastrophe was initially predicted for May 2003, but when nothing happened the doomsday date was moved forward to December 2012. Then these two fables were linked to the end of one of the cycles in the ancient Mayan calendar at the winter...
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...Leadership Styles , Candice Birks, Miranda Cauthen, Charles Goady, Ernest Munoz Shauna M. Vinson Northwood University Leadership MBA-612 Tara Peters, Ph.D. October 28, 2015 Abstract Through our writings for the group assignment, we will detail the emotional intelligence of one main character. We will be expressing contrasting approaches in which two characters exhibit from the chosen movie, "The Matrix". Lastly, we will touch on the additional course concepts from the psychological contract piece of the readings and tell how it was represented, in the movie, through Cypher and Morpheus. Introduction In the movie, The Matrix, several characters make up this thought provoking movie. The focus takes place between a ship inhabited by humans who are fighting against a computer program. This program simulates what appears to be very realistic lives of people that live on earth. However, early in the movie, it is revealed, “the machines’ and computer programs called “agents” are a real threat to the remainder of humanity. The primary set of characters takes us through the past, present and future of humankind’s war against technology. Technology that is being used to oppress rather than empower. The following characters this paper will focus on are: Trinity, Neo, Agent Smith, Cypher and Morpheus. Trinity is a hacker who escaped from “The Matrix.” Agent Smith is the most unique of the other agents. Smith is doggedly determined to maintain and uphold the program, as...
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...Minimalist contentions: Fight Club Introduction Chuck Palahniuk is one of the most influential American fiction writers who emerged in the 1990s. His debut novel, Fight Club (hereafter: FC) reached cult status after the film adaptation by David Fincher was released in 1999, and widespread and divided critical reception was soon to follow. Much of the current debate about Fight Club focuses on the political implications of the text, but most often recourse to it by way of referencing the film. These arguments usually question or celebrate the transgressive potentials of the book (Giroux; Mendieta), or address issues of masculinity brought into the fore by their literary and cinematic representations emergent in the same decade (Tuss; Friday). However, few, if any, have addressed the literary aspirations of the text and its author. Although none of the approaches to the thematic concerns of Fight Club are unjustified, in the argument that follows I will suggest that conclusions drawn and critical judgments passed have been hasty, and not only failed to take into account the formal aspects of story-telling, but that the narrative features of Palahniuk’s text have largely went unexplored, and constitute a blind spot of the reception. Critics condemning or acclaiming the novel, and, indeed, many a cultic reader of Palahniuk ignored Fight Club as a literary narrative, and have inadvertently been repeating the catchphrases of the text, either reinforcing or trying to undermine what...
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...General Guide THE LIBRARY www.salford.ac.uk/library Referencing Guide: APA 6th (Harvard) Style Contents Introduction.................................................................................................................................................... 2 Part 1: Using In-Text Citations ...................................................................................................................... 3 Direct quotations ....................................................................................................................................... 3 Paraphrasing & summarising .................................................................................................................... 4 Citing multiple sources together ................................................................................................................ 4 Citing a source multiple times in the same paragraph .............................................................................. 5 Citing sources with the same author and year .......................................................................................... 5 Citing authors with the same name ........................................................................................................... 5 Citing corporate authors ............................................................................................................................ 6 Listing different numbers of authors ...................
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...of a bush; and he looked, and lo, the bush was burning, yet it was not consumed. God called to him out of the bush, "Moses, Moses!" And he said, "Here am I." Then he said, "Do not come near; put off your shoes from your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground." And he said, "I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob." And Moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look at God. —Exodus 3:2, 4-6 Now as Saul journeyed he approached Damascus, and suddenly a light from heaven flashed about him. And he fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?" And he said, "Who are you, Lord?" And he said, "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.” —Acts 9:3-6 The Passion of The Christ is the best movie I have ever seen. It was graphic and faithfully stayed with the Gospel texts. The neck of my shirt was soaked with tears during the scourging, and I felt like a softball was lodged in the back of my throat as the movie concluded. The nearest feeling that I can compare it to was an * Copyright © Frederick Mark Gedicks & Roger Hendrix. All rights reserved. This essay is based on a lecture delivered by Professor Gedicks at the St. John’s University College of Law on March 29, 2004, as part of the St. John’s Law Review Hono rarium Lecture Series. W e are grateful for the com ments and criticisms of Travis And erson , Jack Balkan, Lo u Bilionis, David D ominguez, Jim Faulco ner, B ill Marshall,...
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...This article is about the cultural movement. For the music genre, see Hip hop music. For other uses, see Hip hop (disambiguation). Graffiti of "hip hop" in Eugene, Oregon Hip hop is a form of musical expression and artistic subculture that originated in African-American and Hispanic-American communities during the 1970s in New York City, specifically the Bronx.[1][2][3] DJ Afrika Bambaataa outlined the four pillars of hip hop culture: MCing, DJing, B-boying and graffiti writing.[4][5][6][7] [8] Since its emergence in the South Bronx, hip hop culture has spread to both urban and suburban communities throughout the world.[9] Hip hop music first emerged with disc jockeys creating rhythmic beats by looping breaks (small portions of songs emphasizing a percussive pattern) on two turntables, more commonly referred to as sampling. This was later accompanied by "rap", a rhythmic style of chanting or poetry presented in 16 bar measures or time frames, and beatboxing, a vocal technique mainly used to imitate percussive elements of the music and various technical effects of hip hop DJ's. An original form of dancing and particular styles of dress arose among fans of this new music. These elements experienced considerable refinement and development over the course of the history of the culture. The relationship between graffiti and hip hop culture arises from the appearance of new and increasingly elaborate and pervasive forms of the practice in areas where other elements of hip hop...
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...Six Myths About Female Sexuality and Why They're Myths Never underestimate the female libido Published on July 3, 2012 by Susan Krauss Whitbourne, Ph.D. in Fulfillment at Any Age 0 inShare The year 2012 may be remembered less for apocalyptic endings (we hope) than for the apparent explosion of women’ssexuality in pop media. Magic Mike is becoming the runaway hit movie of the summer, and the book Fifty Shades of Grey is shaping up to rival Harry Potter at the top of all-time best seller lists. Social critics proclaim their surprise at this burst of female libido into popular consciousness. Despite what you may be led to believe, though, the truth is that women and men just aren’t that different when it comes to basic sex drives. Women are flocking to Magic Mike as do bachelorettes to a Chippendale party. However, this isn't the first movie to appeal to women's lustier tastes. Though the story line may be lighter than its 1997 predecessor, The Full Monty, both movies share a fascination with the male body in motion. The Full Monty did exceptionally well in the box office itself, becoming the top grossing film in the UK until the release of Titanic later in the year. Novels with female protagonists demanding that their sexual needs be fulfilled are not new either. We only have to think back to 1928’s Lady Chatterly’s Lover, written by D.H. Lawrence (and banned in its entirety until 1960), to realize that female sexuality has been the driving force behind the success of plenty...
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...International Relations Theory The new edition of International Relations Theory: A critical introduction introduces students to the main theories in international relations. It explains and analyzes each theory, allowing students to understand and critically engage with the myths and assumptions behind each theory. Key features of this textbook include: • discussion of all of the main theories: realism and (neo)realism, idealism and (neo)idealism, liberalism, constructivism, postmodernism, gender, and globalization two new chapters on the “clash of civilizations” and Hardt and Negri’s Empire innovative use of narratives from films that students will be familiar with: Lord of the Flies, Independence Day, Wag the Dog, Fatal Attraction, The Truman Show, East is East, and Memento an accessible and exciting writing style which is well-illustrated with boxed key concepts and guides to further reading. • • • This breakthrough textbook has been designed to unravel the complexities of international relations theory in a way that allows students a clearer idea of how the theories work and the myths that are associated with them. Cynthia Weber is Professor of International Studies at the University of Lancaster. She is the author of several books and numerous articles in the field of international relations. International Relations Theory A critical introduction Second edition Cynthia Weber First published 2001 by Routledge Second edition published 2005 by Routledge...
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...The Story of the Fourth of July The Declaration of Independence We celebrate American Independence Day on the Fourth of July every year. We think of July 4, 1776, as a day that represents the Declaration of Independence and the birth of the United States of America as an independent nation. But July 4, 1776 wasn't the day that the Continental Congress decided to declare independence (they did that on July 2, 1776). It wasn’t the day we started the American Revolution either (that had happened back in April 1775). And it wasn't the day Thomas Jefferson wrote the first draft of the Declaration of Independence (that was in June 1776). Or the date on which the Declaration was delivered to Great Britain (that didn't happen until November 1776). Or the date it was signed (that was August 2, 1776). So what did happen on July 4, 1776? The Continental Congress approved the final wording of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. They'd been working on it for a couple of days after the draft was submitted on July 2nd and finally agreed on all of the edits and changes. July 4, 1776, became the date that was included on the Declaration of Independence, and the fancy handwritten copy that was signed in August (the copy now displayed at the National Archives in Washington, D.C.) It’s also the date that was printed on the Dunlap Broadsides, the original printed copies of the Declaration that were circulated throughout the new nation. So when people thought of the Declaration of Independence...
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...Otherness: Essays and Studies 1.1 October 2010 Haunting Poetry: Trauma, Otherness and Textuality in Michael Cunningham’s Specimen Days Olu Jenzen Early conceptions of trauma are intimately linked not only with modernity but specifically with the height of industrialisation (Micale and Lerner 2001). This is converged in the opening of Specimen Days particularly in the image of an industrial accident at the ironworks where a young man is killed by the stamping machine. His young brother, replacing him at the machine after the funeral, then experiences an apparition of the dead brother still trapped inside the machine, which leads him to believe that all machines house entrapped ghosts of the dead. Writing on the Victorians’ anxieties about internal disruption caused by the advent of the railway, Jill Matus (2001, 415) has pointed out that, Freud himself remarked in Beyond the Pleasure Principle (1920), [that] there is ‘a condition [which] has long been known and described [and] which occurs after severe mechanical concussions, railway disasters and other accidents involving a risk to life; it has been given the name of traumatic neurosis’ (12). Freud’s remark brings to the fore the traumas of the industrial age as both individually and publicly experienced and negotiated. This condition of trauma as private and public, individual yet also societal is held in tension throughout Cunningham’s novel. Reflecting on the otherness of trauma and its vexed relationship to representation...
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