...A Outline Text 1 has the title “The Good, the Bad, and the Unexpected Consequences of Selfie Obsession”. The so-called “good consequences” are presented by explaining why the selfie is popular. “The cult of the selfie celebrates regular people” (p. 1, l. 17) “It allows you to control your image online” (p. 1, l. 20) “I like having the power to choose how I look” (p. 1, ll. 21-22) Just hearing these quotes would probably lead to a positive understanding of the subject, but immediately after the author indicates her own standpoint, Selfies have gone too far! “But let’s be real” (p. 1, l. 23) “There’s a danger that your self-esteem may start to be tied to the comments and Likes you get when you post a selfie, and they aren’t based on who you are – they’re based on what you look like” (p. 1, ll. 27-28) Just by the use of “but let’s be real”, the text clearly indicates that the previous “good view” is false. The doctor’s quote supports this, by pointing out the flaws and “unexpected” consequences that is teenagers playing with their own self-esteem and therefore identity. Text 2 however is written by a regular selfie-user and Instragram icon. As expected, the text therefore tries to defend the subject. “The selfie is the new way to look someone right in the eye and say, “Hello, this is me.” (p. 2, l. 18) As in this quote, the selfie is explained as a modern tool to show people who you are. It is presented as a “tool of communication”, that is now accessible...
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...“Passion is a positive obsession. Obsession is a negative passion.” When the word “obsession” is heard, people initially assume that it’s a bad thing and they generally link addiction to obsession.The reality is that those two are similar but not the same. Additionally, obsession is only bad if that’s how you make it out to be. There can be bad obsessions, as well as good obsessions. In my personal experience, I have had my own fair share of obsessions. For over five years of my life, I have had an obsession with volleyball. My passion for it has been growing stronger and stronger and I’m constantly looking for opportunities to play, only so that I’m able to further pursue it, even after I complete...
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...Ambition is often thought of as a form of greed, which can be defined as the excessive desire for something that is not needed or deserved. Selfish interests, that is not for the greater good, leads to bad ambition. William Shakespeare wrote the play, Macbeth, using character traits, like ambition, to depict how they can affect a person. At the time that Shakespeare wrote this play, political murder and revenge were not unusual ways to gain power. In the play, Macbeth, one of the main characters, Macbeth, unveils prominent traits: ambition, pride, and obsession to portray the theme to the audience that too much pride and ambition for something can lead to self- destruction. In Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare, Macbeth went from being innocent and a saintly man to being guilty and too ambitious. After hearing the prophecies from the three witches, Macbeth was surprised to hear he was going to be king. He had not done anything wrong until his ambition to be king led him to murder. As Macbeth gets ready to fight Macduff, “Of all men I have avoided thee: but get thee back; my soul is too much charged with blood of thine already” (5.8 5-7). By the end of the play, Macbeth’s ambition of being king caused him to want to...
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...“Apple Introduces a Revolutionary” The Onion is a website known for its witty remarks on social issues. In one of it’s more popular videos The Onion makes a jab at consumers, more specifically consumers’ brand obsession. It plays with idea that there are consumers who would be willing to buy anything Apple. These consumers are known as “Macheads.” One of the main arguments is that these “Macheads” will buy anything Apple. This is shown with their mock Apple buyer, “Alex Zalban.” Alex is a tool in highlighting The Onion’s purpose for composing this satire; he touches bases on the four main claims. Alex states in the video “I’ll buy anything Apple and new”(The Onion). This is a key point that is showing consumers’ obsession with the latest and greatest while also tying in the “Machead concept”. He even goes as far to say that he “likes how it says it’s from the Mac Book wheel so people know you have it” (The Onion), taking the sacrcasm a step further by wanting to let people know that you have the latest and greatest. Alex’s mock interview mainly shows consumer gullibility because he states he is willing to buy the newest thing even if it is not the best item. The Onion’s playful argument is effective for tech-savvy viewers showcasing in an elaborated version the obsession of brand names consumers have. Consumers’ have a known problem of brand bias. This bias is why name brands can get away with charging more for something other companies make cheaper. The Onion elaborates on...
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...Definition - 386 OCD is characterized by recurrent, intrusive thoughts and images (obsessions) or by repetitive behaviours or mental acts performed to reduce distress (compulsions) (Bloch, Landeros-Weisenberger, Rosario, Pittenger, & Leckman, 2008). The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.; DSM–5; American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2013) goes beyond this definition and says that a patient can be diagnosed with OCD when they satisfy all of these four criteria: Firstly they suffer from obsessions or compulsions. Secondly the obsessions or compulsions are time consuming or cause significant distress or impairment because even the normal population experiences some levels of obsession and compulsion (Steketee & Barlow, 2002). The last two points are that the symptoms cannot be attributed to the use of a substance, another medical condition or another mental disorder. DSM-5 also suggests that the diagnostician specify the level of insight that an individual has of the illegitimacy of their OCD beliefs. Poorer insight correlates with more negative long-term outcomes (APA, 2013)....
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...Good Morning chairperson, opposition and audience. The topic for today's debate is that Australian’s have an unhealthy obsession with sport. We, the Affirmative team, believe that this statement is true. To begin, I would like to show you the definition of key words in the topic. Obsession: a domination of one's thoughts or feelings by a persistent idea, image, desire And unhealthy: morally bad, harmful, or contaminating We define the topic as the following : Sports role in Australian Culture is dominating to the extent that it can be morally bad and contaminating. Hi, Im Sam and today as 1st speaker; I will be sharing with you two points. * An unhealthy amount of money is spent by our Australian government on sport * Our obsession with sport is headed by the media Our second speaker _________ will be talking to you about * _____________________________________________________________________________________________ * _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Our Third Speaker, Toby will be summing up our team's case and refuting the arguments put forward by the negative team. My first point today is that an unhealthy amount of money is spent by our Australian Government on sport. Australian novelist Vereno Armanno (The Volcano) recently castigated our sport-obsessed society, taking the debate to an ethical plane. "Australia spends billions of dollars on sport," Armanno complained...
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...Abstract Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, OCD, is an anxiety disorder that causes unwanted and intrusive thoughts or feelings that cause an individual to feel driven to do something. OCD affects one in every 50 individuals in the United States. Often times, OCD begins in childhood or adolescence and if untreated, will continue into adulthood. This research paper will address the symptoms of OCD and the current counseling techniques used to treat it. Keywords: obsessive compulsive disorder, rituals, obsession, exposure and response prevention, compulsions, obsessions Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, OCD, is an anxiety disorder characterized by recurrent, unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and/or repetitive behaviors (compulsions). Individuals with OCD are often plagued by persistent, unwelcome thoughts or images, or by the urgent need to engage in certain rituals. Patients with OCD usually recognize the fact that their obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors are extreme or illogical, but this awareness does not help control their symptoms. An equal number of men and women are diagnosed with OCD, however, men tend to develop it earlier than women. Clients with OCD tend to suffer in many areas of their lives because so much of their time and energy is spent doing their rituals. For more than 7 out of 10 patients, the disorder severely impairs their family relationships, and 6 out of 10 have impaired friendships because of their OCD. Nearly 60 percent...
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...life. Obsessions are uncontrolled feelings and notions that keep repeating despite the individual suffering from them vast attempt to stop them. Compulsions are repetitive, ritualistic behaviors that an individual feels the need to perform. Obsessive thoughts can be scary and horrific nature. Any one individual can experience an obsessive thought every now and then, for example if someone asks another person “who was the guy who played in that movie we saw last night”, well they cannot remember so they will obsess over it and try to figure out who it was. This obsession is different from the anxious obsessive thoughts that an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder sufferer is going through. For the individual suffering from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder he or she for example may feel that he has to go through the whole house and check to make sure every door and window is locked even though that he or she knows that they are locked but they are so overwhelmed with the obsessive thought that he or she cannot stop. If someone where try to stop a person from performing the Obsessive Compulsive Disorder ritual or as some people may think of it as irrational behavior the person could begin experience severe anxiety. According to "Medicinenet.com" (1996-2011), “There are four different types of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder obsessions aggressive, sexual, religious, or harm-related with checking compulsions, obsessions about symmetry that are convoyed by positioning, obsessions of contamination...
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...mental disorder in which an individual experiences obsessions or compulsions, either singly or together according to the Merriam Webster online dictionary. Obsessive compulsive can start in childhood or young adulthood the disorder is equally common among men and women in adulthood (Parmet, Lynm & Golub, 2011). Obsessions are unwanted, recurrent thoughts, impulses, or images that are experienced as intrusive and inappropriate (Parmet, Lynm & Golub, 2011). Compulsions are defined as repetitive behaviors or "rituals" that the person feels driven to perform in a particular way (Parmet, Lynm & Golub, 2011). There are several different ways to treat obsessive compulsive disorder but there is no known cure. Human development relies on socialization with other humans obsessive compulsive disorder can hinder social interaction thus hindering a person’s normal development. Obsessions and Compulsions Obsessive compulsive disorder occurs more frequently in adolescents and adults than in children, but when it is found in children it is more common in boys than in girls (Parmet, Lynm & Golub, 2011). A person with obsessive compulsive disorder may have obsessions compulsions or both obsessions and compulsions. There are several characteristics of obsessions including the fact that they are not just worries about everyday problems (Parmet, Lynm & Golub, 2011). A person with this disorder realizes that these obsessions are from their own mind and try to suppress them...
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...are sometimes stuck in infinite cycles of repetitive behavior. They may have reoccurring thoughts of fear and obsessions that they are unable to control. Most of the time these behaviors and obsessions end up controlling the individual. This may cause them to feel helpless and even anxious. It gets in the way of their normal, everyday life. There are several categories of OCD. Some of these include washers and cleaners, checkers, doubters and sinners, counters and arrangers, and hoarders....
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...Works that have stood the tests of time, such as canonical texts like Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Strange Case of Jekyll and Hyde and Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray, have proven themselves influential over and over again in every field of the arts. They have impacted and altered the course of history and set the bar for other great works of fiction and have even inspired other worlds entirely; moreover, Stevenson’s and Wilde’s work have had a conscious and subconscious effect upon such successful work as Chuck Palahniuk’s Fight Club, Bret Easton Ellis’s American Psycho, and even Bob Kane and Bill Finger’s Batman which has a story that spans over decades. The dualities that appear in Stevenson’s and Wilde’s work pay tribute to mans’ opposing, and even conflicting, nature that rage inside them. On one hand you have the desire to be an outstanding moral citizen, while on the other you have the desire to give in to your more primal inclinations. In Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray, Dorian, who heard his friend’s hedonistic world view, decides that beauty is the only aspect of life pursuing and wishes that his self-portrait would age instead of himself. After breaking the heart of his first love, he discovers that his wish has been granted. His portrait begins to age instead of him and also changes and alters itself based on the moral choices Dorian makes. When he leaves his first love, Dorian notices that there appears a sneer of cruelty on his portrait that wasn’t...
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...too many material items?” In my personal opinion, yes, we as humans have way too many material items. However, I am going to provide evidence to support my opinion on our obsession these belongings. Then, hopefully, my pint of view will be believable on this topic of discussion. The first piece evidence is that there are over three hundred thousand items in the average American home. That number is very near half a million items in one household which is fairly sad. It is a sad day in America when it seems that humans must have knick-knacks to feel the empty spaces in a house. Why is that we feel as if we must always have a simple space filled? Unfortunately, this bad habitat of ours only ends up leaving our house in clutter or shambles....
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...physicians to help people suffering from OCD. There were not very many treatments at this time and had to use the tools they did have to try and help the compulsions. The first treatment reported was bloodletting or a phlebotomy. This is when the doctor would drain blood from the sufferer in a effort to adjust the bodily “humors”("Short history of," 2009)In the 1700’s they did not know how to treat OCD as a whole but focused on the compulsion instead. For example, one woman reported having harmful thoughts about her children and stomach problems so she was treated with laxatives and enemas. Some cases of OCD in the 1700’s were compulsive washing, compulsive checking, and obsessive fear of syphilis, aggressive and sexual obsessions, and responsibility obsessions. OCD sufferers faced a change in mid 1700’s to beginning of 1800’s when OCD sufferers were put in asylums. This...
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...Are you sick and tired of the system deciding what good writing is supposed to look like?Well, let's stick it to them and start being bad writers.Since we start learning to write when we are young we instinctively write in a natural way that is not accepted enough by society.Instead of writing in the person's original way we need to follow formats of those in the past that even Nabi Tajima(oldest person alive)wasn't born yet.The inner magic of performing bad writing is so easy if you just retract the steps of everything you have learned from the past but it's, even more, deeper than that. To enter the realm of horrible writing, never and I mean never explain yourself.Let me explain, by explaining the writing it receives more life so if there is no life in the writing than its successfully atrocious.For instance, if you have a story don't mention the setting, barely mention the characters and be sure not to go deep into a plot.Hunger games would've been a hundred times better if it began twenty minutes before the movie ends and just use the end.No conclusion, no intro, just provide a confusing and unexplained ending which would be more successful guaranteed....
Words: 482 - Pages: 2
...What did lady macbeth accomplish by verbally abusing macbeth?was catherine so involved with heathcliff?was jealousy really the reason that the duke decided to killed is wife.is it possible that shakespeare would have made lady macbeth less evil? Must the writers of these dramas have bad relationships? Why was the reason for so much death. What these three stories have in common with the relationships of today's time is that women want power over men. Like when lady macbeth used the death of her baby to shun macbeth into killing duncan the king when macbeth said no she got angry and did it herself, and in that sense women are just like that way now with their partners thats why love sometimes goes sideways in most relationships which turn out for the worst when...
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