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A Brief Study Report on Local Rice Marketing System


Submitted By alamgirabuahmad
Words 523
Pages 3
A brief study report on local rice marketing system

1 Objective of the study:

Find out the local rice processing and marketing system of Northern part of Bangladesh

2. Introduction:

Present survey is mainly to help the NNG in identifying and exploring the actual market condition and processing system of local rice. Our survey team collected a range of basic data from Ishwardi, kustia, Dinajpur district that will provide a comprehensive level of understanding of price, feasibility, suitability of rice business.

3. Description:

1. Collection of paddy: Rice mill owner or operator of mentioned district collected paddy from local market. Sometimes they bought from stockist or agent or through broker .A few mill owner give advanced money to “aratdar” / stockist as a loan. He is committed to supply the paddy as per their agreement. Collection system details are given in flow chart:

Paddy collection

Kustia area >Bogra, Noagaon, Dinajour, Hili, Domar, Jessore, Others local market Ishwardi area> Bogra, Noagaon, Rangpur, Dinajpur, Jessore, Others local market Dinajpur area >Mainly from dinajpur district



3.2 Verity of rice:

Most of the mill owner or operator wants to produce medium graded rice for earn maximum profit. They produce Miniket, Sorna-28, Sorna-29, Sorna 32, Sorna-39, Pari, Hira-2, Nazir, Banglamoti , haski,lata etc. Many mill owner or operator of Dinajpur are producing puffed rice ( morir chaul)

3.3 Processing of Paddy:

There are two types of method for paddy processing. Such as:-manually (traditional) & automatically. A few rice mills are using special technology to improve the quality and resize of rice.

3.4 Production Cost:

We have taken information from different mill owner & business man. Production cost varies for different factor. Such as:-collection procedure (collected by directly or indirectly), place, mill rent (in case of operator), electricity fluctuation or generator cost, humidity of weather (for manual mill), availability of labor etc . As per information average cost and other information are given below:

|Area |Ave. Production |Number of mill |Varity of Rice |Production cost|Production |Special |Export |Remarks |
| | | | | |ratio (paddy to|technology used| | |
| | | | | |rice) |for improving | | |
| | | | | | |quality | | |

|Manual |Auto |Auto |Manual | | | | | | | |Kustia |2-3 ton/week |5 -25 ton /day |12 |350 |Sorna-28, 29, 32, 39, Pari, miniket, 28, Haski |1.8 taka/kg |1: .65 (40 kg paddy = 26 rice) | |No | | |Iswardi |2.5-3 ton /week |5 -25 ton /day |1 |700 |Sorna-28, 29, 32, 39, Pari,miniket, 28, Haski, Hira-2 |1.6 taka/ kg |1:.7 |Yes |Yes |Pran export , few mills used technology to improve rice color, size | |Dinajpur |2.5-3 ton /week |5-30 ton /day |160 |5000 |Nazir, Sorna, Gooti sorna, puffed rice, Banglamoti |.75 taka/kg |1: .62 |No |No | | |

4. Conclusion

There is a scope to start rice business. A few established company like –Pran RFL, Square, Rupchada, Mabco food (Utshab brand), Rashid are doing rice business. If company can use modern technology, new idea to improve the quality, packaging (one or half kg ), washing (need not to wash before boiling ) then it will be profitable.




Comi agent, Whole seller, retailer

Packing & display in own mill for sale

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