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A Clockwork Orange


Submitted By calisun961
Words 1524
Pages 7
He had a devious smirk behind soft blue eyes. That was the first impression of the main character, Alex, in A Clockwork Orange. Alex is the leader of a gang of terrorists. The four men in the group seem to get off on a good time raping women, stealing, and beating on innocent people. They all seem to work together in collaboration to portray chaos, but Alex is the worst of them all. Alex treats his other three members as if they are below him and he is the tyrant of them all. Alex seemed to have one weakness: classical music. Classical music is the powerful back ground to most of the movie, and the actions seem to sync with the music dramatically. This gang was used to routine. Their routine was to go to the milk bar and scope out who they plan to assault next. They would go door to door begging for help as if one of them got hurt, and then force their entry. A writer and his wife were the first victim of the gang and were completely helpless to Alex’s mastermind. They raped his wife as the husband was forced to watch helplessly. They were able to get away on were just looking forward to the next occurrence. The woman of their next plot was a lot cleverer and did not fall for the boy’s begging at the door act. She implied that she was not comfortable letting a stranger in, but the determination of evil that ran in the boy’s mind did not let them give up. Alex simply broke into the home and got into a fight with the woman when she tried to resist. This brawl led to Alex murdering the woman. The other three members of the gang were quick to desert Alex as if he had no meaning. They left him for the police to find him when they arrived at the house and arrested him. Alex switched roles from being a dominant tyrant to becoming a helpless victim of a brutal interrogation. Eventually, Alex was convicted for the murder of the young woman, and was sentenced to fourteen years in prison. Alex was left alone in prison, so he turned to seeking help through the Bible and the Gospel. He soon became close with the priest for his cooperation in the services he did for him. The priest was also working on a sense of treatment for such menus and violent behavior. Alex became interested in a change and saw that opportunity when he began to hear of such a treatment. The priest had his doubts, but saw to that evil side of Alex. He came to the consensus that Alex was perfect for the experiment. Alex was transferred to the medical center where the treatment would begin. The treatment was an assortment of hypnosis and drugs. Cruel videos were shown to Alex to get an outlook view on such evil. After several temptation tests, the treatment seemed a success and Alex was released. He was ready. Alex had the mentality he was on the right track and assumed his home of comfort and freedom hadn’t changed. He came home to find everything was different. His parents were still affectionate towards him, but deep down they had moved on. His room had been rented out and his prize possession music was gone. Alex also ran into his old gang members and they turned the tables once again beating on him. As soon as Alex thought it could not get any worse, he ran into more people from his past. A homeless man and the writer from the beginning soon reappeared into Alex’s life. The homeless man got his revenge beating on Alex, but the writer offered him a sense of comfort. Alex is conditioned of music and explains to the writer Beethoven’s 9th Symphony is the only exception and reminds him of death. The writer soon gets his revenge locking him in a room and playing this tune on repeat. Alex finds he is helpless and with more evil than ever before as he tries to jump out the window and end his pain forever. Alex survived the fall to notice how the priest and government had been accused of inhumane nature. He also saw himself go back to a criminal state of mind as in the beginning. A series of events begin to repeat as Alex finds himself a new gang and new people to prey upon, but there’s the same old milk bar and the same connection to classical music. I did not have an immediate reaction watching this film. It was a plot that kept me thinking after I watched it, and symbols within the actions of the characters that led to more understanding. I thought this film was very interesting, unforgettable, and enjoyable. The first impression of a futuristic film gained my interest, and the nudity images were abstract with the positions of the bodies and the colorful wigs. It was admirable art. The milk bar was also a part of the futuristic tone, but portrayed one of my first impressions on the characters. They seemed to act tough and above everyone else, but they were drinking milk. This was a symbol the author incorporated to imply that they were truly still immature teenagers. Another element of this film that was very interesting to me was the music. There was a connection from the actions of the characters to the classical and electronic synthetic music that overpowered the back ground. It almost appeared to me as a musical in the beginning when there was a fight between the gang and other people because every step and violent action of the characters was dramatically enhanced with a matching tone from the soundtrack music. Music was Alex’s weakness and I can relate to that because when I do something I am passionate about, I listen to music to enhance that feeling. When I paint and listen to music, it puts me in a place of Zen away from everything else. Alex had the same reaction to music. It’s a powerful element that takes over your state of mind, but for Alex it would just enhance his violence at times. I noticed the director would play cheerful tune in the back ground of some scenes that were violent. The tone of the back ground soundtrack ultimately led me to think it was meant to match the emotions inside of Alex. When he would bring out the evil in him, the tone would speed up and seem to match the smirk he would have on his facial expression. Anthony Burgess was the author of the book, and I started to read the book after I saw the movie. Burgess illustrates the humanity along with free will, and he showed the wicked side. While reading the book, I was able to pick up a lot more characteristics of Alex that were not enhanced in the film. Alex was a tyrant and dominated his own life and the life of others. His parents were oblivious to his actions at the time, which provided him with even more freedom. Alex decided to choose a path of crime and I think because in his mind, it was more exciting. It was hard at first to watch Alex get away with all his violence and theft, but tables turned when the government removed his freedom and right of free will. It was exciting to see Alex removed off his throne, and become the helpless one in a situation. Watching crimes of violence and rape provided the outlook he needed to change his path of freedom into more positive choices. That was only a test till he found himself faced with reality situations with his family and old gang members, but the breaking point was still Beethoven’s 9th Symphony. No matter how much the government brainwashed Alex, that spark of evil was still within him, right next to his thought of death for the 9th Symphony. I enjoyed how Burgess did not kill Alex when the audience assumed the suicide would be the last we would see Alex. It created a sense of wonder. He must have kept Alex alive for a reason, and I think he comes with the crossroads of choice between good and evil. I was correct, and Alex was back to his old habits with a new gang. It was not an ending I immediately liked, but as I thought about it throughout the day, I found it was the perfect ending. Alex was faced with a second chance to choose his humanity, and chose his evil ways. A Clockwork Orange portrayed works of art within the balance of emotion and music, and the humanity of good and evil.

"A Clockwork Orange - Film (Movie) Plot and Review - Publications." Film Reference.17 Nov. 2009. < >.

"A Clockwork Orange (1971) - Soundtracks." The Internet Movie Database (IMDb).18 Nov. 2009. <>.

"A Clockwork Orange (Film)." Study Guides/Soundtrack. 14 Nov. 2009. <>.

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