Premium Essay

A Dolls House


Submitted By Diayhanaa
Words 566
Pages 3
Eye Contact | I tried to maintain eye contact throughout the debate to show the confidence in my argument to show that I was both confident and prepared with the answers I were giving, However whilst doing the recording, I had a script in front of me to prompt me of my arguments so I look down at the script quite a few times, For people that are unaware of me having a script in-front of me may assume that I am nervous or scared because this is what a lack of eye contact suggests | Sam, whilst I am making points, maintains constant eye contact with me, which shows levels of understanding and respect, However whilst making his own points, he had a tendency of looking down or into the camera, which shows lack of confidence in his arguments. | Tone of voice | My tone of voice differs throughout the video, at the beginning of the video my tone is consistently low, it is not until Sam makes a comment about racial impacts on the burka that my tone gets louder, this shows the anger I felt about the comment. Towards the end of the debate my voice has become mellow and calm as we decided to settle the debate, My muscle were relaxed due to the formality of the conversation, (Informal context). | Sam’s tone of voice was very consistent throughout the whole video, he kept his tone fairly low, this shows 2 things, 1. He is calm and not too excited/eager to be discussing the topic. In the middle of the conversation, I overtook Sam in the middle of his sentence so he raised the tone of his voice to overpower my point, in retaliation to this I raised my voice even louder to finish my initial point. | Facial Expressions | My facial expressions were very limited due to the simple fact that I had a script in-front of me so my face was directed at the table for a while doing the video. | Sam used facial expressions a lot during the video to express his opinion, a clear example

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A Dolls House

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