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A Farewell To Arms Research Paper

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For my Lit Bit paper, this semester I have chosen to read A Farewell to Arms, a novel published in 1929 by legendary American author Ernest Hemingway. Hemingway, who is arguably one of the most famous authors in history, lived from July 21st, 1899 to July 2nd, 1961, and published many novels, short story collections, and nonfiction books during his lifetime. Along with A Farewell to Arms, Hemingway is most well-known for his works For Whom the Bell Tolls, The Old Man and the Sea, and The Sun also Rises. He got inspiration to write A Farewell to Arms after he served in the Italian Army in World War 1, and many of the things experienced by Frederic Henry, the main character, are taken straight from Hemingway’s past. It is written in a first person “stream of consciousness” style, along with Hemingway’s classic brief and journalistic approach to writing. The story itself takes place in the early 1900’s during World War 1, and centers around Frederic Henry, an American ambulance driver enlisted in the Italian Army. After he is injured by a mortar bomb, he begins a relationship with his nurse Catherine Barkley, and they (eventually) fall in love. Just before Henry must go back to front, Catherine reveals she is pregnant: Unfortunately, tragedy ensues. Henry is believed to be a traitor, and to avoid certain death, he must flee the military and head …show more content…
Nobody is exempt or immune: all people are equally likely to die. It is one of the most famous passages from the book, and rightfully so, as it shows the philosophy adopted by Hemingway and how he viewed the world. Hemingway created his character Henry to reflect himself, and these thoughts (no matter how dark) show clearly to the reader what lens Hemingway used to view society. The world was a dark place, and nothing could save it. You could only postpone the

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