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How Did Rome Fall?

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As the Empire ground down, the decadent Romans were given to a thirst for violence and a gratification of the senses. This is especially evident in their rampant sexuality. Apathy was the chief mark of the late empire. The elite abandoned their intellectual pursuits for social life. Officially sponsored art was decadent, and music was increasingly bombastic. Even the portraits on the coins became of poor quality. All of life was marked by the predominate apathy. So, because of oppressive control, few thought the old civilization was worth saving. Rome didn’t fall because of external forces such as the invasion by the barbarians. Roman had no sufficient inward base; the barbarians only completed the breakdown and Rome gradually became a ruin …show more content…
Wise King Solomon described individuals or nations that build their future without regard to biblical principles: Where there is no vision, the people are unrestrained but happy is he who keeps the law (Proverbs 29:18, New American Standard Bible). Theologian and philosopher Francis A. Schaeffer characterized ancient Rome as powerful and prodigious, yet falling short in substance, unable to provide reasonable solutions to the deeper issues of life (Schaeffer, 2005, p. 20). Both the Greeks and the Romans built their societies upon false gods and limited presuppositions, as Schaeffer (2005) detailed, These gods were not big enough because they were finite, limited (p. 21). Consequently, the ancient Roman belief system lacking in moral absolutes and a solid foundation of faith in God was unable to endure the cultural stresses of existence. Over time, the empire slipped further and further into apathy, depravity, violence, and corruption. The Roman economy began to suffer, and authoritarianism increased to counter the apathy then Rome gradually became a ruin” (Schaeffer, 2005, p. 29). It seems clear that Schaeffer’s conclusions are correct, for we have the ability to see similar examples through the eyes of history other cultures that were constructed upon a non-Christian foundation. Societies which eventually decayed and fell into ruin as their people suffered due to having no sufficient inward base (Schaeffer, 2005,

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