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A Faulty Budget


Submitted By creamycherry
Words 412
Pages 2
A Faulty Budget Company’s property is threatened by Daniel’s mistake because the company is going to take more time and money to hire additional employees based on Daniels’ wrong analysis. Daniels’ right to privacy is threatened by himself because he is thinking about telling Pete his mistake. Company’s and Pete’s rights to truth are threatened by Daniels. Daniels should tell them the right analysis so that the outcome of prediction is not a surprise to the company and Pete, and any potential damage to the company will be lessened. Daniels’ right to promise is threatened by himself. If he covers up the mistake, he will break the promise he made to the company: be honest and be responsible for the every work. No one’s right to body is threatened by others in this case because no one is threatened to physical safety from serious pain and harm.
It is unfair between Daniels and Pete. If Daniels covers up the mistake, Pete, the innocent person who acts on the numbers to hire additional workers, will definitely hire more employees, which will generate a loss to the company. If so, Pete will probably be responsible for Daniels’ mistake.
It is unfair between what Daniels earned and what Daniels received. If the actual sales number matches the predicted number, this achievement should be an accident. Daniels does not deserve it, because the actual sales number is not his real analysis (he lied). Daniels should not take advantage of the loopholes to receive that achievement; instead, he should earn the one without a lie.
It is wise for Daniels to admit that he made a mistake and tell Pete the truth. He should explain his mistake so that the budget can be amended and the company can plan how to absorb the additional workforce. In the short run, he may be disciplined or could lose his job. However, in the long run, Daniels will keep himself respect and know that he did the right thing. Pete may be initially angry but will know that Daniels was an honest person of integrity.
Covering the mistake is unkind because Pete will hire additional workers to produce the soaking tanks based on the wrong analysis. If the company does not achieve the predicted number, all the works will be worthless and time-consuming. Also, it is likely that those new employees will lose their jobs because of the low sales from this new program.

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