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A Feminist Critical Analysis of Quality Street


Submitted By Rchachu
Words 336
Pages 2
CLASS: 3:10-4:40, COHORT D
The feminist Literary Theory looks at narratives from the view of a feminist. Feminists in general advocate for equal rights in a system dominated by male leadership and power.
Quality Street reveals four main male characters and their roles in the text: The driver of Mrs. Njoku, Mwangi as Sochienne’s fiancé, John as the teller at the bank and Mrs. Njoku’s husband. The other male characters include the houseboys. These male characters are developed with less detail and given passive roles in comparison with their female counterparts. The two main female characters—Sochienne and Mrs. Njoku—are not just active but are more powerful in contrast with their male counterparts who are marginalized. For example the baffled driver is at the mercy of the quarrel between Mrs. Njoku and her daughter on whether he should join them to eat at the restaurant or not.
A slight amount of Patriarchy is seen in this excerpt from the text; “…her husband said Sochienne would not go abroad until university because he did not want her to turn out like those …” The words in bold, though seemingly understandable, are actually selfish. Her husband could have suggested that he thought it wasn’t best for her to travel abroad before university and that could have been deliberated on. He is rather found in an absolute position with little or no opposition and this exposes the “natural” acceptance on the part of Mrs. Njoku. The text generically rejects Patriarchy as little development is made of the male characters. One could also look at the use of house boys as feminist because a patriarchal system would prefer house girls.
With a storyline centered on female characters and how intricately these characters are developed, the text makes a clear appeal to the females and gives them a strong voice. In fact, the author as a female is almost self-evident.

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