Premium Essay

A Fight to Win the Future


Submitted By frigor
Words 868
Pages 4
NY Times Weekly Business Report

Conventional wisdom suggests that technology can only benefit its recipients, and not harm them in any way. Technological advances seek to improve the efficiency of human work production so that more can be done with less time. For example, the invention of the calculator improved the speed of problem solving in mathematics. Technology makes everyday life less complicated and more convenient, for those who have access to said technology. The introduction of the Smartphone is another prime example of technology at what many users consider its best. Some Smartphones function as diminutive computers because they carry out the same tasks as many home computers and laptops. A Smartphone with internet capability gives the owner the power to check email, browse the web, and remain updated with important business news, such as stock values.

However, as optimistic as many technology-users sound, the advances have slowly given rise to an era where computers and artificial intelligence dominate the labor force in the world today. Artificial intelligence, as engineers and developers continue to enhance its capabilities, stands a chance of outperforming the human mind. John Markoff’s article in The New York Times, “A Fight to Win the Future: Computers vs. Humans,” offers an interesting account of how machines that are able to think on their own are slowly dispensing with the human workforce. If we as a society continue to grow and depend on the technology around us, jobs in the future for many around the world will not exist. Will technology lead to intelligence augmentation, technology that is proficient and only stimulates our performance in the work force, or will it lead to more artificial intelligence, which might eventually end up dominating and eliminating any chances of human knowledge and skills to expand?

Mr. Markoff

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