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A Fire In My Belly Analysis

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In the fall of 2010, the Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery hosted an art exhibition titled “Hide/Seek: Difference and Desire in American Portraiture”. It focused on the lives and contributions to portraiture by members of the LGBT community in the past century. A four-minute video called “A Fire In My Belly” was featured as a part of the exhibition. The video featured included scenes of ants on a crucifix, and was meant to be a representation of the suffering of an individual living with HIV/AIDS. Many patrons immediately condemned the video as offensive and anti-Christian, and the video was removed from the exhibition. Censorship such as this isn’t uncommon and raises many concerns about the sanctity of artistic integrity. A society …show more content…
Although it is easy to define what offensive means, it is impossible to invent a definition that encompasses all of the things that can be considered offensive. What is offensive to you may seem completely innocuous to me, and vice-versa. For example, a Christian may be completely indifferent to an unfavorable depiction of the Muslim Prophet Mohammed while simultaneously being extremely offended by a similar depiction of Jesus Christ. Even things that are generally considered to be universally offensive such as racism and sexism might be acceptable within certain niche groups of people. Many people call for the censorship of things that they deem to be offensive, completely forgetting that if the billions of other people on the planet were able to censor art they found offensive, there would be no art left to censor. A person calling for a piece of art to be censored is inherently self-centered. They believe that they should be the one to decide what is and is not offensive, completely opinions and feelings of others. They do not care if they deprive someone else of what might be a great experience. There was a point in time during which controversial books such as The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury and The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger were banned in schools across the United States. These books have inspired countless people all over the world, yet because one or a select few individuals found them to be offensive, many students were deprived of the opportunity to read these

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