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A Good Example Of Trujillo's Dominican Racism Against Haitians

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I also agree with you Cynthia in the point you made about today's Dominican racism against Haitians. Unfortunately, I have to testify that's true and that became out as a product of Trujillo's dictatorship. Since, Trujillo's regimen a ridiculous and non-sense hatred against Haitians developed until today. As you say Cynthia as result of this deep hate against Haitians we mistreated them physically and emotionally, forgetting the do the hard work not just in the sugar can't field but in other plantations needed to sustain positively the Dominican Economy. A good example of this hate against our boder- Haitian neighbors is seen in the recent and cynic Dominican naturalization legislation, which impedes born Haitians in DR from undocumented

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