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A Great Leader Research Paper

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Leadership is the process of influencing people by providing purpose, direction and motivation to accomplish the mission and improve the organization. Anyone is capable of being a leader and everyone holds their own qualities and traits of a leader. It is how someone uses these traits that separates and defines them as a great leader .I believe in order to be a great leader it takes time and understanding, it is reasoning and the ability to bring a team together to effectively accomplish a mission or task. It is encouraging initiative, increasing morale and having effective communication which in return contributes to the well-being of those who you lead, how effective and productive your team works towards accomplishing the mission and most importantly understanding what needs to get accomplished and how to accomplish these goals. …show more content…
It involves instilling trust and the fact that your subordinates can approach you with an open mind. That they can come to you with a problem and in return get an effective answer regardless of whether it is work related or of a personal issue. It is making sacrifices knowing and believing that you as a leader stand by them and will provide the right answer. Listening, understanding and building trust plays a critical role in being a leader and proves that you are not only able to provide the best and most effective answer for them, but shows them that you care and are willing to do whatever it takes to help them resolve a problem . Part of being a leader is to be proactive and to uphold a standard, thinking ahead and not being satisfied with things the way they are. Having the expectations that hard work will lead to success and positive results. As a leader you must also keep in consideration of the work and effort your peers put in and acknowledge

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