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A Marble Research Paper

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The following chosen is Marble.
Its crystal structure is shiny and is made up of quartz as well. It is a shiny rock.
You can find in many parts of the world as it is a very common material. Many States in the United States contain this material.

Marble is a powdery rock. At first glance many people may mistake it as a salt block. But at closer inspection and research it appears to be not salt as salt is more clear and not as white as marble. Marble was discovered in the 1870’s or mid 1880’s. It was found in Crystal River Valley and found by geologist Sylvester Richardson. George Yule who “rediscovered” the marble changed the name to Yule Marble.

It is a Metamorphic rock. As materials are heated together and combined together from the rock …show more content…
People like having marble as it is shiny and people want to make their house look best as they can. Or marble is just a good countertop.
It can be used in building, decoration, and be used in rings or any other fashion as the gem. Main use for marble would be countertops and rich people’s bathrooms.
The cleaning goes through a long process. They clean them with cloth to clean dirt from it. Then they grid them. Since marble is smooth and very fragile when ore. Not much cleaning would be necessary. If to much cleaning it would be worthless as it would just be powder.

It costs a lot to dig up as it costs money for the machines. For civilian use or human use. It usually can vary on the item. As countertops are cheap and easy to make as jewelry is just expensive anyways.

It really wouldn't affect us as we mainly use it for fashion, decoration, and building. Marble wasn't largely used till large use in the 1950s and to present day. But also it was used in the late 1890’s-1900’s for pillars. Jewelry use for marble though has been used for a long time. Again it wouldn't make much of a huge difference to our human life as we will still carry out our daily life and live like we still do.

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