Premium Essay

A Nice One


Submitted By ralphangel
Words 635
Pages 3
One day in Sir Ryan’s Theology class

Yes sir, May I know how the Church started? Class, do you have any questions about our discussion?

The Christian Church actually started on the Day of Pentecost (50 days after the Passover during which Jesus was crucified). It was at this time that Peter gave his great sermon, and in response, "about 3,000 souls were added to them [the apostles]" (Acts 2:41). This group of believers was first called "the church" in Acts 2:47, as "God added to the church daily those who were being saved." Yes, He also told Peter “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of the heavens, and whatever you may bind on earth will be the thing bound in the heavens, and whatever you may loose on earth will be the thing loosed in the heavens.” (Mt 16:19)
Is it true that Jesus first prophesied the coming of the church when He spoke to Peter and declared, "On this rock I will build My church"? (Matthew 16:18).

Did that mean Jesus entrusted Peter the task on spreading the word of God and forming the Church?
The use of the word “key” in Jesus’ statement to Peter indicated that Peter would have the privilege of initiating a program of instruction that would open up special opportunities with respect to the Kingdom of the heavens. But it is not only them who have the responsibility to spread God’s word. We can also participate as part of the Christian Church. We could help by telling other’s the good news of the bible and that there exists a merciful God whom we should be thankful of.
I think that it is not only to Peter, but also to Jesus’ other apostles. Jesus appointed Peter as a somewhat leader that would lead the apostles in spreading the word.

Acts 2:42 could be considered a purpose statement for the church: “They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the

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