...13 | Porters generic strategy | 14 | Progress /Acquiring Subscribers | 15 | Rural India | 15 | Government Initiatives / MVAS | 16 | VAS | 18 | Mobile VAS in Rural Market | 19 | Access Device /3G Handset | 20 | Key trends in Telecom Industry | 21 | Inhibitors | 22 | MNP Implementation Globally | 24 | Wimax Vs. 3G | 26 | Mobile virtual network operator | 27 | Regulation for MVN O / IPTV | 28 | Companies overview | 29 | 4P’s Analysis | 43 | Advertisement | 44 | Industry updates | 46 | Major challenges for Mergers | 49 | FDI Investment in Telecom sector | 50 | Outsourcing by Telecom company | 51 | Future Trends | 53 | 4G Technology | 56 | Conclusion/ References | 56 | This project work would never have been an achievable task, had we not been under the great shelter of guidance of respected Professor Mukta Rae. Her simplified teaching technique based on examples has helped us gain more understanding of the subject. The very essence of the project work is the linguistic precision which has an impact of conveying more details in least possible words. An ample use of various reference readings has been very frequently made while compiling data for this project. Such rich reading has been made available at hand by the treasure-like well-maintained library of the IIPM, Ahmedabad. I am very much under obligation to mention here, the contributions of my batch mates who have, knowingly or unknowingly, provided me the competitive edge...
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...Digital Marketing and Content Development & Management Project Report submitted to Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Bengaluru in partial fulfilment of the course “Summer Internship Programme” for the award of the degree of Master of Business Administration Submitted By Students Name: Tushar Rohatgi PRN: 13020841049 Under the guidance of (Name & Designation of Faculty guide) Mrs.Semila Fernandes Assistant Professor SYMBIOSIS INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT, BENGALURU 95/1 & 95/2, Electronic City Phase-1, Hosur Road, Bengaluru – 560100 Certificate This is to certify that Mr. Tushar Rohatgi of MBA (2013-15 Batch) of Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Bengaluru has done the project entitled Digital Marketing & Content Development & Management under my guidance. Signature of the faculty guide Name: Mrs.Semila Fernandes Designation: Assistant Professor Date: 16 -5 – 2014 DECLARATION I hereby declare that the project work submitted by me entitled “Digital Marketing & Content Development & Management” done during my Summer Internship Program (SIP) is submitted as a partial fulfilment of the requirement of MBA program at Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Bengaluru. Project Details: Project Title:_ Digital Marketing & Content Development & Management Company: Percept Knorigin Online Ventures Private Limited Company guide name : Mr. Enosh David Faculty guide : Mrs.Semila...
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...BUSINESS MANAGEMENT AHMEDABAD (2011-2013) DECLARATION We Moulin Gajjar, Mohammad Ali & Bhargav Radia students of the two year PGDM programme at N R Institute of Business Management hereby declare that the report on summer training and project work entitle is the result of our own work. We also acknowledge the other works/publication cited in the report. (Signature) (Signature) (Signature) Moulin Gajjar Mohammad Ali Bhargav Radia Place: Ahmedabad Date:3/08/2012 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I express my sincere thanks to Ms. Upasana Miterani and Mrs. Nikita Panchal Marketing Executives, ACTIVE MEDIA, AHMEDABAD. Who guided me throughout my project with constant co-operation, encouragement and motivation. I thank to record my gratitude to our college Director for his encouragement and valuable support towards us. My project guide Mr. Rajesh Asrani has provided his valuable inputs as and when required. I thank him for his help and constant support. I wish to place on record my gratitude to all the persons I have met during the data collection phase of my Project. Their inputs are indispensable. Last but not the least I would thanks my friend for sharing the resources required for successful completion of this project....
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...Draft Report On Financial Evaluation of Flipkart response to Amazon’s challenge Submitted To: Dr. Anupam Rastogi Submitted By: Group 4 MBA Capital Markets Nikhil A001 Nikita Agarwal A002 Niket Jithra A029 Nitish Khator A034 Pankaj Shah A046 Nilabh Shekhar A047 1|Page Introduction The e-Commerce industry was in its infancy for the larger part of the previous decade. However, in last three years, the industry has witnessed an incredible growth of 150%, increasing from USD 3.8 billion (INR 19,249 crores) in 2009 to USD 10 billion (INR 47,349 crores) in 2013. A number of business models for e-Commerce have evolved and are in varying stages of maturity. The resultant industry has come to be dominated by Flipkart, Amazon and Snapdeal in the non-travel related ecommerce market. e-Commerce is a capital intensive business and with problems abounding in technology infrastructure, low profit margins and poor physical infrastructure (logistics and distribution). In spite of this Flipkart has managed to raise $1.2 B this year which was followed by Amazon declaring an investment of $2B. In order to meet this challenge head – on Flipkart has planned to spend significant amount of capital in back-end infrastructure, logistics and warehouse, technological upgrade, scouting for new acquisitions, customer acquisition and talent. Paucity of significant larger players has resulted in money chasing few firms which have resulted in distorted valuations of companies. The companies have been...
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...A PROJECT REPORT ONSUBMITTED BY: Name: Taniya Jain Enroll No.: 12BSPHH011119 Course: Marketing Manegement Seat No.: 76 Sec: F Acknowledgements “Thanks giving seem to be the most Pleasant of all jobs, but it is difficult when one tries to put into words.” I owe a great many thanks to a great many people who helped and supported me during my research for the project. My deep sense of gratitude, to Prof. K.C. Prakash for his continued support and guidance. He has always lent a helping hand and been there when needed. I also appreciate and would like to thank the helpful people at IBS Hyderabad who helped me knowingly and unknowingly in one way or the other. At the end I would also like to thank ICFAI BUSINESS SCHOOL and my friends without whom this Project would have been a distant reality. INDEX S.NO. | TOPIC | PAGE NO. | 1 | Introduction | 4 | 2 | Major Competitors | 5 | 3 | Market Share | 6 | | Comparative Study ON SCALE OF 7 P’sPVRBig CinemasINOX | 71113 | | Competitive AdvantagePVRBig CinemasINOX | 141515 | 6 | Recommendations | 15 | 1. INTORODUCTION Priya Exhibitors Pvt. Ltd is a part of the diversified Bijli Group, which has interests in transport, finance and construction sectors all over India. After a downturn in the industry in late 80s when the onslaught of video wars as at its peak cinema rejuvenated with the latest international trends in cinema exhibition reached India’s shores swiftly with the arrival...
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...INTRODUCTION Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) (BSE: 500696) is India's largest consumer goods company based in Mumbai, Maharashtra. It is owned by the British-Dutch company Unilever which controls 52% majority stake in HUL. Its products include foods, beverages, cleaning agents and personal care products. HUL was formed in 1933 as Lever Brothers India Limited and came into being in 1956 as Hindustan Lever Limited through a merger of Lever Brothers, Hindustan Vanaspati Mfg. Co. Ltd. and United Traders Ltd. It is headquartered in Mumbai, India and has an employee strength of over 16,500 employees [2] and contributes to indirect employment of over 65,000 people.[3] The company was renamed in June 2007 as “Hindustan Unilever Limited”. Lever Brothers started its actual operations in India in the summer of 1888, when crates full of Sunlight soap bars, embossed with the words "Made in England by Lever Brothers" were shipped to the Kolkata harbour and it began an era of marketing branded Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG).[4] Hindustan Unilever's distribution covers over 2 million retail outlets across India directly and its products are available in over 6.4 million outlets in the country. As per Nielsen market research data, two out of three Indians use HUL products.[5] ------------------------------------------------- Brands HUL is the market leader in Indian consumer products with presence in over 20 consumer categories such as soaps, tea, detergents and shampoos amongst...
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...A SUMMER TRAINING PROJECT REPORT ON BAJAJ AUTO PVT LTD. PREPARED BY Pankaj Sankharva (M.B.A. 1st Year) Chirag Manek (M.B.A. 1st Year) R.K. COLLEGE OF BUISNESS MANAGEMENT RAJKOT. (GUJARAT) MAY – JUNE 2006. I Pankaj Sankharva undersigned the student of M.B.A 1st Year. Of R.K. college of Business Management here by declares that the project work presented in this reports is my own work & has been carried out under supervision of Mr. Kumara Anjaria, Sales Manager of “Automotive Manufacturers Pvt Ltd” at Rajkot. It is a authorize showroom and service station of Bajaj Auto. Date:- Place :- Mr. Pankaj Sankharva I n today’s competitive world the practical study forms an important part in each and every professional course. The MBA is a course in which the theoretical knowledge is backed by the practical study. That study is in the form of project. The Summer Training Project is one of the important parts of the curriculum. And each and every student has to work for the project. The summer project enables the students to know more about the application of theoretical knowledge. The current situation of the market is made known to the students when they undertake the project. The project gives better insides into the application part of the theory. The companies in an industry and their operations can be better known by the students when they analyze the data, and prepare the grand project. This project is on the analysis of Two...
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...Apollo hospitals Strategic analysis of corporate social responsibility practices Bhupesh Manoharan (0086/49) DESIGNING CORPORATE CITIZENSHIP INITIATIVES ASSIGNMENT 2 Industry overview – Health care Industry in India In India, the health care industry is split into public sector, private sector and a wide network of informal healthcare providers operating together in a large and unregulated network. This irregularity has caused wide disparities in access, especially in the regional and rural distribution of healthcare infrastructure. The Indian healthcare industry was valued at US$ 79 billion in 2012, and is expected to reach US $160 billion by 2017. The Indian healthcare sector is expected to grow at about 15 percent year-on-year, on account of factors such as rapid growth in infrastructure development, creation of demand for higher levels of healthcare and rising awareness of end users. The growth of the Indian healthcare sector is further driven by the 300 million strong middle class with significant disposable income, which is likely to demand superior healthcare services. According to the World Health Organization rankings, India’s healthcare system ranks 112th in the world .The quality of Indian healthcare are varied. In major urban areas, healthcare is of adequate quality, approaching and occasionally meeting Western standards. However, access to quality medical care is limited or unavailable in most rural areas. Rural India contains over 68% of India's total population...
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...A FINAL PROJECT REPORT ON “CONSUMER PERCEPTION TOWARDS ONLINE GROCERY STORES” SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR MASTER OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES TO UNIVERSITY OF MUMBAI BY RAINU TANVEER SINGH SPECIALIZATION: MARKETING ROLL NO. 40 Batch: 2010-2012 UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF PROF. ANNIE PILLAI Guru Nanak Institute of Management Studies and Research MATUNGA, MUMBAI – 400 019 Table of Content Chapter No. 1 2 3.1 3.1.2 3.2 3.3 3.3 3.4 4.1 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 Topic Executive Summary Literature Review Industry Introduction Models of E-commerce Online Shopping In India Online Grocery Shopping Indian Players in Online Grocery Shopping Company Introduction Hypothesis Research Objectives Scope of the research Limitations Research Design and Methodology Sample Design Sampling Technique Data Collection Tool Used Questionnaire Data Analysis Page No. 03 05 10 12 14 18 20 26 27 30 30 30 31 31 31 32 33 36 55 57 58 60 7.1 7.2 8.1 9.1 Observations Recommendations Conclusion Biography Page 2 CHAPTER 1 Page 3 1.1 Executive Summary Internet and Information technology have made tremendous contributions for business transformation witnessed nowadays all over the world. This has given birth to E commerce which encompasses several pre purchase and post purchase activities leading to exchange of products or service or information over electronic systems such as the internet and the other Telecommunication networks. Analysing the competitive...
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...features about the product. Promotion plays an extremely important role in communications as if the public doesn't know your item is for sale it will not sell. In the context of the marketing mix, promotion represents the various aspects of marketing communication, that is, the communication of information about the product with the goal of generating a positive customer response. Marketing communication decisions include: • Brand Co-creation. • Promotional strategy (push, pull, etc.) • Advertising • Personal selling & sales force • Sales promotions • Public relations & publicity • Marketing communications budget The main objective of the project was to promote the offer to the customers and to study the effective product promotional tariff as well as the sales. Promotion is aimed at building brand awareness. The introductory promotion also is intended to convince potential resellers to carry the product, Increased advertising to build brand preference. Emphasis on differentiation and building of brand loyalty. It serves as incentives to get competitors' customers to switch. Expenditures are lower and aimed at reinforcing the brand image for continued...
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...Project Report on Advertising Agency Table of Content ADVERTISING........................................................................................................................................3 INDUSTRY SNAPSHOT..................................................................................................................................4 NATURE OF THE INDUSTRY..........................................................................................................................5 MEDIA.....................................................................................................................................................7 IN-FILM ADVERTISING.................................................................................................................................9 WORK ENVIRONMENT .............................................................................................................................10 PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS.....................................................................................................................11 EMPLOYMENT AVENUES.............................................................................................................................12 PUBLIC SERVICE ADVERTISING....................................................................................................................12 REGULATION.........................................................................................................
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...Table of Contents Project Title with group names 1 Executive Summary 4-5 Abstract 6 Introduction about mobiles in India- Statistics 7 World Mobile Statistics 8 GSM – Cellular Telephony 9 Brief History of World Cellular Telephony 10 Cellular History in India 11 New Telecom Policy in India-1999 12-15 GSM System – Technology Used 16 ARPU & Revenue Generation Trends in India 17 About Aircel Cellular Prepaid 18 Aircel Presence 19 Aircel – Brand Values 20 Aircel – Foreign Investor- Maxis Communications 20 Aircel Mile Stones and Awards 20 Aircel Stores Finder 21 Aircel - CSR 22 Aircel Business Solutions & Sponsorships 23-25 Hotline contact number - CCC 26 Aircel Prepaid SUK`S 26 Aircel Entry cost to Customer 27 Recharge Coupons – Entry level 28 Special Tariff plans or Rate cutters 29 World calling Cards 30 How to use Aircel calling Card 29 Rate – Cutters – special calling Crd 30-34 P\repaid Roaming & List of Domestic & International roaming locations 35-37 International Roaming locations & Tariff plans 38 3G- Prepaid national Roaming 39-42 FDI – In telecom sector 43-44 List of companies FDI Aprroved % 45 Andhra Pradesh Cellular 46 JTM Takeover BY Airtel 47 Entry of Hutchison Essar into South Markets 48 What is Aircel Prepaid 49 Aircel Basic connection requirements 50 Opening and charging of your account 51-52 Research Design 53 Research methodology 54-58 |(Subscriber Profile / Subscriber Life style / Subscriber communication needs and...
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...9690010114 Yogendera sharma CONTRIBUTED PAPERS A41, Thursday, December 28, 4:00-5:30 P.M. Session: Case Studies - I Session Chair: Prashant Kulkarni Institute of Finance and International Ma 418 Global Marketing and Challenges for Future: Franchising in Banks K. Ravichandran, Gandhigram Rural University, drkravichandran@yahoo.co.in R. Muruganandham, Sudharsana Raamanujan, R, P. Nandakumar, M. Sasi Siddharth Thiagarajar College of Engineering, vr_muruganandham@hotmail.com, siddharth_mss@sify.com raamanujan@gmail.com, nandacivil@gmail.com The global economic scenario is undergoing a major innovative metamorphosis at a rate never experienced before. All organizations have their brands to face the global marketing challenges to secure a role of leader in this state of economic revolution. Our paper identifies the current marketing challenges and global economic threats for service industries. Besides our paper also explores the management strategies to overcome these challenges in the liberalized economy. The banking service is considered, where the franchising marketing strategies, introduction of new products and delightful customer service by new private sector banks and foreign banks pose a serious threat to the existence and survival of public sector banks profitwise. Hence our paper deeply discusses the benefits of e-banking with a view to minimize transaction cost cum operating expenses thereby increasing the overall net profit...
Words: 23823 - Pages: 96
...Reddy [pic] Project Report Submitted To Dhruva College of Management In Partial Fulfillment Of PGDM Program (2013-2015 DECLARATION I do hereby give the undertaking that the present study is a bona fide work and I have not submitted it for the award of any degree or diploma in any college or University. (Full signature) B.MEGHA REDDY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT A Good start leads to a Fine end. The ideal way to begin documenting this project work would be to extend my earnest gratitude to everyone who has encouraged, motivated and guided me to make a fine effort for successful completion of this project. I would like to thank Aparna Reddy.B Manager-HR, Ganeshan Madhavi Assistant Manager-HR, Sowmya.G Executive-HR of TM Inputs & Services Pvt. Ltd. for giving me an opportunity by taking me as an internee in their organization. This proved to be a very good learning experience for me, where I could get an exposure to all the aspects of real time Core HR activities. I am very thankful to Dr.U.B.Raju, Dean of Dhruva College of Management for guiding me throughout the project. My sincere Gratitude to the College Management for extending their co-operation for successful completion of my project. I acknowledge with pleasure and owe my special...
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...Sr.No | Contents | Pg No | 1 | What is an NGO | | 2 | Pratham – An NGO | | 3 | Marketing Mix – Product | | 4 | Marketing Mix – Place | | 5 | Marketing Mix – Price | | 6 | Marketing Mix – Promotion | | 7 | Segmentation & Targeting | | 8 | MIS | | 9 | SWOT Analysis | | 10 | New Product Devlopment | | 11 | Competitors | | 12 | Performance | | 13 | Bibliography Acknowledgement | | What is an NGO A non-governmental organization (NGO) is a legally constituted organization created by natural or legal persons that operates independently from any form of government. Non-governmental Organization (NGO) is an agency devoted to managing resources and implementing projects with the goal of addressing social problems. NGO are of great importance and value for the modern society and hence comes the need of having a marketing strategy for the NGO. This would help the NGO reach the masses and make the common man aware of the work it does. NGOs are organizations that work in many different fields, but the term is generally associated with those seeking social transformation and improvements in quality of life. Development NGOs is the most highly visible sector, and includes both international and local organizations, as well as those working in humanitarian emergency sector. Many are associated with international aid and voluntary donation, but there are also NGOs that choose not to take funds from donors and...
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