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A Raisin In The Sun Walter Character Traits

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Walter is a smart, outgoing, 12 year old boy. He is a very handsome young man. He enjoys playing with XXXX. He enjoys being active by playing outdoors. Walter does very well in the prospective adoptive home of Melissa and Charles Payne. Walter can be stubborn, but he is easily redirected when given one on one time to talk about any issues he is having. Walter attends XX grade at Grigsby Middle School in Granite City, IL. Walter does well in school, earning X's and X's. Walter does not have an IEP. Walter does not receive child care due to Melissa being a homemaker. She is home when Walter gets home from school. He is a XXXXX and XXXXX. Walter's disciplinary actions for misbehavior are groundings and loss of privileges. Walter is an overall

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Eleven Files

...SPEAK ENGLISH LIKE AN AMERICAN YOU ALREADY SPEAK ENGLISH... NOW SPEAK IT EVEN BETTER! DELUXE BOOK & CD SET A M Y GILLETT Copyright © 2004 by Language Success Press All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems without permission in writing from the publisher. First Edition ISBN 0-9725300-3-7 Library of Congress Control Number: 2004102958 Visit our website: Bulk discounts are available. For information, please contact: Language Success Press 2232 S. Main Street #345 Ann Arbor, MI 48103 USA E-mail: Fax: (303) 484-2004 (USA) Printed in the United States of America The author is very grateful to the following people for their collaboration and advice while preparing this book and CD set: Vijay Banta, Jacqueline Gillett, Thomas Gillett, Marcy Carreras, John McDermott, Natasha McDermott, Cat McGrath, Patrick O'Connell. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Amy Gillett has taught English as a Second Language (ESL) in Stamford, Connecticut and in Prague, Czech Republic. Her essays and humor writing have appeared in many publications, including MAD Magazine, the San Francisco Chronicle, and Family Circle. Amy majored in Slavic Languages and Literature at Stanford University and holds a Master's degree from Stanford in Russian and Eastern European Studies. Amy has studied and worked abroad in many countries...

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