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'A Rhetorical Analysis Of Choose One'

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The topic of the gun permission has been widely discussed in the American society for a long time. The discussions between the supporters and the opponents of the idea contributed to the beginning of numerous advertising campaigns seeking to draw attention to the issue and to put emphasis on the need to solve the acute problems. One of such campaigns designed to draw attention to the problem of gun safety was organized by Moms Demand Action. The campaign titled “Choose One” was developed as a series of ads depicting the weapons alongside other objects that were banned in America with the intent of protecting children well-being. The image for analysis in this paper features two children holding different objects in their hands. One of the girls is holding the book “Little Red Riding Hood” while the other one is holding the dangerous weapon. The text provided on the picture states that the book is banned because of the presence of the …show more content…
While they use this approach to the depiction of the problem, they develop a meaning using the signs and the images as well as the text to support the ideas. All of the mentioned characteristics of the advertisement can be analyzed in terms of the semiotics and its function of creating meaning. With respect to the visual rhetorics, “Saussure divides a sign into two components--the signifier (the sound, image, or word) and the signified, which is the concept the signifier represents, or the meaning (Visual Semiotics, 1995, para. 5). In the context of denotation, the advertisement consists of the images of girls and the objects that are placed in the center. Taken alone, the object might have various meaning as well as their combination also can be interpreted with respect to different standpoints. In the situation of the existence of several possible meanings, the connotative meaning of the picture is single and rather

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