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Dual Nature Research Paper

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Mankind has a dual nature, two sides that are nurtured through observations, experiences, religion, and social influences. Throughout childhood development, the young mind-set adapts to their environment and begins to form habits which causes oneself to behave differently in some situations then in others. Causes that explain why children grow up and begin acting different and unusual are societal pressures that influences people to change in numerous ways. Influences impact mankind by generating fear of being alienated and shunned which causes people to become negligent for what’s truly good for themselves. Society influences the elements that define mankind’s dual nature and manipulates mankind through moral decision-making, personal interests, …show more content…
Following the laws or rules or choosing to disobey them are results of how the soul or conscious guides the choices people make. Though not every decision is made in response to good or evil. Duality within mankind can be responsive to fear causing a person to change themselves completely or do something extra ordinary that oneself usually wouldn’t do. “There is a fair behavior in thee, Captain; and though that nature with a beauteous wall doth oft close in pollution, yet of thee I will believe thou hast a mind that suits with thy fair and outward character. I prithee and I’ll pay thee bounteously conceal me what I am, and by my aid for such disguise as haply shall become the form of my intent” (Shakespeare 7). As quoted from the book Twelfth Night, the character Viola requests that her female identity be hidden and disguised as a boy to prevent herself from attracting predators such as pirates, who seek to capture and harm women. Fear influenced Viola to disguise herself as a boy in effort to safely fit in with the rest of society to avoid the risk of being targeted. Similar to reality in modern society, people of all age groups fall under the pressure of how other people perceive them. Positive reputation in society effects mankind’s duality by causing an individual to appear and act out of …show more content…
The passion Orsino feels for Olivia causes him to become desperate, however the Duke requests that the musicians continue playing music that he imagines to be the food of love, so he will no longer crave love. The duality within this scene of twelfth night is Duke Orsino’s intense desire to find love and woe Olivia, willing to do anything in effort to achieve his desire and his mix emotion with not wanting love unless it’s through music. Mankind’s duality has become a drawn out controversial debate between whether good and evil is innate or absorbed by societal influences throughout life. Information that is found inside The Strange Cases of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, explains and demonstrates man’s good and evil nature resulting more innate rather than absorbed. “It was thus rather the exacting nature of my aspirations, then any particular degradation in my faults, that made me what I was, and with even a deeper trench than the majority of men, served in me those provinces of good and ill which divide and compound man’s dual nature” (Stevenson

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