...What is it that I can do to help you achieve your objectives?” Theoretically, you could read that last paragraph, study it, let it penetrate into the deepest crevices of your mind, then move on to Chapter 3 because you’ve just captured the essence of good, solid business networking! That’s right — the secret to great networking lies in what you can do to help others! But now that you know this, don't skip ahead; in fact, don't skip anything. Why? You’d be surprised how many people still cling to the belief that networking is all about “connecting with others so they can help me find a job.” Unfortunately that’s not networking, that’s spamming a fellow human being. People who do this should put themselves in the role of the spamee and consider how it might feel if the roles were reversed. Let’s just think of it as the Golden Rule of Networking and to be an effective networker, it’s a rule you must follow. What it comes down to is this: You must discover what you can do, offer, or share that ingratiates you with others and makes them genuinely look forward to your next meeting. Doing this consistently brands you as someone of interest, someone who is truly worth 1 knowing. As you consistently treat people in this manner, it's no accident that they look for opportunities to reciprocate. And it all starts with the “small talk," the key to...
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...The Effectiveness of Business Ethics in Education and Today’s Workplace October 13th, 2012 Introduction What do Bernard Madoff, Kenneth Lay and Rob Blagojevich all have in common? They all operated with no apparent ethical behavior even though each had received educational backgrounds in which ethical business practices were taught. As L. Zingales states, “While every firm can have its bad apples, when these apples are at the top, it suggests that a company has either a corrupt culture or a defective selection process, or both.” (Zingales, Jul 16, 2012). In Madoffs case, the Ponzi scheme had been going on since the early 1990’s (Morrissey, Aug 11, 2009). Under the direction of Kenneth Lay, Enron- once one of the largest companies in America- collapsed in bankruptcy and ruined the lives of thousands of people (McLean & Elkind, May 18, 2006). The Chicago Tribune reported that the Illinois House of Representatives was sending to the Illinois Senate a “13 point article of impeachment-a political form of indictment-alleging Blagojevich has abused the power if his office” (Pearson & Long, Jan 9, 2009). The purpose of this paper is to gauge the Effectiveness of Business Ethics in Education and Today’s Workplace. As business students they graduate from the university setting and enter the business environment they study the ethics in their workplace culture and often find that educational ethics training does not have any value in the work world. “Studies...
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...accessed then the consumers cannot purchase the end product. Tier 1 suppliers are on the highest on the pyramid which their job is to supply major items like the engines for the new vehicle. The second tier (Tier 2) suppliers provide the several parts the Tier 1 suppliers need they include the parts needed to assemble the piston rod which is part of the engine. The diagram below is going to show the 3-5 levels that are included in the automotive supply chain that are all from different parts of the world MATERIAL MATERIAL RAW MATERIAL MANUFACUTURER RAW MATERIAL MANUFACUTURER MATERIALATERIAL MATERIALATERIAL TIER 3/4/5 TIER 3/4/5 PART PART TIER 2 TIER 2 PART PART TIER 1 TIER 1 PART PART CAR MANUFACTURER CAR MANUFACTURER VEHICLE/SPARE PART VEHICLE/SPARE PART NATIONAL DISTRUBUTOR NATIONAL DISTRUBUTOR VEHICLE/SPARE PART VEHICLE/SPARE PART DEALER DEALER VEHICLE/SPARE PART VEHICLE/SPARE PART CONSUMER CONSUMER For a completely electric vehicle, Jaguar Land Rover will need to make changes to their current supply chain The SCOR model likewise known the Supply Chain Operations Reference Model is an expansive, however enormously composed and proficient, system to inventory network change that has been produced by the Supply Chain Council (SCC) The "bullwhip" impact is portrayed as how a minor aggravation at the downstream end of a production network...
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...ASA University Review, Vol. 4 No. 1, January–June, 2010 Housing Real Estate Sector in Bangladesh Present Status and Policies Implications Suborna Barua* Ali Haider Al Mamun Mridha** Rezwanul Huque Khan** Abstract The real estate sector is the growth centre for the development of an economy. Bangladesh, being one of the densely populated nations in the world, has been experiencing severe of houses shortage for its citizens. Although majority of the population is segmented into the middle and the low income groups, still housing for all 1has been a fallacy in Bangladesh. The private sector housing real estate developers have met a small proportion of the national housing demand in the last more than twenty years. The gap between demand and supply is still joy wide. Despite inadequate policy preparations, these real estate developers have been successfully making business although the middle and the low income households are still untapped. With the larger proportion of people living in this income group, the private housing real estate sector has a huge scope to grow in this country. The positive notion is supported by many key indicators such as increasing house rent, inadequate and costly land, easier financing availability and more. To pave the way for the organic development of the industry, the problem of long existent inadequate financing availability at lower burden of terms and costs must have to be removed immediately, and wider scope has to be created for Non-Resident...
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...Conclusion This concluding chapter evaluates the implications of this research project through five sections. First, a postscript briefly recalls the process of US-North Korean interaction from the transition to the Administration of George W. Bush in 2001 to Pyongyang’s June 2008 demolition of the cooling tower at the Yongbyon nuclear facility. Secondly, and based on the findings of my empirical case study in Chapters Four and Five, I comparatively examine the strength of offensive realism, defensive realism and constructivism in explaining the extent to which US-North Korean security competition was mitigated from 1993 to 2000. The third section considers the implications of this research project’s findings for the ability of policymakers to exercise security dilemma sensibility. The fourth section concludes this PhD thesis by laying out a proposed research agenda that builds on the findings of this research project. 1. Postscript: Transition to George W. Bush George W. Bush succeeded to the US presidency in early 2001 on a political platform that pointed to elements of ideological fundamentalism and assumptions of inherent bad faith in Pyongyang. Robert Woodward argued that the Bush Administration’s outlook was based on moral absolutism that cast the US as a crusader against the ‘evil’ North Korean leadership. Similarly, Charles L. Pritchard, who served as National Security Council Director for Asian Affairs under the Clinton Administration, and the US Representative...
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...meeting in Las Vegas. At the same meeting Lehman Trikes, a small but rapidly growing leading manufacturer of three-wheeled motorcycles, announced that it would be the exclusive supplier to Harley-Davidson of the Tri Glide. Ron Hutchinson, senior vice president of product development for Harley-Davidson said, “This is a big deal. The three-wheeled market is a market that we believe has been effectively underserved because it has been done in the aftermarket.” (Pitlick, Harley trikes to be built here, 2008) While the entrance of Harley-Davidson into the trike market would obviously legitimize and add enormous growth opportunities for the three-wheel segment of the motorcycle market, would it profoundly change Lehman’s environment and business model? Dan Patterson, then CEO of Lehman Trikes, would later cryptically write of the event in the 2008 Third Quarter Report, “We are truly pleased to have Harley-Davidson as both a competitor and a business associate” (Lehman Trikes, 2008). LEHMAN TRIKES HISTORY AND BUSINESS OVERVIEW Lehman Trikes began in 1984, literally in John Lehman’s garage in Alberta, Canada, with a project to build a three-wheel motorcycle for his wife. With the help of friends, John fashioned a Chevrolet differential and a metal body onto a 1981...
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...BMW 3- & 5-Series Service and Repair Manual A K Legg Models covered 3-Series (E30) 316 (83 to 88), 316i (88 to 91), 318i (83 to 91), 320i (87 to 91), 325i (87 to 91). Also Touring and Convertible versions of these models 5-Series (E28) 518 (81 to 85), 518i (85 to 88), 525i (81 to 88), 528i (81 to 88), 535i (85 to 88), M535i (85 to 88) 5-Series (E34) 518i (90 to 91), 520i (88 to 91), 525i (88 to 91), 530i (88 to 91), 535i (88 to 91) Engines covered 1596 cc, 1766 cc, 1795 cc, 1990 cc, 2494 cc, 2788 cc, 2986 cc & 3430 cc Does not cover Diesel, dohc or V8 engines, or four-wheel-drive models LAE MIMI and Larry Warren (1948-256-11AA3) © Haynes Publishing 1997 A book in the Haynes Service and Repair Manual Series ABCDE FGHIJ KLMNO PQRST 123 Printed by J H Haynes & Co. Ltd, Sparkford, Nr Yeovil,Somerset BA22 7JJ, England Haynes Publishing Sparkford, Nr Yeovil, Somerset BA22 7JJ, England Haynes North America, Inc 861 Lawrence Drive, Newbury Park, California 91320, USA Editions Haynes S.A. 147/149, rue Saint Honoré, 75001 PARIS, France Haynes Publishing Nordiska AB Box 1504, 751 45 Uppsala, Sweden All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright holder. ISBN 1 85960 236 3 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is...
Words: 146734 - Pages: 587
...Introductory Physics I Elementary Mechanics by Robert G. Brown Duke University Physics Department Durham, NC 27708-0305 rgb@phy.duke.edu Copyright Notice Copyright Robert G. Brown 1993, 2007, 2013 Notice This physics textbook is designed to support my personal teaching activities at Duke University, in particular teaching its Physics 141/142, 151/152, or 161/162 series (Introductory Physics for life science majors, engineers, or potential physics majors, respectively). It is freely available in its entirety in a downloadable PDF form or to be read online at: http://www.phy.duke.edu/∼rgb/Class/intro physics 1.php It is also available in an inexpensive (really!) print version via Lulu press here: http://www.lulu.com/shop/product-21186588.html where readers/users can voluntarily help support or reward the author by purchasing either this paper copy or one of the even more inexpensive electronic copies. By making the book available in these various media at a cost ranging from free to cheap, I enable the text can be used by students all over the world where each student can pay (or not) according to their means. Nevertheless, I am hoping that students who truly find this work useful will purchase a copy through Lulu or a bookseller (when the latter option becomes available), if only to help subsidize me while I continue to write inexpensive textbooks in physics or other subjects. This textbook is organized for ease of presentation and ease of learning. In particular, they are...
Words: 224073 - Pages: 897
...phenomenal economic growth, but that growth has not been inclusive. In recent decades, developing countries have experienced a rapid rate of economic growth. Although this has led to higher incomes and better health for many Developing countries, we still have far to go to make this growth truly inclusive. Developing countries are expected to fall short on several Millennium Development Goals: by 2015, it is expected that 40 percent of Developing countrie’s children will remain undernourished, and Developing countries will have progressed only halfway toward its goals for decreasing infant mortality. Inequality, poor public health, and environmental degradation will increasingly constrain their economic growth. Corporations play a critical role in achieving inclusive growth. Government is often seen as the answer to society’s problems, but spending by the Government of Developing countries alone will likely be insufficient to address these critical issues. governments can encourage contributions from the private sector by passing legislation and using its purchasing power to create a supportive, enabling environment. Philanthropy can also help catalyze change, but charity has a limited ability to sustainably achieve scale. The private sector, however, possesses skills and technologies necessary for innovation, and excels at developing sustainable solutions to identified needs and taking such solutions to scale. Creating shared value is more effective than traditional approaches...
Words: 7401 - Pages: 30
...Role of local Government ministry In Bangladesh economy Submitted to Shahnawaz Mohammad Rafi Faculty of Economics American International University-Bangladesh Submitted by Islam Md. Ashraful 09-14107-2 Mow Farzana Sultana 09-18984-2 Dewanjee Tushar Kanti 09-13918-2 Md. Faisal Al Imran 09-13998-2 Imtiaz Ashfaq 09-13932-2 Islam Md. Rashedul 09-14203-2 Role of local Government ministry In Bangladesh economy Bangladesh is a poor country. Most of the people live below the poverty line. Our GDP depends on Agriculture and industry. As a newly independent (1971) country Bangladesh is struggling with huge population, low per capita income, mass poverty, unemployment and underemployment, illiteracy, child labor, malnutrition, corruption, and related social problems. The economy of the country is poor and based on the rural agricultural sector, but natural disasters - mainly floods, affects the economy annually which delays economic progress. Rural-urban disparity in terms of per capita income, consumption, education, health facilities, and physical infrastructure is an important developmental issue in Bangladesh. The Government of Bangladesh and a significant number of non-government organizations (NGOs) are working to improve the socioeconomic conditions of rural poor people of the country. To improve the economic development of the country the local Government ministry should work for it. Bangladesh economy depends on some several sectors...
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...PETER SINGER ETHICS AND INTUITIONS (Received 25 January 2005; accepted 26 January 2005) ABSTRACT. For millennia, philosophers have speculated about the origins of ethics. Recent research in evolutionary psychology and the neurosciences has shed light on that question. But this research also has normative significance. A standard way of arguing against a normative ethical theory is to show that in some circumstances the theory leads to judgments that are contrary to our common moral intuitions. If, however, these moral intuitions are the biological residue of our evolutionary history, it is not clear why we should regard them as having any normative force. Research in the neurosciences should therefore lead us to reconsider the role of intuitions in normative ethics. KEY WORDS: brain imaging, David Hume, ethics, evolutionary psychology, Henry Sidgwick, Immanuel Kant, intuitions, James Rachels, John Rawls, Jonathan Haidt, Joshua D. Greene, neuroscience, trolley problem, utilitarianism 1. INTRODUCTION In one of his many fine essays, Jim Rachels criticized philosophers who ‘‘shoot from the hip.’’ As he put it: The telephone rings, and a reporter rattles off a few ‘‘facts’’ about something somebody is supposed to have done. Ethical issues are involved – something alarming is said to have taken place – and so the ‘‘ethicist’’ is asked for a comment to be included in the next day’s story, which may be the first report the public will have seen about the events...
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...150 programming interview questions and solutions Plus: • Five proven approaches to solving tough algorithm questions • Ten mistakes candidates make -- and how to avoid them • Steps to prepare for behavioral and technical questions • Interviewer war stories: a view from the interviewer’s side CODING GAYLE LAAKMANN Founder and CEO, CareerCup.com CRACKING THE CODING INTERVIEW CRACKING THE INTERVIEW 150 Programming Interview Questions and Solutions CODING GAYLE LAAKMANN Founder and CEO, CareerCup.com CareerCup, LLC Seattle, WA CRACKING THE CODING INTERVIEW, FOURTH EDITION Copyright © 2008 - 2010 by Gayle Laakmann. All rights reserved. Published by CareerCup, LLC, Seattle, WA. Version 3.21090410302210. Visit our website at: www.careercup.com. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner without written permission except in the case of brief quotations in critical articles or reviews. For more information, contact support@careercup.com. Printed in United States of America 978-1-450-59320-5 9781450593205 (ISBN 13) Table of Contents Foreword Introduction Behind the Scenes The Microsoft Interview The Amazon Interview The Google Interview The Apple Interview The Yahoo Interview Interview War Stories Before the Interview Resume Advice Behavioral Preparation Technical Preparation The Interview and Beyond Handling Behavioral Questions Handling Technical Questions Five Algorithm Approaches The Offer and Beyond Top Ten Mistakes Candidates...
Words: 47808 - Pages: 192
...summary…………………………………………………………...………….4 Introduction to time management....................................................................................5 Types of time management……………………………………………………………....6 Some interesting time management statistics…………………………………………..7 Time Management Mistakes:……………………………………………………………8 Principles for Effective Time Management…………………………..……………….12 Time management model………………………...………………………………...…...13 Effective Time Management Techniques:………………………………………...…...14 Story on time management………………………………………………...…………...16 Urgent and important time management matrix:………………………………….....17 Advantages of Time Management: 18 Conclusion: 19 Recomendations: 19 References…………………………………………...……………………………….….20 Abstract “Once you have mastered time, you will understand how true it is that most people overestimate what they can accomplish in a year – and underestimate what they can achieve in a decade” Anthony Robbins This report reviews the importance of time management that emerges inevitably when dealing with exploring concepts of time in organizations. We live in an industrial society, where we deal with organizations at all times and in a variety of kinds, we are recurrently tackled with the way in which the time is being managed in an organizational and industrial manner. There are innumerable things that can complicate the time that the people have. By using various...
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...would like thank Marvin Washington and one anonymous reviewer from the Journal of Management Inquiry for helpful feedback and encouragement in the writing of this article. 1 ABSTRACT This paper argues that the BP Oil Spill is, potentially, a “cultural anomaly” for institutional changes in environmental management and fossil fuel production. The problem as defined by the spill’s context, the potential solutions provided by the competing logics in that context, and the selection of problem-solution bundles through the fortuitous timing of events and more calculative efforts of institutional entrepreneurs within that context have come close to acting as a catalyst for deeper change; but not quite. For reasons we discuss, true change in our approach to handling issues related to oil drilling, oil consumption and environmental management have yet to occur. 2 THE BP OIL...
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...types” and should be distinguished from humor effects studies in threat persuasion ads. By looking into both the humor and threat persuasion literature, we set out to understand how humorous threat persuasion works in advertising and for whom it may be most effective. Threat persuasion, otherwise known as fear appeal in advertising, deals with critical issues that might have negative consequences for the consumer or the public (e.g., health and environmental issues) (Freimuth et al. 1990). In the ad, threatening information presents the problem, and attitudinal or behavioral suggestions are given as solutions. Threat information is valuable in that it can help protect us from harm but is negative in valence and out of the ordinary in our daily lives. Such substantive yet negative and out-of-the-ordinary information is known to be unpleasant and cognitively arduous to process (e.g., Rozin and Royzman 2001; Schimmack 2005). When humor accompanies threat information, it can function as a buffer. By providing a positive surface cue that attenuates the negative thoughts and emotions and facilitates processing, humor can make a threat persuasion ad more pleasant and approachable. It stands to reason that the motivation and ability to process threatening information will depend on the level of involvement the individual has with the threat issue. As humor...
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