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A Separate Peace Quote Analysis

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6. Truth: The truth is something that is real or a fact. It’s how things really are and what they’re like. Something that happened in the past and present are true. While an altar of the past or present are false, or also well known as a lie. Nothing in the future can be seen as true, as something could occur to throw this off.
"Up like a detonation went the idea of any best friend, up went affection and partnership and sticking by someone and relying on someone absolutely in the jungle of a boys' school, up went the hope that there was anyone in this school-in this world-whom I could trust" - Chapter 4 In this quote, Gene is shown losing trust in all people in the world. With all that is happening with his friendship with Phineas, he is very on edge and unsure of all people. After losing trust for the person that was his best friend and someone he looked to for support, he no longer believes that he can find the truth in people. He thinks that everyone is manipulative, unreliable people. School is a hectic place, and Gene feels like he’s lost his best friend in this jungle of boys. He can’t trust that his best friend is being truthful with him, causing him to feel the same way about all his fellow companions. Gene has become very skeptical and pessimistic from the recent event that’ve happened to him. In reality, Gene has the truth distorted …show more content…
Earlier this month, I made the decision to give the ACT a try for my first time. I thought the test went well and was looking forward to getting my scores back. In the end, the scores I received were exceptional for my first time taking the test. It felt great to have this exam under my belt and know where I faired right now in my academic journey. It was obvious that I had a lot of work to do, though, to get to where I want to be. By seeing where I am now and accepting this score, I’m going to be able to grow from my mistakes and

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