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A Single Act Does It All Analysis

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A Single Act Does It All In some stories, movies, and television shows, heroes are commonly portrayed as masculine people who wear a costume and mask in order to protect their identity. Ordinary people are able to obtain the title of a hero. When given a situation that needs to be deciphered, a regular person can show their heroic side. By completing a single act of heroism, an individual can be given the title of a worthy hero.
To commence, a single act of goodness is able to make any righteous person a hero. For example, “each of us may possess the capacity to do terrible things. But we also posses an inner hero… that inner hero is capable of performing tremendous goodness for others,” quotes the author, Zimbardo, in his article, “What Makes A Good Hero.” This is significant because although some people may be “evil” …show more content…
Dalrymple quotes in her article, “ For a life to be saved, there was no time to wait for rescuers. So these people stepped up, at the risk of their own lives, for people they did not know.” This quote is a demonstration explaining that people who risk their own lives to help others are labeled as a hero for their selflessness. Another example is shown by Zimbardo as he claims,” [t]hrough my work on heroism, I’ve become even more convinced that acts of heroism don’t just arrive from truly exceptional people but from people placed in the right circumstance, given the necessary tools to transform compassion into heroic action.” This is significant because it indicates that if someone is given a task, they are able to prove themselves worthy of the “hero” name. Being given the right materials and mindset allows them to express their inner hero. Whatever way that person chooses to act, if it is something so extraordinary, they will become a hero through their single act of

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