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Lying Affirmations

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When I was young, I lied all the time. I lied to my parents, my friends, my teachers, and even people I didn't know! Now, I don't lie. I tell the truth because it feels better, it helps me keep my relationships strong, and it helps me be clear about who I am and what I want. Lying has caused so much pain in my past that I wouldn't do it even if I could. I follow the rule that if I have nothing nice to say, I don't say it at all. How about you? Do you need to stop lying? Following are 7 affirmations to use that will help you remember that lying is no good and being honest is always the option.
7 Affirmations To Stop Lying

Stop Lying Affirmations To Help You Maintain Great Relationships And Be Happier
1. Lying Hurts My Relationships

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And after constant lies, people view you through very a very negative lens, and that affects your relationship in a really negative way.

For example, my friend's father is constantly lying to her. He's done it for years, so she figures it's a habit that he's in. But, because she's caught him in so many lies, she no longer trusts her own father. Plus she has lost a ton of respect for him. She doesn't look up to him or hold him in high regard, because she doesn't like who he is and doesn't want to be someone like him.

You don't want to lose respect and trust in your relationships. When people judge you poorly and think badly about you, they are not going to trust you, depend on you, or confide in you. Moreover, if they don't trust you, they are not going to communicate with you and share their lives with you in a way that helps you maintain a close …show more content…
It's such a good lesson for kids and adults!

When you lie, people have a hard time believing you. That's not good for you when you need other people to help you out.

For instance, every time my friend's dad says something, she doesn't believe it. Even when he complained about stomach pain, which turned out to be something serious, she had a hard time believing that something was really wrong and didn't go check on him to see how he was doing.

The problem is that you need other people in your life. They can help you out of sticky messes and offer support when you need it. If you are prone to lying, then you are going to have a hard time convincing other people that you really do need help. That could cause some serious problems in your life and leave you stranded without anyone on your side.
3. Lying Could Ruin My Relationships

Lying doesn't just hurt your relationships, it ruins them.

Think of an ex who lied to you and made you suffer because of those lies. I'm willing to bet you don't have a relationship with them anymore, and, if you do, it's nothing near as close as it once

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